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Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NAutomationNamespace related to the Automation process
 NCurveUtilities and base classes for 1D curves
 NDeviceManipulation of Devices from Qt
 NEngineLink of score with the OSSIA API execution engine
 NExecutionComponents used for the execution of a score
 NGfxBinds the rendering pipeline to ossia processes
 NInspectorClasses used for making and extending the inspector (default right panel)
 NLocalTreeLocal tree provides a way to extend the tree given through the Engine::Network::LocalDevice
 NPluginLoaderClasses and functions used at the plug-in loading step
 NProcessBase classes and tools to implement processes and layers
 NScenarioMain plug-in of score
 NscoreBase toolkit upon which the software is built
 NStateUtilities for OSSIA data structures
 NstdSTL namespace