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Automation (float)

Automation Float

The Automation (float) process allows to control single value parameter using a breakpoints function.

Basic editing

Create new points on curve

Multiple points can be added on an automation. To add a point, double-click in the automation slot to create a point under the mouse cursor.

Automation create point

You can also create a new point using Ctrl+click(Win / Linux) or+click(Mac) in the automation’s slot.

Remove points from curve

To delete a point from an automation, click on a point to select it, then from its contextual menu select Remove.

Automation remove point

Multiple points and attached segments can be selected and removed at once using the Remove contextual menu entry.

Edit points

To edit a point value of position in time, select it using the mouse and move it along the x axis to adjust in position in time, or along the y axis to adjust its value. You will note that when selecting a point, its value gets displayed next to the mouse cursor

For fine control, you can also use the dedicated number boxes from the inspector. Click on a point to select it and display its inspector then use the value number box to adjust to the desired value.

Automation adjusting point

Adjust segment’s curve

Power type segments (default) can be added a curve factor. To do so, click a segment and use Shift+Drag. Dragging the curve upward add a log-like curvature to the segment, while dragging downward add a exp-like curvature.

Adjusting curve

Segment shapes

Segments between two points can be set to various predefined shapes. To do so, click a segment and from its contextual menu, choose the desired segment shape in the Type category.

Segment shapes

Shapes include:

  • Power (default)
  • Linear (a slightly optimized version of Power with zero curve factor)
  • Standard Easing curves
backIn quadraticIn quarticIn sineIn exponentialIn
backOut quadraticOut quarticOut sineOut exponentialOut
backInOut quadraticInOut quarticInOut sineInOut exponentialInOut
bounceIn cubicIn quinticIn circularIn elasticIn
bounceOut cubicOut quinticOut circularOut elasticOut
bounceInOut cubicInOut quinticInOut circularInOut elasticInOut

Freehand function

Automation’s function can be hand-drawn using Alt+Drag in Automation editor. Drawn function will get optimized and transformed onto a beak-point function on mouse release so you can edit various points individually.

Freehand curve

Advanced edits

Lock between points

By default, moving a point in the automation is limited horizontally by previous and next points’ position in automation. This can be turned on and off using the Lock between points option in the automation contextual menu.

Lock between points

When off, points can be freely moved along the whole automation’s slot.

Locked between points

Unocked between points

Suppress on overlap

When Lock between points option is unset, crossing adjacent points can be handled in two different ways.

By default, crossing an adjacent point in automation will remove this point. This can be turned off using by unsetting the option in the automation’s contextual menu.

Lock between points

When off, moved point will get inserted at its new position without removing other points in automation.

Suppress overlapping points

Preserve overlapping points

Tween mode

Tweening allows an automation to ramp smoothly from the running value of an address which was assigned to, during the first segment. This means that, assuming an OSC address /foo, if tweening is enabled, no matter the visual “start value” of the first point of the automation curve, the actual first point during execution will be taken from the value of /foo when the score reaches that part. This allows smooth transitions from a live control, to a scripted one.