Remote Control
The two main ways to remote control score from the network are:
Through OSC and OSCQuery with the Local device.
Through a WebSocket API. The WebSocket API has been used to build a nice graphical remote application.
This page describes the low-level WebSocket API used by score, so that anyone can build their custom remotes similar to the one mentioned above..
Exposes some properties of the score over WebSockets:
- Transport.
- Viewing and controlling triggers.
- Sending & receiving messages through the Device Explorer.
- Executing JS code in the console.
WebSocket API description
The message format is JSON.
Score -> client
"Message": "DeviceTree"
When a trigger starts executing:
"Message": "TriggerAdded",
"Path": "/path/to/the/trigger"
When a trigger has finished executing:
"Message": "TriggerRemoved",
"Path": "/path/to/the/trigger"
When an interval starts executing:
"Message": "IntervalAdded",
"Path": "/path/to/the/interval",
"Name": "",
"Label": "User-readable label",
"Comment": "User-readable comment",
"Speed": 1.2345
When an interval has finished executing:
"Message": "IntervalRemoved",
"Path": "/path/to/the/interval"
Heartbeat sent every few milliseconds:
"Intervals": [ {
"Path": "/path/to/the/interval",
"Progress": 0.5,
"Speed": 1.,
"Gain": 0.8
}, ...
Client -> score
Transport messages:
{ "Message": "Play" }
{ "Message": "Pause" }
{ "Message": "Stop" }
"Message": "Transport",
"Milliseconds": 40000
Console control:
See the Console API for the allowed operations.
"Message": "Console",
"Code": "someJSCodeToExecute()"
To trigger a trigger:
"Message": "Trigger",
"Path": "/path/to/the/trigger"
To slow down or speed up an interval:
"Message": "IntervalSpeed",
"Path": "/path/to/the/interval",
"Speed": 0.5
To change the gain of an interval:
"Message": "IntervalGain",
"Path": "/path/to/the/interval",
"Gain": 0.5
To send a control message:
"Message": "Message",
"Address": "device:/foo/bar@[color.rgb.r]",
"Value": {
"Float": 1.23
or, to showcase all possible types:
"Message": "Message",
"Address": "device:/foo/bar",
"Value": {
"Tuple": [
{ "Int": 1 },
{ "Bool": true },
{ "Char": c },
{ "Vec2f": [0.0, 1.1] },
{ "Vec3f": [0.0, 1.1, 1.2] },
{ "Vec4f": [0.0, 1.1, 1.3, 1.4] },
{ "Float": 1.23 },
{ "String": "foo" },
{ "Impulse": null },
To enable / disable listening
Listening to an address means that when an address’s value changes, the new value is forwarded to the remote client.
"Message": "EnableListening",
"Address": "device:/foo/bar"
"Message": "DisableListening",
"Address": "device:/foo/bar"
Control surface
See Control surface.