►NAutomation | Namespace related to the Automation process |
CChangeAddress | |
CColors | |
CInitAutomation | |
CInspectorFactory | |
CInspectorWidget | |
CLayerPresenter | |
CLayerView | |
CMinMaxHeaderDelegate | |
CPointInspectorFactory | |
CPointInspectorWidget | |
CProcessModel | |
CProcessState | |
CStateInspectorFactory | |
CStateInspectorWidget | |
►NCurve | Utilities and base classes for 1D curves |
CApplicationPlugin | |
CClickOnAnything_Transition | |
CCommandObjectBase | |
CCreatePenTool | |
CCreatePointCommandObject | |
CCreateTool | |
CCurveDataHash | |
CCurveDomain | |
CCurveEditor | |
CCurveEvent | |
CCurveLayerFactory_T | |
CCurveProcessModel | |
CCurveProcessPresenter | |
CCurveSegmentMap | |
CCurveTool | |
CEasingData | |
CEasingSegment | |
CEditionSettings | |
CEditionToolForCreate | |
CMatchedCurveTransition | |
CModel | |
CMoveOnAnything_Transition | |
CMovePoint | |
CMovePointCommandObject | |
CMoveSegmentCommandObject | |
COngoingState | |
CPenCommandObject | |
Cpoint_array_executor | |
CPointId | |
CPointInspectorWidget | |
CPointModel | |
CPointView | |
CPositionedCurveTransition | |
CPresenter | |
CReleaseOnAnything_Transition | |
CSegmentData | |
CSegmentFactory | |
CSegmentFactory_T | |
CSegmentList | |
CSegmentModel | |
CSegmentView | |
CSelectionState | |
CSetSegmentParameters | |
CSetSegmentParametersCommandObject | |
CSetSegmentTool | |
CSmartTool | |
CStateBase | |
CStyle | |
CStyleInterface | |
CToolPalette | |
CToolPalette_T | |
CUpdateCurve | |
CView | |
►NDevice | Manipulation of Devices from Qt |
CAddressDialog | |
CAddressSettings | |
CAddressSettingsCommon | |
CDeviceCapas | |
CDeviceCompleter | The DeviceCompleter class |
CDeviceEnumerator | |
CDeviceExplorerNode | |
CDeviceInterface | |
CDeviceList | The DeviceList class |
CDeviceModelProvider | |
CDeviceModelProviderList | |
CDeviceSettings | |
CFullAddressAccessorSettings | |
CFullAddressSettings | |
CHardwarePortDeviceResource | |
CNodeBasedItemModel | |
COwningDeviceInterface | |
►CProtocolFactory | |
CStandardCategories | |
CProtocolFactoryList | |
CProtocolSettingsWidget | |
CTCPPortDeviceResource | |
CUDPPortDeviceResource | |
►NEngine | Link of score with the OSSIA API execution engine |
NNetwork | OSSIA protocols wrapped into score |
CApplicationPlugin | |
►NExecution | Components used for the execution of a score |
CAddProcess | |
CClock | |
CClockFactory | |
CClockFactoryList | |
CContext | |
CDefaultClock | |
Cdfs_visitor | |
Cdfs_visitor_state | |
►CDocumentPlugin | |
CContextData | |
CEventComponent | |
CExecutionAction | |
CExecutionActionList | |
CExecutionController | |
CFaustEffectComponent | |
CFinishCallback | |
CHandleNodeChange | |
Cinterval_duration_data | |
CIntervalComponent | |
CIntervalComponentBase | |
CInvalidProcessException | |
CJackTransport | |
CJitEffectComponent | |
CMergerComponent | |
CMetroComponent | |
CMetronomeSounds | |
CPlayContextMenu | |
CPlayFromIntervalScenarioPruner | Sets the execution engine to play only the required parts |
CPlayListeningHandler | |
CPlayListeningHandlerFactory | |
CProcessComponent | |
CProcessComponent_T | |
CProcessComponentFactory | |
CProcessComponentFactory_T | |
CProcessComponentFactoryList | |
CQueues | |
CRecomputePropagate | |
CReconnectOutlets | |
CScenarioComponent | |
CScenarioComponentBase | |
►CSetupContext | |
CRegisteredPorts | |
CSoundComponent | |
CStateComponent | |
CStateComponentBase | |
CStepComponent | |
CTimeSyncComponent | |
CTimeSyncExecutionCallbacks | |
CTransaction | |
►NGfx | Binds the rendering pipeline to ossia processes |
CACodecInfo | |
CApplicationPlugin | |
CAudioFrameEncoder | |
CCameraDevice | |
CCameraDeviceEnumerator | |
CCameraEnumerator | |
CCameraProtocolFactory | |
CCameraSettings | |
CCameraSettingsWidget | |
Cclear_msg_visitor | |
Ccon_unvalidated | |
CCustomCameraEnumerator | |
CDblIAudioFrameEncoder | |
CDemuxerInfo | |
CDocumentPlugin | |
Cexec_control | |
CFltIAudioFrameEncoder | |
CFltPAudioFrameEncoder | |
CGeometryInlet | |
CGeometryInletFactory | |
CGeometryOutlet | |
CGeometryOutletFactory | |
Cgfx_exec_node | |
Cgfx_node_base | |
Cgfx_parameter_base | |
Cgfx_protocol_base | |
CGfxContext | |
CGfxExecutionAction | |
CGfxInputDevice | |
CGfxOutputDevice | |
CGraphPreviewWidget | |
CImageCache | |
CInvertYRenderer | |
Clibav_output_device | |
Clibav_output_protocol | |
CLibavEncoder | |
CLibavEncoderNode | |
CLibavIntrospection | |
CLibavOutputDevice | |
CLibavOutputProtocolFactory | |
CLibavOutputSettings | |
CLibavOutputSettingsWidget | |
CMuxerInfo | |
COutputStream | |
CProcessedProgram | |
CProgramCache | |
Crecord_audio_parameter | |
CS16IAudioFrameEncoder | |
CS24IAudioFrameEncoder | |
CS32IAudioFrameEncoder | |
Csh4lt_output_device | |
CSh4ltOutputDevice | |
CSh4ltOutputNode | |
CSh4ltOutputProtocolFactory | |
CSh4ltOutputSettingsWidget | |
CShaderPreviewWidget | |
►CShaderSource | |
CMemberSpec | |
CSharedInputProtocolFactory | |
CSharedInputSettings | |
CSharedInputSettingsWidget | |
CSharedOutputProtocolFactory | |
CSharedOutputSettings | |
CSharedOutputSettingsWidget | |
Cshmdata_output_device | |
CShmdataOutputDevice | |
CShmdataOutputNode | |
CShmdataOutputProtocolFactory | |
CShmdataOutputSettingsWidget | |
Csimple_texture_input_device | |
Csimple_texture_input_node | |
Csimple_texture_input_parameter | |
Csimple_texture_input_protocol | |
CSpoutDevice | |
CSpoutNode | |
CSpoutProtocolFactory | |
CSpoutSettingsWidget | |
CStreamOptions | |
CSyphonDevice | |
CSyphonProtocolFactory | |
CSyphonSettingsWidget | |
CTextureSizeWidget | |
CV4L2CameraDeviceEnumerator | |
CV4L2CameraEnumerator | |
CVCodecInfo | |
Cvideo_texture_input_device | |
Cvideo_texture_input_node | |
Cvideo_texture_input_parameter | |
Cvideo_texture_input_protocol | |
Cwindow_device | |
CWindowDevice | |
CWindowOutputSettings | |
CWindowProtocolFactory | |
CWindowSettingsWidget | |
►NInspector | Classes used for making and extending the inspector (default right panel) |
CInspectorSectionWidget | InspectorSectionWidget is widget that can fold or unfold his content |
CInspectorWidgetBase | The InspectorWidgetBase class Set the global structuration for an inspected element |
CInspectorWidgetFactory | The InspectorWidgetFactoryInterface class |
CInspectorWidgetList | |
CLayout | |
CMenuButton | |
CVBoxLayout | |
►NLocalTree | Local tree provides a way to extend the tree given through the Engine::Network::LocalDevice |
CAutomationComponent | |
CBaseCallbackWrapper | |
CBaseProperty | |
CComponent | |
CDefaultProcessComponent | |
CDocumentPlugin | |
CEvent | |
CGetPropertyWrapper | |
CInterval | |
CIntervalBase | |
CMappingComponent | |
CMetadataNamePropertyWrapper | |
CProcessComponent | |
CProcessComponentFactory | |
CProcessComponentFactory_T | |
CProcessComponentFactoryList | |
CPropertyWrapper | |
CScenarioComponentBase | |
CSetPropertyWrapper | |
CState | |
CTimeSync | |
►Noscr | |
Ccon_unvalidated | |
Ccon_unvalidated_dynamic_port | |
CCustomControl | |
CCustomControlFactory | |
CCustomControlFactory< Node, avnd::field_reflection< N, Field > > | |
CCustomFloatControl | |
CCustomFloatControlBase | |
►CCustomItem | |
Ccustom_mouse_event | |
CCustomNodeProcess | |
CCustomTextGraphicsKnob | |
CCustomTextGraphicsSlider | |
CDeserializer | |
CDeviceImplementation | |
Cdispatch_control_setup | |
CEdgeItem | |
CExecutor | |
CExecutorFactory | |
CGraphWidget | |
CInletInitFunc | |
CLayerFactory | |
CLayoutBuilder | |
CLogger | |
CMatchingWidget | |
CMatchingWidget< Field > | |
CMessageBusReader | |
CMessageBusSender | |
CMessageBusUi | |
CMessageBusUi< Info > | |
CMessageBusWrapperFromUi | |
CMessageBusWrapperFromUi< Info > | |
CMessageBusWrapperToUi | |
CMessageBusWrapperToUi< Info > | |
CMidiFileOctaver | |
Cmultichannel_audio | |
Cmultichannel_audio_view | |
CNodeItem | |
CNormalizerFromMapper | |
COutletInitFunc | |
Cpmf_member_type | |
Cpmf_member_type< V T::* > | |
CPort | |
CProcessFactory | |
CProcessModel | |
CProtocol | |
CProtocolFactory | |
CProtocolSettingsWidget | |
CQPainterAdapter | |
Crgba_color | |
CRootItem | |
CScoreLayerFactory | |
CSerializer | |
Csetup_control_for_exec | |
Csetup_control_for_exec< Node, Field, N, NField > | |
Csetup_control_for_exec_base | |
Cupdate_control_in_value_in_ui | |
Cupdate_control_out_value_in_ui | |
Cupdate_control_value_in_ui | |
CView | |
Rrecursive_container_layout | |
RGpuNode | |
RGpuGraphicsNode2 | |
RGpuComputeNode2 | |
Ris_gpu | |
Rhas_ossia_layer | |
NPluginLoader | Classes and functions used at the plug-in loading step |
►NProcess | Base classes and tools to implement processes and layers |
CAddressAccessorEditWidget | |
CAddressAccessorLineEdit | |
CAddressLineEdit | |
CAddressLineEditBase | The AddressLineEdit class |
CApplicationPlugin | |
CAudioInlet | |
CAudioOutlet | |
CAudioPortComboBox | |
CAutomatableFactory | Factory for processes that work like automations |
CAutomatableFactoryList | |
CCable | |
CCableData | |
CChangePortSettings | |
CContext | |
CControlInlet | |
CControlLayout | |
CControlMessage | |
CControlOutlet | |
CControlSetup | |
CDataflowManager | |
Cdefault_t | |
CDefaultControlLayouts | |
CDefaultEffectItem | |
CDefaultFooterDelegate | |
CDefaultHeaderDelegate | |
CDefaultLayerPresenter | |
CDefaultLayerView | |
CDescriptor | |
CEffectLayerFactory_T | |
CEffectLayerPresenter | |
CEffectLayerView | |
CEffectProcessFactory_T | |
CEnableWhenFocusedProcessIs | |
CFooterDelegate | |
CGenericProcessComponent_T | |
CGraphicsShapeItem | |
CHeaderDelegate | |
CInlet | |
CInlets | |
CInspectorWidgetDelegate_T | |
CInspectorWidgetDelegateFactory | |
CInspectorWidgetDelegateFactory_T | |
CLayerContext | |
CLayerContextMenu | |
CLayerContextMenuManager | |
CLayerFactory | |
CLayerFactory_T | |
CLayerFactory_T< Model_T, default_t, default_t, default_t > | |
CLayerFactoryList | |
CLayerPresenter | |
CLayerView | |
CLayoutBuilderBase | |
CLoadPreset | |
CMagneticInfo | |
CMagnetismAdjuster | |
CMetaContextMenu | |
CMidiInlet | |
CMidiOutlet | |
CMiniLayer | |
CMoveNodes | |
►CMultiScriptDialog | |
CEditorTab | |
CNodeItem | |
COfflineAction | Interface for applying an offline editing action to a process |
COfflineActionList | |
COutlet | |
COutlets | |
Cpan_weight | |
CPixmaps | |
CPort | |
CPortFactory | |
CPortFactory_T | |
CPortFactoryList | |
CPortItemLayout | |
CPortListWidget | Show the list of ports / addresses |
CPortWidgetSetup | |
CPreset | |
CProcessComponentBase | |
CProcessData | |
►CProcessDropHandler | |
CDroppedFile | |
CProcessDrop | |
CProcessDropHandlerList | |
CProcessFactory_T | |
CProcessFactoryList | |
CProcessFocusManager | |
CProcessIdentifier | |
CProcessModel | The Process class |
CProcessModelFactory | The ProcessFactory class |
CProcessMultiScriptEditDialog | |
CProcessScriptEditDialog | |
CProcessStateData | |
CRemoteControlInterface | |
CRemoteControlProvider | |
CRemoteControlProviderList | |
CScriptChangeResult | |
CScriptDialog | |
CSetControlOutletValue | |
CSetControlValue | |
CStateNodeData | |
CStateNodeValues | |
CStyle | |
CValueInlet | |
CValueOutlet | |
►NScenario | Main plug-in of score |
CAddProcessDialog | |
CAddressAccessorCurveCreator | |
CAddressBarItem | |
CAmovibleSlotFooter | |
CAutomationDropHandler | The AutomationDropHandler class Will create an automation where the addresses are dropped |
CBaseElementContext | |
CBaseScenario | |
►CBaseScenarioContainer | |
Cno_init | |
CBaseScenarioDisplayedElementsProvider | |
CBaseScenarioDisplayedElementsToolPalette | |
CBaseScenarioDisplayedElementsToolPaletteFactory | |
CBaseScenarioIntervalResizer | |
CCategorisedScenario | |
CCategorizedAddress | |
CCategorizedAddresses | |
CCentralIntervalDisplay | |
CCentralNodalDisplay | |
CClickableLabelItem | |
CClickOnEndEvent_Transition | |
CClickOnEndState_Transition | |
CClickOnEndTimeSync_Transition | |
CClickOnSlotHandle_Event | |
CClickOnSlotHandle_Transition | |
CCoherencyCheckerFactoryInterface | |
CCommentBlockModel | |
CCommentBlockPresenter | |
CCommentBlockView | |
CCommentEdit | |
CCommonDisplacementPolicy | The displacementPolicy class This class allows to implement multiple displacement behaviors |
CConditionView | |
CConstrainedDisplacementPolicy | |
CContextMenuCallback | |
CControlItemModel | |
CCopiedCables | |
CCreation_FromEvent | |
CCreation_FromNothing | |
CCreation_FromState | |
CCreation_FromTimeSync | |
CCreationState | |
CCreationStateBase | |
CCreationTool | |
CCrossOverlay | |
CCSPCoherencyCheckerInterface | |
CCSPCoherencyCheckerList | |
CCurveCreator | |
CCycleDetector | |
CDefaultDisplayedElementsProvider | |
CDisplayedElementsContainer | |
CDisplayedElementsModel | |
CDisplayedElementsPresenter | |
CDisplayedElementsPresenterContainer | |
CDisplayedElementsProvider | |
CDisplayedElementsProviderList | |
CDisplayedElementsToolPaletteFactory | |
CDisplayedElementsToolPaletteFactoryList | |
CDoNotMoveInterval_StateWrapper | |
CDropHandler | |
CDropHandlerList | |
CDropLayerInInterval | |
CDropLayerInScenario | |
CDropPresetInInterval | |
CDropPresetInScenario | |
CDropProcessInInterval | |
CDropProcessInIntervalHelper | |
CDropProcessInScenario | |
CDropProcessInScenarioHelper | |
CDropProcessOnState | |
CDropProcessOnStateHelper | |
CDropScenario | |
CDropScoreInInterval | What happens when a .score file is dropped in an interval |
CDropScoreInScenario | |
CDurationWidget | |
CEditionGrid | |
CEditionSettings | |
CEditScript | |
CElementsProperties | |
CElementTraits | |
CElementTraits< BaseScenarioContainer, EventModel > | |
CElementTraits< BaseScenarioContainer, IntervalModel > | |
CElementTraits< BaseScenarioContainer, StateModel > | |
CElementTraits< BaseScenarioContainer, TimeSyncModel > | |
CElementTraits< Scenario::ScenarioInterface, EventModel > | |
CElementTraits< Scenario::ScenarioInterface, IntervalModel > | |
CElementTraits< Scenario::ScenarioInterface, StateModel > | |
CElementTraits< Scenario::ScenarioInterface, TimeSyncModel > | |
CEnableWhenScenarioInterfaceInstantObject | Only events, nodes, states |
CEnableWhenScenarioInterfaceObject | Anything in a scenario interface |
CEnableWhenScenarioModelObject | Anything in a scenario model |
CEncapsData | |
CEndDateComparator | |
CEventActions | |
CEventInspectorWidget | The EventInspectorWidget class Inherits from InspectorWidgetInterface |
CEventModel | |
CEventPresenter | |
CEventShortCut | |
CEventSummaryWidget | |
CEventView | |
CExecutionStatusProperty | |
CExpressionEditorWidget | |
CExpressionMenu | |
CFixedHandle | |
CFixedSlotFooter | |
CFullSlot | |
CFullViewIntervalHeader | |
CFullViewIntervalPresenter | |
CFullViewIntervalView | |
Cget_curve_domain | |
Cget_start_end | |
CGhostIntervalDropHandler | |
CGoodOldDisplacementPolicy | |
CGraphalIntervalPresenter | |
CInspectorWidgetDelegateFactory | |
CIntervalActions | |
CIntervalBrace | |
CIntervalComponent | |
CIntervalDropHandler | |
CIntervalDropHandlerList | |
►CIntervalDurations | |
CAlgorithms | |
CIntervalHeader | |
CIntervalInspectorFactory | |
CIntervalInspectorWidget | The IntervalInspectorWidget class |
CIntervalModel | |
CIntervalPixmaps | |
CIntervalPresenter | |
CIntervalProperties | |
CIntervalResizer | |
CIntervalResizerList | |
CIntervalSaveData | |
CIntervalSummaryWidget | |
CIntervalView | |
CItemType | |
►CLayerData | |
CLayer | |
CLayerRectItem | |
CLayerSlotPresenter | |
CLeftBraceView | |
CLightBars | |
CLighterBars | |
CLineTextItem | |
CMagneticStates | |
CMatchedTransition | |
CMessageDropHandler | The MessageDropHandler class Will create a state in the scenario at the point a MessageList is dropped |
CMessageItemModel | The MessageItemModel class |
CMessageListProxy | |
CMessageTreeView | |
CMetadataWidget | |
CMinimap | |
CMinimapGraphicsView | |
CMiniScenarioView | |
CModelConsistency | |
CMovableHandle | |
CMoveEventInBaseScenario_StateWrapper | |
CMoveEventInScenario_StateWrapper | |
CMoveEventInTopScenario_StateWrapper | |
CMoveEventState | |
CMoveIntervalBraceState | |
CMoveIntervalInScenario_StateWrapper | |
CMoveIntervalState | |
CMoveLeftBraceInScenario_StateWrapper | |
CMoveOnAnything_SlotTransition | |
CMoveOnAnything_Transition | |
CMoveOnAnythingButEvent_Transition | |
CMoveOnAnythingButPonctual_Transition | |
CMoveOnAnythingButTimeSync_Transition | |
CMoveOnSlotHandle_Event | |
CMoveOnSlotHandle_Transition | |
CMoveRightBraceInScenario_StateWrapper | |
CMoveTimeSyncInBaseScenario_StateWrapper | |
CMoveTimeSyncInScenario_StateWrapper | |
CMoveTimeSyncInTopScenario_StateWrapper | |
CMoveTimeSyncState | |
►CMusicalGrid | |
Ctimings | |
CMusicalRuler | |
CNeighbourSelector | |
CNodalIntervalView | |
CNodalSlotPresenter | |
CObjectItemModel | |
CObjectMapper | |
CObjectMenuActions | |
CObjectPanelDelegate | |
CObjectPanelDelegateFactory | |
CObjectWidget | |
CParentTimeInfo | |
CPathDetector | |
CPathDetectorState | |
CPlayToolState | |
CPoint | |
CPositionedScenarioEvent | |
CPositionedWithId_ScenarioEvent | |
CProcessDataDropHandler | |
CProcessesBeingCopied | |
CProcessGraphicsView | |
CProcessItem | |
CProcessModel | The core hierarchical and temporal process of score |
CProcessStateWrapper | |
CPutLayerModelToFront | |
CReleaseOnAnything_SlotTransition | |
CReleaseOnAnything_Transition | |
CReleaseOnSlotHandle_Event | |
CReleaseOnSlotHandle_Transition | |
CRequestOverlayMenuCallback | |
CResizeSlotState | |
CRightBraceView | |
CScenarioApplicationPlugin | |
CScenarioBeingCopied | |
CScenarioContextMenuManager | |
CScenarioCreate | |
CScenarioCreate< CommentBlockModel > | |
CScenarioCreate< EventModel > | |
CScenarioCreate< IntervalModel > | |
CScenarioCreate< StateModel > | |
CScenarioCreate< TimeSyncModel > | |
CScenarioDisplayedElementsProvider | |
CScenarioDisplayedElementsToolPalette | |
CScenarioDisplayedElementsToolPaletteFactory | |
CScenarioDocumentFactory | |
CScenarioDocumentModel | |
CScenarioDocumentPresenter | The ScenarioDocumentPresenter class |
CScenarioDocumentView | |
CScenarioEditor | |
CScenarioExecution | API for the various elements that we can execute |
CScenarioInspectorWidgetFactoryWrapper | |
CScenarioInterface | |
CScenarioIntervalResizer | |
CScenarioLibraryHandler | |
CScenarioPresenter | |
CScenarioRecordInitData | |
CScenarioRecursiveFind | |
CScenarioScene | |
CScenarioTemporalLayerFactory | |
CScenarioValidityChecker | |
CScenarioView | |
CScenarioViewInterface | |
CSearchReplaceWidget | |
CSearchWidget | |
CSelectedNodes | |
CSelectionStackWidget | |
CSelectionState | |
CSeparatorItem | |
CSimpleComboBox | |
CSimpleExpressionEditorWidget | |
CSizePolicyWidget | |
CSlot | |
CSlotDragOverlay | |
CSlotFooter | |
CSlotHeader | |
CSlotId | |
CSlotLibraryHandler | |
CSlotPath | |
CSlotPresenter | |
CSlotState | |
CSmartTool | |
CSnapshotAction | |
CSnapshotStatesMacro | |
CSpeedWidget | |
CStartDateComparator | |
CStartMarker | |
CStateBase | |
CStateGraphPlusOverlay | |
CStateInspectorWidget | |
CStateModel | |
CStateOverlays | |
CStatePlusOverlay | |
CStatePresenter | |
CStateSequencePlusOverlay | |
CStateView | |
CStrongQState | |
CSummaryInspectorWidget | |
CTempoPointInspectorFactory | |
CTempoPointInspectorWidget | |
CTempoPresenter | |
CTemporalIntervalHeader | |
CTemporalIntervalPresenter | |
CTemporalIntervalView | |
CTempoView | |
CTextDialog | |
CTimebars | |
CTimenodeGraph | |
CTimenodeGraphComponents | |
CTimenodeGraphConnectedComponent | A directed graph of all the TimeSyncs in a ScenarioInterface |
CTimenodeProperties | |
CTimeRuler | |
CTimeRulerBase | |
CTimeRulerGraphicsView | |
CTimeSignatureHandle | |
CTimeSignatureItem | |
►CTimeSignatureMap | |
Cimpl | |
CTimeSyncInspectorWidget | The TimeSyncInspectorWidget class Inherits from InspectorWidgetInterface |
CTimeSyncModel | |
CTimeSyncPresenter | |
CTimeSyncSummaryWidget | |
CTimeSyncView | |
CToolBase | |
CToolMenuActions | |
CToolPalette | |
CTransition_T | |
CTransition_T< Scenario_T, ClickOnEvent > | |
CTransition_T< Scenario_T, ClickOnInterval > | |
CTransition_T< Scenario_T, ClickOnLeftBrace > | |
CTransition_T< Scenario_T, ClickOnNothing > | |
CTransition_T< Scenario_T, ClickOnRightBrace > | |
CTransition_T< Scenario_T, ClickOnState > | |
CTransition_T< Scenario_T, ClickOnTimeSync > | |
CTransition_T< Scenario_T, MoveOnEvent > | |
CTransition_T< Scenario_T, MoveOnInterval > | |
CTransition_T< Scenario_T, MoveOnNothing > | |
CTransition_T< Scenario_T, MoveOnState > | |
CTransition_T< Scenario_T, MoveOnTimeSync > | |
CTransition_T< Scenario_T, ReleaseOnEvent > | |
CTransition_T< Scenario_T, ReleaseOnNothing > | |
CTransition_T< Scenario_T, ReleaseOnState > | |
CTransition_T< Scenario_T, ReleaseOnTimeSync > | |
CTransportActions | |
CTriggerInspectorWidget | |
CTriggerView | |
Cvalue_size | |
CVerticalExtent | The VerticalExtent struct |
CZPos | |
►Nscore | Base toolkit upon which the software is built |
►Ngfx | Graphics rendering pipeline for ossia score |
CAudioTexture | Data model for audio data being sent to the GPU |
CAudioTextureUpload | |
CBasicMesh | |
CCustomMesh | |
CDefaultShaderMaterial | Utility to represent a shader material following score conventions |
CDepthNode | |
CEdge | Connection between two score::gfx::Port |
CEmptyDecoder | Default decoder when we do not know what to render |
CFullScreenImageNode | |
CGenericNodeRenderer | Generic renderer |
Cgeometry | |
Cgeometry_input_port_vis | |
CGeometryFilterNode | Data model for geometry filters |
CGeometryFilterNodeRenderer | |
CGPUVideoDecoder | Processes and renders a video frame on the GPU |
CGraph | Represents a graph of renderers |
►CHAPDecoder | Base class for HAP ((c) Vidvox) decoding |
CHAPSection | |
CHAPDefaultDecoder | Decodes HAP basic format |
CHAPMDecoder | Decodes HAP-M (HAP + alpha channel) |
Cimage | |
CImage | Image data and metadata |
►CImagesNode | A node that renders an image to screen |
COnTheFlyRenderer | |
CPreloadedRenderer | |
CUBO | |
Cisf_input_port_vis | |
Cisf_input_size_vis | |
CISFNode | Data model for Interactive Shader Format filters |
CMesh | Data model for meshes |
CMeshBuffers | |
CMessage | |
CModelCameraUBO | UBO shared across all entities shown with the same camera |
CModelDisplayNode | A node that renders a model to screen |
CNode | Root data model for visual nodes |
CNodeModel | Common base class for most single-pass, simple nodes |
CNodeRenderer | Renderer for a given node |
CNV12Decoder | Decodes NV12 videos |
►COutputNode | Base class for sink nodes (QWindow, spout, syphon, NDI output, ...) |
CConfiguration | |
COutputNodeRenderer | |
COutputUBO | UBO shared across all entities shown on the same output |
CPackedDecoder | |
CPackedRectDecoder | |
CPass | |
CPersistSampler | |
CPhongNode | |
CPipeline | Useful abstraction for storing a graphics pipeline and associated resource bindings |
CPlainMesh | A mesh with only position attributes |
CPlainTriangle | A triangle mesh with only positions |
CPlanarDecoder | |
CPort | Port of a score::gfx::Node |
CProcessNode | Common base class for nodes that map to score processes |
CProcessUBO | UBO specific to individual processes / nodes |
CRefcountedFrame | |
CRenderedISFNode | |
CRenderedPhongNode | |
CRenderList | List of nodes to be rendered to an output |
CRenderState | Global state associated to a rendering context |
CRenderTargetSpecs | |
CRGB24Decoder | |
CSampler | Stores a sampler and the texture currently associated with it |
►CScreenNode | This node is used for rendering to a score::gfx::Window |
CBasicRenderer | |
CScaledRenderer | |
CShaderCache | Cache of baked QShader instances |
CSimpleRenderedISFNode | |
►CTexgenNode | |
CRendered | |
Cubo | |
►CTextNode | A node that renders text to screen |
CRenderer | |
CUBO | |
CTexturedMesh | A mesh with positions and texture coordinates |
CTexturedQuad | A quad mesh with positions and texture coordinates |
CTexturedTriangle | A triangle mesh with positions and texture coordinates |
CTextureRenderTarget | Useful abstraction for storing all the data related to a render target |
CTimings | Messages sent from the execution thread to the rendering thread |
CUYVY422Decoder | Decodes UYVY422 video, mostly used for NDI |
CVideoFrameReader | |
CVideoFrameShare | |
CVideoMaterialUBO | UBO shared across all video objects |
CVideoNode | Model for rendering a video |
CVideoNodeBase | |
CVideoNodeRenderer | |
CWindow | A platform window in which the content is going to be rendered |
CYUV420Decoder | Decodes YUV420 videos |
CYUV420P10Decoder | Decodes YUV420 videos |
CYUV420P12Decoder | Decodes YUV420 videos |
CYUV422Decoder | Decodes YUV422 videos |
CYUV422P10Decoder | Decodes YUV422 videos |
CYUV422P12Decoder | Decodes YUV422 videos |
CYUYV422Decoder | Decodes YUYV422 video |
CAboutDialog | |
CAction | The Action class |
CActionCondition | The ActionCondition struct |
CActionContainer | The ActionContainer struct |
CActionGroup | The ActionGroup class A semantic group of actions : for instance, all the actions related to audio recording, etc. This is to be used for documentation purposes, for instance on a potential keyboard shortcut widget |
CActionManager | The ActionManager class |
CAddon | The Addon struct |
CAddRemoveList | |
CAggregateCommand | Allows for grouping of multiple commands in a single one |
Cany_serializer | |
Cany_serializer_t | |
CApplicationComponents | |
CApplicationComponentsData | |
CApplicationContext | Used to access all the application-wide state and structures |
CApplicationInterface | The ApplicationInterface class |
CApplicationPlugin | |
CApplicationPlugin_QtInterface | |
CApplicationRegistrar | Registers the plug-in elements |
CApplicationServices | |
CApplicationSettings | Load-time settings |
CArrowButton | |
CArrowDialog | |
CBackgroundItem | |
CBarSpinBox | |
CBottomToolbarWidget | |
►CBrush | |
CPair | |
CBrushSet | |
CColorBang | |
CColorRef | A reference to a color. Used for skinning |
CComboBox | |
CComboSlider | |
CCommand | The Command class |
CCommandBackupFile | Abstraction over the backup of commands |
CCommandData | Utility class for the serialization and deserialization of commands |
CCommandFactory_QtInterface | |
CCommandKeyHash | |
CCommandSpinbox | CommandSpinbox Will update a value of the model according to the spinbox |
CCommandStack | |
CCommandStackBackup | Serialized command stack data for backup / restore |
CCommandStackFacade | A small abstraction layer over the score::CommandStack |
CCommandStore | |
CComponent | A component adds custom data to an Entity |
►CComponentHierarchyManager | Manages simple hierarchies of components |
CChildPair | |
CComponents | |
CCoreApplicationPlugin | Base actions for the score software |
CCustomActionCondition | The CustomActionCondition struct |
CDefaultComboImpl | |
CDefaultControlImpl | |
CDefaultedGenericComponentFactoryList | |
CDefaultGraphicsKnobImpl | |
CDefaultGraphicsSliderImpl | |
CDefaultGraphicsSpinboxImpl | |
Cdelete_later | |
CDispatcher | |
CDispatcher_T | |
CDocument | Central part of the software |
CDocumentActionCondition | The DocumentActionCondition struct |
CDocumentBackupManager | Handles document backup to allow restoring if there is a crash |
CDocumentBackups | Manages the list of documents that can be restored after a crash |
CDocumentBuilder | Methods to set-up documents |
CDocumentContext | |
CDocumentDelegateFactory | Used to provide custom document types |
CDocumentDelegateList | |
CDocumentDelegateModel | |
CDocumentDelegatePresenter | |
CDocumentDelegateView | |
CDocumentList | |
CDocumentManager | Owns the documents |
CDocumentMetadata | Document-wide metadata |
CDocumentModel | Model part of a document |
CDocumentPlugin | Extend a document with custom data and systems |
CDocumentPluginFactory | Reimplement to instantiate document plug-ins |
CDocumentPluginFactory_T | |
CDocumentPluginFactoryList | |
CDocumentPresenter | Interface between the DocumentModel and the DocumentView |
CDocumentValidator | Checks that a document is valid according to a list of checks to run |
CDocumentView | Shows a document |
CDoubleSlider | The DoubleSlider class |
CDoubleSpinboxWithEnter | |
CDragOverToolButton | |
Cdynarray_impl | |
Cdynvector_impl | |
CEmptyItem | |
CEmptyRectItem | |
CEnableActionIfDocument | The EnableActionIfDocument struct |
CEnableWhenDocumentIs | |
CEnableWhenFocusedObjectIs | |
CEnableWhenSelectionContains | |
CEntity | Base for complex model objects |
CEntityList | |
CEntityMap | The EntityMap class |
CEntityMapInserter | |
CEntityMapInserter< score::Entity< T >, Ordered > | |
CEventVisitor | |
CFactoryInterface_QtInterface | |
CFactoryList_QtInterface | |
CFileDownloader | |
CFilePath | |
CFileWatch | |
CFixedTabWidget | |
CFlicksSpinBox | |
CFocusActionCondition | The FocusActionCondition struct |
CFocusFacade | |
CFocusManager | |
CFormLayout | |
CFormWidget | |
CGenericComponent | A component that has a reference to a specific context object |
CGenericComponentFactory | |
CGenericComponentFactoryImpl | |
CGenericComponentFactoryList | |
CGLCapabilities | |
CGraphicsDefaultLayout | |
CGraphicsGridColumnsLayout | |
CGraphicsGridRowsLayout | |
CGraphicsHBoxLayout | |
CGraphicsLayout | |
CGraphicsSplitLayout | |
CGraphicsTabLayout | |
CGraphicsVBoxLayout | |
CGUIApplicationContext | Specializes ApplicationContext with the QMainWindow |
CGUIApplicationInterface | |
CGUIApplicationPlugin | Used to extend the software with application-wide data |
CGUIApplicationRegistrar | |
CGUIElements | |
►CHelperPanelDelegate | |
CFasterLabel | |
CHierarchicalMember | |
CHierarchicModel | |
CHierarchicModel< Model, Arg > | |
CHierarchicModel< Model, Arg, Args... > | |
CHSeparator | |
CIconProvider | |
CIdGen | |
Cindirect_iterator | |
Cindirect_map_iterator | |
Cindirect_ptr_iterator | |
CIndirectArray | |
CIndirectContainer | |
CIndirectContainerWrapper | |
CIndirectMap | |
CIndirectUnorderedMap | |
CInfiniteScroller | |
CInteractiveLabel | |
CInterfaceBase | Base class for plug-in interfaces |
CInterfaceList | InterfaceList Default implementation of InterfaceListBase |
CInterfaceListBase | InterfaceListBase Interface to access factories |
CIntSlider | |
CItemBounder | |
Clazy_init_t | |
Clinear_id_generator | Generates identifiers for new objects, starting from 1 |
CLoadedPluginVersions | |
CLockHelper | The LockHelper class |
CLogMessage | |
CLogMessagesItemModel | |
CMarginLess | The MarginLess class |
CMatchedTransition | |
CMatchingFactory | Utility class for making a factory interface list |
CMaxRangeSpinBox | The MaxRangeSpinBox class |
►CMenu | Represents a menu in the software |
Cis_toplevel | |
CMenuManager | The MenuManager class |
CMenus | |
CMessagesPanelDelegate | |
CMessagesPanelDelegateFactory | |
CMetaAction | |
CMinimalApplication | |
CMinimalGUIApplication | |
CMissingCommandException | The MissingCommandException class |
CModelMetadata | The ModelMetadata class |
CNumberedEvent | |
CNumberedWithPath_Event | |
CObjectEditor | |
CObjectEditorList | |
CObjectLocker | The ObjectLocker class |
COpenDocumentsFile | File used for crash restore |
CPaintVisitor | |
CPanelDelegate | The PanelDelegate class |
CPanelDelegateFactory | Reimplement this interface to register new panels |
CPanelDelegateFactoryList | All the panels are registered in this interface list |
CPanelStatus | The PanelStatus struct |
CPathInfo | |
CPlugin | |
CPlugin_QtInterface | |
CPluginWindow | |
►CPolymorphicComponentHierarchyManager | Manages polymorphic hierarchies of components |
CChildPair | |
CPositionedEvent | |
CPositionedEvent< Scenario::Point > | |
CPresenter | The Presenter class |
CProjectSettings | |
CProjectSettingsDelegateFactory_T | |
CProjectSettingsFactory | The ProjectSettingsFactory class |
CProjectSettingsModel | |
CPropertyCommand | The PropertyCommand class |
►CPropertyCommand_T | |
Ccommand | |
CQGraphicsButton | |
CQGraphicsCheckBox | |
CQGraphicsCombo | |
CQGraphicsDraggablePixmap | |
CQGraphicsEnum | |
CQGraphicsHSVChooser | |
CQGraphicsIntSlider | |
CQGraphicsIntSpinbox | |
CQGraphicsIntXYSpinboxChooser | |
CQGraphicsKnob | |
CQGraphicsLineEdit | |
CQGraphicsLogKnob | |
CQGraphicsLogSlider | |
CQGraphicsMultiSlider | |
CQGraphicsNoteChooser | |
CQGraphicsPixmapButton | |
CQGraphicsPixmapEnum | |
CQGraphicsPixmapToggle | |
CQGraphicsRangeSlider | |
CQGraphicsSelectablePixmapToggle | |
CQGraphicsSlider | |
CQGraphicsSliderBase | |
CQGraphicsSpinbox | |
CQGraphicsTextButton | |
CQGraphicsTimeChooser | |
CQGraphicsToggle | |
CQGraphicsWaveformButton | |
CQGraphicsXYChooser | |
CQGraphicsXYSpinboxChooser | |
CQGraphicsXYZChooser | |
CQGraphicsXYZSpinboxChooser | |
CQuantificationWidget | |
Crandom_id_generator | Generates random identifiers for new objects |
CReactiveLabel | |
CRectItem | |
CRectSplitter | |
CRectWidget | |
►CRecursiveWatch | |
CCallbacks | |
CWatched | |
CResizeableItem | |
CRestorableDocument | |
CRightClickImpl | |
CSearchLineEdit | |
CSecondSpinBox | |
CSelectionActionCondition | The SelectionActionCondition struct |
CSelectionDispatcher | The SelectionDispatcher class |
CSelectionStack | The SelectionStack class |
CSerializableDocumentPlugin | Document plug-in with serializable data |
CSerializableInterface | Generic serialization method for abstract classes |
CSettings | Application-wide user settings registering and handling |
CSettingsCommand | A Command class that modifies a parameter given its trait class |
CSettingsCommandBase | Base class for commands to be used with the Settings system |
CSettingsCommandDispatcher | |
CSettingsDelegateFactory | The SettingsDelegateFactory class |
CSettingsDelegateFactory_T | |
CSettingsDelegateModel | |
CSettingsDelegatePresenter | |
CSettingsDelegateView | |
CSettingsParameterMetadata | |
CSettingsPresenter | |
CSettingsView | |
CSimpleTextItem | |
CSizeVisitor | |
►CSkin | |
Ccolor_map | |
CSliderWrapper | |
CSpeedSlider | |
CSpinBox | The SpinBox class |
CSpinBox< double > | |
CSpinBox< float > | |
CSpinboxWithEnter | |
CStartScreen | |
CStartScreenLink | |
CStateAwareTransition | |
CStaticPropertyCommand | |
CStaticPropertyCommand< AvndJit::Model::p_script > | |
CStaticPropertyCommand< Faust::FaustEffectModel::p_script > | |
CStaticPropertyCommand< Gfx::Filter::Model::p_program > | |
CStaticPropertyCommand< Gfx::GeometryFilter::Model::p_script > | |
CStaticPropertyCommand< Jit::BytebeatModel::p_script > | |
CStaticPropertyCommand< Jit::JitEffectModel::p_script > | |
CStaticPropertyCommand< JS::ProcessModel::p_script > | |
CStringConstants | |
CSubtypeVariant | Tools to build a variant type from classes in a same hierarchy |
CTaskPool | |
CTemplatedSpinBox | The TemplatedSpinBox class |
CTemplatedSpinBox< double > | |
CTemplatedSpinBox< float > | |
CTemplatedSpinBox< int > | |
CTextItem | |
CThreadPool | |
CTimeSignatureWidget | |
CTimeSpinBox | |
CTitleBar | |
CToggleButton | |
CToolbar | |
CToolbarManager | The ToolbarManager class |
CTreeViewExpandState | |
CUndoApplicationPlugin | The UndoApplicationPlugin class |
CUndoListWidget | |
CUndoPanelDelegate | |
CUndoPanelDelegateFactory | |
CValidityChecker | Implement validation checks on the document |
CValidityCheckerList | |
CValueAssigner | |
CValueAssigner< float > | |
CValueAssigner< int > | |
CValueAssigner< ossia::value > | |
CValueDoubleSlider | |
CValueLogDoubleSlider | |
CValueSlider | |
CVariantBasedNode | The VariantBasedNode class |
CVersion | Represents the version of a plug-in |
CView | The main display of the application |
CVisibilityNotifying | |
CVolumeSlider | |
CVSeparator | |
CZoomItem | |
►NState | Utilities for OSSIA data structures |
CAddress | The Address struct |
CAddressAccessor | |
CAddressAccessorHead | The AddressAccessorHead struct |
CAddressAccessorValidator | |
CAddressFragmentLineEdit | |
CAddressFragmentValidator | |
CAddressValidator | The AddressValidator class |
CBoolValueWidget | |
CDestinationQualifiers | |
CDestinationQualifierWidget | |
CDomain | |
CEmptyModel | |
CExprData | |
CMessage | The Message struct |
CNumericDomainWidget | |
CNumericValueSetDialog | |
CNumericValueWidget | |
CPulse | |
CRelation | |
CStringValueSetDialog | |
CStringValueWidget | |
CTypeComboBox | |
CUnit | |
►CUnitModel | |
CAccessorModel | |
CDataspaceModel | |
CTreeNode | |
CUnitDataModel | |
CUnitWidget | |
CValueWidget | The ValueWidget class |
CVecDomainWidget | |
CVecEditBase | |
CVecWidget | |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
Chash< Device::FullAddressSettings > | |
Chash< Gfx::ShaderSource > | |
Chash< ossia::unit_variant > | |
Chash< Path< tag > > | |
Chash< score::LoadedPluginVersions > | |
Chash< State::Address > | |
Chash< State::AddressAccessor > | |
Chash< std::pair< int, int > > | |
Chash< std::pair< QString, const QPen * > > | |
Chash< std::pair< QString, QString > > | |
Chash< std::tuple< QString, QString, QString, QString > > | |
Chash< StringKey< T > > | |
Chash< TimeVal > | |
Chash< UuidKey< T > > | |