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score::View Class Referencefinal

The main display of the application. More...

Inheritance diagram for score::View:

Detailed Description

The main display of the application.

Public Member Functions

 View (QObject *parent)
void setPresenter (Presenter *)
void addDocumentView (score::DocumentView *)
void setupPanel (PanelDelegate *v)
void closeDocument (score::DocumentView *doc)
void restoreLayout ()
void closeEvent (QCloseEvent *) override
void allPanelsAdded ()
void addTopToolbar (QToolBar *b)
void activeDocumentChanged (const Id< DocumentModel > &arg_1)
void closeRequested (const Id< DocumentModel > &arg_1)
void ready ()
void sizeChanged (QSize arg_1)
void on_fileNameChanged (DocumentView *d, const QString &newName)

Public Attributes

QWidget * centralDocumentWidget {}
QSplitter * rightSplitter {}
QWidget * topleftToolbar {}
FixedTabWidgetleftTabs {}
FixedTabWidgetbottomTabs {}
QTabWidget * centralTabs {}
QWidget * transportBar {}

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