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Automation Namespace Reference

Namespace related to the Automation process. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace related to the Automation process.

Namespace related to the Spline process.

Note : this command is for internal use only, in recording

This namespace contains the Automation process, layer, and related edition commands.

The Automation is a process that sets the value of a parameter across time. It is related to the ossia::automation process.

A 2D X-Y automation


class  ChangeAddress
class  Colors
class  InitAutomation
class  InspectorFactory
class  InspectorWidget
class  LayerPresenter
class  LayerView
class  MinMaxHeaderDelegate
class  PointInspectorFactory
class  PointInspectorWidget
class  ProcessModel
class  ProcessState
class  StateInspectorFactory
class  StateInspectorWidget


using AutomationFactory = Process::ProcessFactory_T< Automation::ProcessModel >
using AutomationLayerFactory = Curve::CurveLayerFactory_T< Automation::ProcessModel, Automation::LayerPresenter, Automation::LayerView, Automation::Colors, Automation::MinMaxHeaderDelegate< Automation::LayerPresenter > >


const CommandGroupKeyCommandFactoryName ()