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The main view in score. The Scenario process allows to put a score inside another score, and to nest at an arbitrarily depth: think of it as the traditional DAW groups, on steroids.


  • Putting stuff on the top start state for it to run with Reinitialize
  • Putting stuff on the top end state for it to run when stop is pressed.

Keyboard shortcuts

  • In a scenario with the navigation keys ( , , , ).
  • To the parent scenario with Ctrl+Alt+(Win / Linux) or+Alt+(Mac).

  • Unroll all intervals’ racks in a scenario Ctrl+Alt+U(Win / Linux) or+Alt+U(Mac)
  • Fold all intervals’ racks in a scenario Ctrl+Alt+F(Win / Linux) or+Alt+F(Mac)

Speed control

Speed sliders appear on intervals while playing. To reset it: Ctrl+Right Click(Win / Linux) or+Right Click(Mac)

List of drag’n’drops possible

On intervals

  • Drop from the device explorer to an interval: create an automatoin curve.
  • Drop from the library explorer to an interval: create a process.
  • Drop a media from the library or the system to an interval: create a process.
  • Drop from the object list into a slot or in the interval

Moving processes around

  • Drag the little ☰ icon somewhere else in the timeline.
    • In the same interval: reorders
    • In another interval: moves the process
    • In a blank space: creates a new interval from there and moves the process

On processes

  • Generally, dropping a media on a process changes the content of the process.
    • dropping a new sound file on a sound process
    • dropping a new address from the explorer on an automation
    • etc…
    • file bugs if you see a case not implemented !

On states

  • Message list: add messages to the state
  • .cues files (created by dropping a state into the library)
  • .layer files

From states

  • It is possible to select messages in a state and drop them either in the scenario, or on another state


Execution controls: intervals can be started, stopped, and muted.

Interpolate states

Graph links


Keyboard shortcuts

Pressing suppr / backspace when a condition is selected removes it.


  • It is possible to choose the desired behaviour for off-time triggers : either triggering them stops and restarts the subgraph immediately, or it stops the subgraph and will only restart it after a new triggering. This choice is done in the trigger inspector.

Keyboard shortcuts

Pressing suppr / backspace when a trigger is selected removes it.


  • Auto-sequence settings