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Array combiner

Array Combiner

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This process combines multiple input arrays in one output array through various modes:

  • Sum does an element-wise sum, that is given [1,2] and [10,20] as input the output would be [11, 22].
  • Append puts each array behind each other, that is given [1,2] and [10,20] as input the output would be [1, 2, 10, 20].
  • Product does an element-wise product, that is given [1,2] and [10,20] as input the output would be [10, 40].
  • Intersperse sequences elements in a column-major fashion, that is given [1,2,3] and [10,20,30] as input the output would be [1, 10, 2, 20, 3, 30].

Array tool

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