No Matches
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456789]
▼ src | |
▼ app | |
Application.hpp | |
StartScreen.hpp | |
▼ lib | |
► core | |
► application | |
ApplicationInterface.hpp | |
ApplicationRegistrar.hpp | |
ApplicationSettings.hpp | |
CommandBackupFile.hpp | |
MinimalApplication.hpp | |
MockApplication.hpp | |
OpenDocumentsFile.hpp | |
SafeQApplication.hpp | |
► command | |
CommandStack.hpp | |
CommandStackSerialization.hpp | |
► document | |
Document.hpp | |
DocumentBackupManager.hpp | |
DocumentBackups.hpp | |
DocumentBuilder.hpp | |
DocumentMetadata.hpp | |
DocumentModel.hpp | |
DocumentPresenter.hpp | |
DocumentView.hpp | |
► documentation | |
codingstyle.hpp | |
commands.hpp | |
contexts.hpp | |
gfxplugins.hpp | |
intro.hpp | |
models.hpp | |
mvp.hpp | |
pluginfactories.hpp | |
scoreinterfaces.hpp | |
serialization.hpp | |
statemachines.hpp | |
► messages | |
MessagesPanel.hpp | |
► plugin | |
PluginDependencyGraph.hpp | |
PluginManager.hpp | |
► presenter | |
AboutDialog.hpp | |
CoreActions.hpp | |
CoreApplicationPlugin.hpp | |
DocumentManager.hpp | |
Presenter.hpp | |
► settings | |
Settings.hpp | |
SettingsPresenter.hpp | |
SettingsView.hpp | |
► undo | |
► Panel | |
► Widgets | |
UndoListWidget.hpp | |
UndoPanelDelegate.hpp | |
UndoPanelFactory.hpp | |
UndoApplicationPlugin.hpp | |
► view | |
FixedTabWidget.hpp | |
HelperPanelDelegate.hpp | |
Window.hpp | |
► score | |
► actions | |
Action.hpp | |
ActionManager.hpp | |
Menu.hpp | |
MenuManager.hpp | |
Toolbar.hpp | |
ToolbarManager.hpp | |
► application | |
ApplicationComponents.hpp | |
ApplicationContext.hpp | |
ApplicationServices.hpp | |
GUIApplicationContext.hpp | |
► command | |
► Dispatchers | |
CommandDispatcher.hpp | |
ICommandDispatcher.hpp | |
MacroCommandDispatcher.hpp | |
MultiOngoingCommandDispatcher.hpp | |
OngoingCommandDispatcher.hpp | |
RuntimeDispatcher.hpp | |
SendStrategy.hpp | |
SettingsCommandDispatcher.hpp | |
SingleOngoingCommandDispatcher.hpp | |
► Validity | |
ValidityChecker.hpp | |
AggregateCommand.hpp | |
Command.hpp | |
CommandData.hpp | |
CommandFactoryKey.hpp | |
CommandGeneratorMap.hpp | |
CommandStackFacade.hpp | |
PropertyCommand.hpp | |
SettingsCommand.hpp | |
► document | |
ChangeId.hpp | |
DocumentContext.hpp | |
DocumentInterface.hpp | |
► gfx | |
OpenGL.hpp | |
QRhiGles2.hpp | |
Vulkan.hpp | |
► graphics | |
► layouts | |
Constants.hpp | |
GraphicsBoxLayout.hpp | |
GraphicsGridLayout.hpp | |
GraphicsSplitLayout.hpp | |
GraphicsTabLayout.hpp | |
► widgets | |
Constants.hpp | |
QGraphicsButton.hpp | |
QGraphicsCheckBox.hpp | |
QGraphicsCombo.hpp | |
QGraphicsEnum.hpp | |
QGraphicsHSVChooser.hpp | |
QGraphicsIntSlider.hpp | |
QGraphicsKnob.hpp | |
QGraphicsLineEdit.hpp | |
QGraphicsLogKnob.hpp | |
QGraphicsLogSlider.hpp | |
QGraphicsMultiSlider.hpp | |
QGraphicsNoteChooser.hpp | |
QGraphicsPixmapButton.hpp | |
QGraphicsPixmapEnum.hpp | |
QGraphicsPixmapToggle.hpp | |
QGraphicsRangeSlider.hpp | |
QGraphicsSelectablePixmapToggle.hpp | |
QGraphicsSlider.hpp | |
QGraphicsSliderBase.hpp | |
QGraphicsSpinbox.hpp | |
QGraphicsTextButton.hpp | |
QGraphicsTimeChooser.hpp | |
QGraphicsToggle.hpp | |
QGraphicsXYChooser.hpp | |
QGraphicsXYSpinbox.hpp | |
QGraphicsXYZChooser.hpp | |
QGraphicsXYZSpinbox.hpp | |
ArrowDialog.hpp | |
DefaultControlImpl.hpp | |
DefaultGraphicsKnobImpl.hpp | |
DefaultGraphicsSliderImpl.hpp | |
DefaultGraphicsSpinboxImpl.hpp | |
GraphicsItem.hpp | |
GraphicsLayout.hpp | |
GraphicsProxyObject.hpp | |
GraphicsSliderBaseImpl.hpp | |
GraphicWidgets.hpp | |
InfiniteScroller.hpp | |
ItemBounder.hpp | |
PainterPath.hpp | |
RectItem.hpp | |
TextItem.hpp | |
YPos.hpp | |
ZoomItem.hpp | |
► locking | |
ObjectLocker.hpp | |
► model | |
► path | |
ObjectIdentifier.hpp | |
ObjectPath.hpp | |
Path.hpp | |
PathDebug.hpp | |
PathSerialization.hpp | |
► tree | |
InvisibleRootNode.hpp | |
TreeNode.hpp | |
TreeNodeItemModel.hpp | |
TreeNodeSerialization.hpp | |
TreePath.hpp | |
TreeViewExpandState.hpp | |
VariantBasedNode.hpp | |
ColorInterpolator.hpp | |
ColorReference.hpp | |
Component.hpp | |
ComponentFactory.hpp | |
ComponentHierarchy.hpp | |
ComponentSerialization.hpp | |
ComponentUtils.hpp | |
Entity.hpp | |
EntityBase.hpp | |
EntityImpl.hpp | |
EntityList.hpp | |
EntityMap.hpp | |
EntityMapSerialization.hpp | |
EntitySerialization.hpp | |
HierarchicalModel.hpp | |
IdentifiedObject.hpp | |
IdentifiedObjectAbstract.hpp | |
IdentifiedObjectMap.hpp | |
Identifier.hpp | |
IdentifierDebug.hpp | |
ModelMetadata.hpp | |
ObjectEditor.hpp | |
Skin.hpp | |
► plugins | |
► application | |
GUIApplicationPlugin.hpp | |
► documentdelegate | |
► plugin | |
DocumentPlugin.hpp | |
DocumentPluginBase.hpp | |
DocumentPluginCreator.hpp | |
SerializableDocumentPlugin.hpp | |
DocumentDelegateFactory.hpp | |
DocumentDelegateModel.hpp | |
DocumentDelegatePresenter.hpp | |
DocumentDelegateView.hpp | |
► panel | |
PanelDelegate.hpp | |
PanelDelegateFactory.hpp | |
► ProjectSettings | |
ProjectSettingsFactory.hpp | |
ProjectSettingsModel.hpp | |
ProjectSettingsPresenter.hpp | |
ProjectSettingsView.hpp | |
► qt_interfaces | |
CommandFactory_QtInterface.hpp | |
FactoryFamily_QtInterface.hpp | |
FactoryInterface_QtInterface.hpp | |
GUIApplicationPlugin_QtInterface.hpp | |
PluginRequirements_QtInterface.hpp | |
► settingsdelegate | |
SettingsDelegateFactory.hpp | |
SettingsDelegateModel.hpp | |
SettingsDelegatePresenter.hpp | |
SettingsDelegateView.hpp | |
Addon.hpp | |
DeserializeKnownSubType.hpp | |
FactorySetup.hpp | |
Interface.hpp | |
InterfaceList.hpp | |
ModelFactory.hpp | |
PluginInstances.hpp | |
SerializableHelpers.hpp | |
SerializableInterface.hpp | |
StringFactoryKey.hpp | |
StringFactoryKeySerialization.hpp | |
UuidKey.hpp | |
UuidKeySerialization.hpp | |
► selection | |
FocusManager.hpp | |
Selectable.hpp | |
Selection.hpp | |
SelectionDispatcher.hpp | |
SelectionStack.hpp | |
► serialization | |
AnySerialization.hpp | Serialization mechanism for ossia::any |
BoostVariant2Serialization.hpp | |
CommonTypes.hpp | |
DataStreamFwd.hpp | |
DataStreamHelpers.hpp | |
DataStreamVisitor.hpp | |
IsTemplate.hpp | |
JSONValueVisitor.hpp | |
JSONVisitor.hpp | |
MapSerialization.hpp | |
MimeVisitor.hpp | |
StdVariantSerialization.hpp | |
StringConstants.hpp | |
VariantSerialization.hpp | |
VisitorCommon.hpp | |
VisitorInterface.hpp | |
VisitorTags.hpp | |
► statemachine | |
CommonSelectionState.hpp | |
GraphicsSceneTool.hpp | |
GraphicsSceneToolPalette.hpp | |
StateMachineTools.hpp | |
StateMachineUtils.hpp | |
► tools | |
► exceptions | |
MissingCommand.hpp | |
► opaque | |
OpaqueString.hpp | |
► std | |
Algorithms.hpp | |
ArrayView.hpp | |
HashMap.hpp | |
HashMapSerialization.hpp | |
IndirectContainer.hpp | |
Invoke.hpp | |
Optional.hpp | |
OwningVector.hpp | |
Pointer.hpp | |
String.hpp | |
StringHash.hpp | |
Bind.hpp | |
Clamp.hpp | |
Cursor.hpp | |
Debug.hpp | |
DeleteAll.hpp | |
File.hpp | |
FilePath.hpp | |
FileWatch.hpp | |
FindStringInFile.hpp | |
ForEach.hpp | |
IdentifierGeneration.hpp | |
ListNetworkAddresses.hpp | |
MapCopy.hpp | |
Metadata.hpp | |
ObjectMatches.hpp | |
QMapHelper.hpp | |
RandomNameProvider.hpp | |
RecursiveWatch.hpp | |
SafeCast.hpp | |
SubtypeVariant.hpp | |
ThreadPool.hpp | |
Unused.hpp | |
Version.hpp | |
► widgets | |
AddRemoveList.hpp | |
ArrowButton.hpp | |
ClearLayout.hpp | |
ComboBox.hpp | |
CommandSpinBox.hpp | |
ControlWidgets.hpp | |
DoubleSlider.hpp | |
DoubleSpinBox.hpp | |
FormWidget.hpp | |
HelpInteraction.hpp | |
IconProvider.hpp | |
IntSlider.hpp | |
Layout.hpp | |
MarginLess.hpp | |
MessageBox.hpp | |
MimeData.hpp | |
Pixmap.hpp | |
PluginWindow.hpp | |
QuantificationWidget.hpp | |
ReactiveLabel.hpp | |
SearchLineEdit.hpp | |
SelectionButton.hpp | |
Separator.hpp | |
SetIcons.hpp | |
SignalUtils.hpp | |
SpinBoxes.hpp | |
StyleSheets.hpp | |
TextLabel.hpp | |
TimeMode.hpp | |
TimeSpinBox.hpp | |
WidgetWrapper.hpp | |
config.hpp | |
prefix.hpp | |
▼ plugins | |
► score-lib-device | |
► Device | |
► Address | |
AddressSettings.hpp | |
ClipMode.hpp | |
IOType.hpp | |
► ItemModels | |
NodeBasedItemModel.hpp | |
NodeDisplayMethods.hpp | |
► Loading | |
JamomaDeviceLoader.hpp | |
ScoreDeviceLoader.hpp | |
TouchOSCDeviceLoader.hpp | |
► Node | |
DeviceNode.hpp | |
NodeListMimeSerialization.hpp | |
► Protocol | |
DeviceInterface.hpp | |
DeviceSettings.hpp | |
ProtocolFactoryInterface.hpp | |
ProtocolList.hpp | |
ProtocolSettingsWidget.hpp | |
► Widgets | |
DeviceCompleter.hpp | |
DeviceModelProvider.hpp | |
► Tests | |
Utils.hpp | |
score_lib_device.hpp | |
► score-lib-inspector | |
► Inspector | |
InspectorLayout.hpp | |
InspectorSectionWidget.hpp | |
InspectorWidgetBase.hpp | |
InspectorWidgetFactoryInterface.hpp | |
InspectorWidgetList.hpp | |
score_lib_inspector.hpp | |
► score-lib-localtree | |
► LocalTree | |
BaseCallbackWrapper.hpp | |
BaseProperty.hpp | |
GetProperty.hpp | |
LocalTreeComponent.hpp | |
NameProperty.hpp | |
Property.hpp | |
SetProperty.hpp | |
► score-lib-process | |
► Control | |
DefaultEffectItem.hpp | |
Layout.hpp | |
► Effect | |
EffectFactory.hpp | |
EffectLayer.hpp | |
EffectLayout.hpp | |
EffectPainting.hpp | |
► LocalTree | |
ProcessComponent.hpp | |
► Magnetism | |
MagneticInfo.hpp | |
MagnetismAdjuster.hpp | |
► Process | |
► Actions | |
ProcessActions.hpp | |
► Automatable | |
AutomatableFactory.hpp | |
► Commands | |
EditPort.hpp | |
LoadPreset.hpp | |
ProcessCommandFactory.hpp | |
Properties.hpp | |
SetControlValue.hpp | |
► Dataflow | |
AddressAccessorEditWidget.hpp | |
AddressLineEdit.hpp | |
AudioPortComboBox.hpp | |
Cable.hpp | |
CableCopy.hpp | |
CableData.hpp | |
CableItem.hpp | |
ControlWidgetDomains.hpp | |
ControlWidgets.hpp | |
MinMaxFloatPort.hpp | |
NodeItem.hpp | |
Port.hpp | |
PortFactory.hpp | |
PortForward.hpp | |
PortItem.hpp | |
PortListWidget.hpp | |
PortSerialization.hpp | |
PortType.hpp | |
PrettyPortName.hpp | |
TimeSignature.hpp | |
WidgetInlets.hpp | |
► Drop | |
ProcessDropHandler.hpp | |
► Execution | |
ProcessComponent.hpp | |
► Focus | |
FocusDispatcher.hpp | |
► Inspector | |
ProcessInspectorWidgetDelegate.hpp | |
ProcessInspectorWidgetDelegateFactory.hpp | |
► Layer | |
LayerContextMenu.hpp | |
► OfflineAction | |
OfflineAction.hpp | |
► Script | |
MultiScriptEditor.hpp | |
ScriptEditor.hpp | |
ScriptProcess.hpp | |
ScriptWidget.hpp | |
► State | |
MessageNode.hpp | |
ProcessStateDataInterface.hpp | |
► Style | |
Pixmaps.hpp | |
ScenarioStyle.hpp | |
► Tools | |
ProcessPanelGraphicsProxy.hpp | |
ToolPalette.hpp | |
► WidgetLayer | |
WidgetLayerPresenter.hpp | |
WidgetLayerView.hpp | |
WidgetProcessFactory.hpp | |
ApplicationPlugin.hpp | |
ControlMessage.hpp | |
DocumentPlugin.hpp | |
ExecutionAction.hpp | |
ExecutionCommand.hpp | |
ExecutionComponent.hpp | |
ExecutionContext.hpp | |
ExecutionFunctions.hpp | |
ExecutionSetup.hpp | |
ExecutionTransaction.hpp | |
ExpandMode.hpp | |
GenericProcessFactory.hpp | |
HeaderDelegate.hpp | |
Instantiations.hpp | |
LayerPresenter.hpp | |
LayerView.hpp | |
Preset.hpp | |
PresetHelpers.hpp | |
Process.hpp | |
ProcessComponent.hpp | |
ProcessContext.hpp | |
ProcessFactory.hpp | |
ProcessFlags.hpp | |
ProcessList.hpp | |
ProcessMetadata.hpp | |
ProcessMimeSerialization.hpp | |
TimeValue.hpp | |
TimeValueSerialization.hpp | |
TypeConversion.hpp | |
ZoomHelper.hpp | |
► RemoteControl | |
RemoteControlProvider.hpp | |
score_lib_process.hpp | |
► score-lib-state | |
► State | |
► Widgets | |
► Values | |
BoolValueWidget.hpp | |
NumericValueWidget.hpp | |
StringValueWidget.hpp | |
TypeComboBox.hpp | |
ValueWidget.hpp | |
VecWidgets.hpp | |
AddressFragmentLineEdit.hpp | |
AddressValidator.hpp | |
UnitWidget.hpp | |
Address.hpp | |
AddressParser.hpp | |
Domain.hpp | |
DomainSerializationImpl.hpp | |
Expression.hpp | |
ExpressionParser.cpp | |
Message.hpp | |
MessageListSerialization.hpp | |
OSSIASerializationImpl.hpp | |
Relation.hpp | |
Unit.hpp | |
UpdateAddress.hpp | |
Value.hpp | |
ValueConversion.hpp | |
ValueParser.hpp | |
ValueSerialization.hpp | |
ValueSerializationImpl.hpp | |
► Tests | |
Utils.hpp | |
score_lib_state.hpp | |
► score-plugin-analysis | |
► Analysis | |
Centroid.hpp | |
ComplexSpectralDifference.hpp | |
Crest.hpp | |
EnergyDifference.hpp | |
Envelope.hpp | |
Flatness.hpp | |
GistState.hpp | |
Helpers.hpp | |
HighFrequencyContent.hpp | |
Kurtosis.hpp | |
MFCC.hpp | |
Pitch.hpp | |
Rolloff.hpp | |
SpectralDifference.hpp | |
SpectralDifference_HWR.hpp | |
ZeroCrossing.hpp | |
score_plugin_analysis.hpp | |
► score-plugin-audio | |
► Audio | |
► Settings | |
Factory.hpp | |
Model.hpp | |
Presenter.hpp | |
View.hpp | |
ALSAInterface.hpp | |
ALSAPortAudioInterface.hpp | |
ASIOPortAudioInterface.hpp | |
AudioApplicationPlugin.hpp | |
AudioDevice.hpp | |
AudioInterface.hpp | |
AudioPreviewExecutor.hpp | |
AudioTick.hpp | |
CoreAudioInterface.hpp | |
CoreAudioPortAudioInterface.hpp | |
DummyInterface.hpp | |
GenericPortAudioInterface.hpp | |
JackInterface.hpp | |
MMEPortAudioInterface.hpp | |
PipeWireInterface.hpp | |
PortAudioInterface.hpp | |
SDLInterface.hpp | |
WASAPIPortAudioInterface.hpp | |
WDMKSPortAudioInterface.hpp | |
score_plugin_audio.hpp | |
► score-plugin-automation | |
► Automation | |
► Commands | |
AutomationCommandFactory.hpp | |
ChangeAddress.hpp | |
InitAutomation.hpp | |
SetAutomationMax.hpp | |
► Inspector | |
AutomationInspectorFactory.hpp | |
AutomationInspectorWidget.hpp | |
AutomationStateInspector.hpp | |
AutomationStateInspectorFactory.hpp | |
CurvePointInspectorFactory.hpp | |
CurvePointInspectorWidget.hpp | |
► State | |
AutomationState.hpp | |
AutomationColors.hpp | |
AutomationExecution.hpp | |
AutomationModel.hpp | |
AutomationPresenter.hpp | |
AutomationProcessMetadata.hpp | |
AutomationView.hpp | |
LocalTree.hpp | |
► Color | |
GradientExecution.hpp | |
GradientMetadata.hpp | |
GradientModel.hpp | |
GradientPresenter.hpp | |
GradientView.hpp | |
score_plugin_automation.hpp | |
► score-plugin-avnd | |
► Avnd | |
Factories.hpp | |
Logger.hpp | |
► AvndDevices | |
AvndDevice.hpp | |
► AvndProcesses | |
AddressTools.hpp | |
Alphanum.hpp | |
AudioRecorder.hpp | |
Combiner.hpp | |
DeviceRecorder.hpp | |
MIDISync.hpp | |
Spammer.hpp | |
Sweeper.hpp | |
Teleplot.hpp | |
► Crousti | |
Attributes.hpp | |
Concepts.hpp | |
CpuAnalysisNode.hpp | |
CpuFilterNode.hpp | |
CpuGeneratorNode.hpp | |
Executor.hpp | |
ExecutorPortSetup.hpp | |
ExecutorUpdateControlValueInUi.hpp | |
File.hpp | |
Geometry.hpp | |
GfxNode.hpp | |
GpuComputeNode.hpp | |
GpuNode.hpp | |
GpuUtils.hpp | |
Layer.hpp | |
MessageBus.hpp | |
Metadata.hpp | |
Metadatas.hpp | |
Painter.hpp | |
ProcessModel.hpp | |
ProcessModelPortInit.hpp | |
ScoreLayer.hpp | |
score_plugin_avnd.hpp | |
► score-plugin-controlsurface | |
► ControlSurface | |
CommandFactory.hpp | |
Commands.hpp | |
Executor.hpp | |
Layer.hpp | |
LocalTree.hpp | |
Metadata.hpp | |
Presenter.hpp | |
Process.hpp | |
View.hpp | |
score_plugin_controlsurface.hpp | |
► score-plugin-curve | |
► Curve | |
► Commands | |
CurveCommandFactory.hpp | |
MovePoint.hpp | |
SetSegmentParameters.hpp | |
UpdateCurve.hpp | |
► Palette | |
► CommandObjects | |
CreatePointCommandObject.hpp | |
CurveCommandObjectBase.hpp | |
MovePointCommandObject.hpp | |
MoveSegmentCommandObject.hpp | |
PenCommandObject.hpp | |
SetSegmentParametersCommandObject.hpp | |
► States | |
SelectionState.hpp | |
► Tools | |
CurveTool.hpp | |
MoveTool.hpp | |
SmartTool.hpp | |
CurveEditionSettings.hpp | |
CurvePalette.hpp | |
CurvePaletteBaseEvents.hpp | |
CurvePaletteBaseStates.hpp | |
CurvePaletteBaseTransitions.hpp | |
CurvePoint.hpp | |
OngoingState.hpp | |
► Point | |
CurvePointModel.hpp | |
CurvePointView.hpp | |
► Process | |
CurveProcessFactory.hpp | |
CurveProcessModel.hpp | |
CurveProcessPresenter.hpp | |
► Segment | |
► Linear | |
LinearSegment.hpp | |
► PointArray | |
PointArraySegment.hpp | |
► Power | |
PowerSegment.hpp | |
CurveSegmentData.hpp | |
CurveSegmentFactory.hpp | |
CurveSegmentList.hpp | |
CurveSegmentModel.hpp | |
CurveSegmentModelSerialization.hpp | |
CurveSegmentView.hpp | |
EasingSegment.hpp | |
► Settings | |
CurveSettingsFactory.hpp | |
CurveSettingsModel.hpp | |
CurveSettingsPresenter.hpp | |
CurveSettingsView.hpp | |
ApplicationPlugin.hpp | |
CurveConversion.hpp | |
CurveEditor.hpp | |
CurveModel.hpp | |
CurvePresenter.hpp | |
CurveStyle.hpp | |
CurveView.hpp | |
score_plugin_curve.hpp | |
► score-plugin-dataflow | |
► Dataflow | |
AudioInletItem.hpp | |
AudioOutletItem.hpp | |
CableInspector.hpp | |
ControlInletItem.hpp | |
ControlOutletItem.hpp | |
CurveInlet.hpp | |
DropPortInScenario.hpp | |
MidiInletItem.hpp | |
MidiOutletItem.hpp | |
PortInspectorFactory.hpp | |
PortItem.hpp | |
ValueInletItem.hpp | |
ValueOutletItem.hpp | |
WidgetInletFactory.hpp | |
score_plugin_dataflow.hpp | |
► score-plugin-deviceexplorer | |
► Explorer | |
► Commands | |
► Add | |
AddAddress.hpp | |
LoadDevice.hpp | |
► Remove | |
RemoveAddress.hpp | |
► Update | |
UpdateAddressSettings.hpp | |
UpdateDeviceSettings.hpp | |
DeviceExplorerCommandFactory.hpp | |
Remove.hpp | |
RemoveNodes.hpp | |
ReplaceDevice.hpp | |
► Common | |
► AddressSettings | |
► Widgets | |
AddressBoolSettingsWidget.hpp | |
AddressImpulseSettingsWidget.hpp | |
AddressListSettingsWidget.hpp | |
AddressNoneSettingsWidget.hpp | |
AddressNumericSettingsWidget.hpp | |
AddressSettingsWidget.hpp | |
AddressStringSettingsWidget.hpp | |
AddressVecSettingsWidget.hpp | |
AddressSettingsFactory.hpp | |
► DocumentPlugin | |
DeviceDocumentPlugin.hpp | |
DeviceDocumentPluginFactory.hpp | |
NodeUpdateProxy.hpp | |
► Explorer | |
► Widgets | |
AddressEditDialog.hpp | |
DeviceEditDialog.hpp | |
AddressItemModel.hpp | |
Column.hpp | |
DeviceExplorerFilterProxyModel.hpp | |
DeviceExplorerMimeTypes.hpp | |
DeviceExplorerModel.hpp | |
DeviceExplorerView.hpp | |
DeviceExplorerWidget.hpp | |
ExplorationWorker.hpp | |
ExplorationWorkerWrapper.hpp | |
ExplorerModelProvider.hpp | |
ListeningManager.hpp | |
► Listening | |
DefaultListeningHandler.hpp | |
DefaultListeningHandlerFactory.hpp | |
ListeningHandler.hpp | |
ListeningHandlerFactory.hpp | |
ListeningHandlerFactoryList.hpp | |
► Panel | |
DeviceExplorerPanelDelegate.hpp | |
DeviceExplorerPanelFactory.hpp | |
► Settings | |
ExplorerFactory.hpp | |
ExplorerModel.hpp | |
ExplorerPresenter.hpp | |
ExplorerView.hpp | |
► Widgets | |
► ZeroConf | |
ZeroconfBrowser.hpp | |
ApplicationPlugin.hpp | |
DefaultProtocolFactory.hpp | |
DeviceList.hpp | |
DeviceLogging.hpp | |
score_plugin_deviceexplorer.hpp | |
► score-plugin-engine | |
► Engine | |
► Listening | |
PlayListeningHandler.hpp | |
PlayListeningHandlerFactory.hpp | |
► Node | |
CommonWidgets.hpp | |
SimpleApi.hpp | |
ApplicationPlugin.hpp | |
► Execution | |
► Automation | |
InterpStateComponent.hpp | |
► Clock | |
ClockFactory.hpp | |
DataflowClock.hpp | |
DefaultClock.hpp | |
ManualClock.hpp | |
► ContextMenu | |
PlayContextMenu.hpp | |
PlayFromIntervalInScenario.hpp | |
► Settings | |
ExecutorFactory.hpp | |
ExecutorModel.hpp | |
ExecutorPresenter.hpp | |
ExecutorView.hpp | |
► Transport | |
JackTransport.hpp | |
BaseScenarioComponent.hpp | |
DocumentPlugin.hpp | |
ExecutionController.hpp | |
ExecutionTick.hpp | |
► LocalTree | |
► Device | |
LocalDevice.hpp | |
LocalProtocolFactory.hpp | |
LocalProtocolSettingsWidget.hpp | |
LocalSpecificSettings.hpp | |
LocalTreeDocumentPlugin.hpp | |
score_plugin_engine.hpp | |
► score-plugin-faust | |
► Faust | |
Commands.hpp | |
Descriptor.hpp | |
DSPWrapper.hpp | |
EffectModel.hpp | |
Library.hpp | |
Utils.hpp | |
score_plugin_faust.hpp | |
► score-plugin-fx | |
► Fx | |
AngleNode.hpp | |
Arpeggiator.hpp | |
Arraygen.hpp | |
Arraymap.hpp | |
Chord.hpp | |
ClassicalBeat.hpp | |
DebugFx.hpp | |
EmptyMapping.hpp | |
Envelope.hpp | |
FactorOracle.hpp | |
FactorOracle2.hpp | |
FactorOracle2MIDI.hpp | |
LFO.hpp | |
LFO_v2.hpp | |
Looper.hpp | |
MathAudioFilter.hpp | |
MathAudioGenerator.hpp | |
MathGenerator.hpp | |
MathHelpers.hpp | |
MathMapping.hpp | |
MathMapping_generic.hpp | |
MathValueFilter.hpp | |
Metro.hpp | |
MicroMapping.hpp | |
MidiHiRes.hpp | |
MidiToArray.hpp | |
MidiUtil.hpp | |
NoiseFilter.hpp | |
PitchToValue.hpp | |
Quantifier.hpp | |
RateLimiter.hpp | |
Smooth.hpp | |
Smooth_v2.hpp | |
TestNode.hpp | |
Types.hpp | |
VelToNote.hpp | |
score_plugin_fx.hpp | |
► score-plugin-gfx | |
► 3rdparty | |
► libisf | |
► src | |
isf.hpp | |
► Gfx | |
► Filter | |
Executor.hpp | |
Layer.hpp | |
Library.hpp | |
Metadata.hpp | |
PreviewWidget.hpp | |
Process.hpp | |
► GeometryFilter | |
Executor.hpp | |
Layer.hpp | |
Library.hpp | |
Metadata.hpp | |
PreviewWidget.hpp | |
Process.hpp | |
► Graph | |
► decoders | |
ColorSpace.hpp | |
GPUVideoDecoder.hpp | |
HAP.hpp | |
NV12.hpp | |
RGBA.hpp | |
YUV420.hpp | |
YUV420P10.hpp | |
YUV420P12.hpp | |
YUV422.hpp | |
YUV422P10.hpp | |
YUV422P12.hpp | |
YUYV422.hpp | |
CommonUBOs.hpp | |
CustomMesh.hpp | |
DepthNode.hpp | |
GeometryFilterNode.hpp | |
GeometryFilterNodeRenderer.hpp | |
Graph.hpp | |
ImageNode.hpp | |
ISFNode.hpp | |
ISFVisitors.hpp | |
Mesh.hpp | |
Node.hpp | |
NodeRenderer.hpp | |
OutputNode.hpp | |
PhongNode.hpp | |
RenderedISFNode.hpp | |
RenderList.hpp | |
RenderState.hpp | |
Scale.hpp | |
ScreenNode.hpp | |
ShaderCache.hpp | |
TexgenNode.hpp | |
TextNode.hpp | |
Uniforms.hpp | |
Utils.hpp | |
VideoNode.hpp | |
VideoNodeRenderer.hpp | |
Window.hpp | |
► Images | |
Executor.hpp | |
ImageListChooser.hpp | |
Metadata.hpp | |
Process.hpp | |
► Libav | |
AudioFrameEncoder.hpp | |
LibavEncoder.hpp | |
LibavEncoderNode.hpp | |
LibavOutputDevice.hpp | |
LibavOutputSettings.hpp | |
LibavOutputStream.hpp | |
► Settings | |
Factory.hpp | |
Model.hpp | |
Presenter.hpp | |
View.hpp | |
► Sh4lt | |
Sh4ltInputDevice.hpp | |
Sh4ltOutputDevice.hpp | |
► Shmdata | |
ShmdataInputDevice.hpp | |
ShmdataOutputDevice.hpp | |
► Spout | |
SpoutInput.hpp | |
SpoutOutput.hpp | |
► Syphon | |
SyphonHelpers.hpp | |
SyphonInput.hpp | |
SyphonOutput.hpp | |
► Text | |
Executor.hpp | |
Layer.hpp | |
Metadata.hpp | |
Process.hpp | |
► Video | |
Executor.hpp | |
Inspector.hpp | |
Layer.hpp | |
Metadata.hpp | |
Presenter.hpp | |
Process.hpp | |
View.hpp | |
CameraDevice.hpp | |
CameraDeviceEnumerator.hpp | |
CameraSettings.hpp | |
CommandFactory.hpp | |
GfxApplicationPlugin.hpp | |
GfxContext.hpp | |
GfxDevice.hpp | |
GfxExecContext.hpp | |
GfxExecNode.hpp | |
GfxInputDevice.hpp | |
GfxParameter.hpp | |
InvertYRenderer.hpp | |
Kinect2Device.hpp | |
ShaderProgram.hpp | |
SharedInputSettings.hpp | |
SharedOutputSettings.hpp | |
TexturePort.hpp | |
WindowDevice.hpp | |
score_plugin_gfx.hpp | |
► score-plugin-inspector | |
► InspectorPlugin | |
► Panel | |
► Implementation | |
InspectorPanel.hpp | |
InspectorPanelDelegate.hpp | |
InspectorPanelFactory.hpp | |
score_plugin_inspector.hpp | |
► score-plugin-jit | |
► Benchmarks | |
Gain.hpp | |
► Bytebeat | |
Bytebeat.hpp | |
► JitCpp | |
► Compiler | |
Compiler.hpp | |
Driver.hpp | |
SectionMemoryManager.hpp | |
AddonCompiler.hpp | |
ApplicationPlugin.hpp | |
AvndJit.hpp | |
cc1_main.cpp | |
ClangDriver.hpp | |
EditScript.hpp | |
JitModel.hpp | |
JitOptions.hpp | |
JitPlatform.hpp | |
JitUtils.hpp | |
MetadataGenerator.hpp | |
► Texgen | |
Texgen.hpp | |
score_plugin_jit.hpp | |
► score-plugin-js | |
► JS | |
► Commands | |
EditScript.hpp | |
JSCommandFactory.hpp | |
ScriptMacro.hpp | |
► Executor | |
Component.hpp | |
CPUNode.hpp | |
ExecutionHelpers.hpp | |
GPUNode.hpp | |
JSAPIWrapper.hpp | |
► Qml | |
AddressItem.hpp | |
DeviceContext.hpp | |
DeviceEnumerator.hpp | |
EditContext.hpp | |
Metatypes.hpp | |
PortSource.hpp | |
QmlObjects.hpp | |
QtMetatypes.hpp | |
Utils.hpp | |
ValueTypes.Qt5.hpp | |
ValueTypes.Qt6.hpp | |
ApplicationPlugin.hpp | |
ConsolePanel.hpp | |
DropHandler.hpp | |
JSProcessFactory.hpp | |
JSProcessMetadata.hpp | |
JSProcessModel.hpp | |
LibraryHandler.hpp | |
score_plugin_js.hpp | |
► score-plugin-library | |
► Library | |
► Panel | |
LibraryPanelDelegate.hpp | |
LibraryPanelFactory.hpp | |
FileSystemModel.hpp | |
ItemModelFilterLineEdit.hpp | |
LibraryInterface.hpp | |
LibrarySettings.hpp | |
LibraryWidget.hpp | |
PresetItemModel.hpp | |
PresetListView.hpp | |
ProcessesItemModel.hpp | |
ProcessTreeView.hpp | |
ProcessWidget.hpp | |
ProjectLibraryWidget.hpp | |
RecursiveFilterProxy.hpp | |
SystemLibraryWidget.hpp | |
score_plugin_library.hpp | |
► score-plugin-lv2 | |
► LV2 | |
ApplicationPlugin.hpp | |
Context.hpp | |
EffectModel.hpp | |
Library.hpp | |
lv2_atom_helpers.hpp | |
Node.hpp | |
Suil.hpp | |
Window.hpp | |
score_plugin_lv2.hpp | |
► score-plugin-mapping | |
► Mapping | |
► Commands | |
ChangeAddresses.hpp | |
MappingCommandFactory.hpp | |
MinMaxCommands.hpp | |
► Inspector | |
MappingInspectorFactory.hpp | |
MappingInspectorWidget.hpp | |
LocalTree.hpp | |
MappingColors.hpp | |
MappingExecution.hpp | |
MappingModel.hpp | |
MappingPresenter.hpp | |
MappingProcessMetadata.hpp | |
MappingView.hpp | |
score_plugin_mapping.hpp | |
► score-plugin-media | |
► Media | |
► Commands | |
ChangeAudioFile.hpp | |
MediaCommandFactory.hpp | |
► Effect | |
► Settings | |
Factory.hpp | |
Model.hpp | |
Presenter.hpp | |
View.hpp | |
► Inspector | |
AudioInspector.hpp | |
Factory.hpp | |
► Merger | |
Commands.hpp | |
Executor.hpp | |
Factory.hpp | |
Inspector.hpp | |
Metadata.hpp | |
Model.hpp | |
► Metro | |
MetroCommands.hpp | |
MetroExecutor.hpp | |
MetroFactory.hpp | |
MetroMetadata.hpp | |
MetroModel.hpp | |
MetroPresenter.hpp | |
MetroView.hpp | |
► Sound | |
► Drop | |
SoundDrop.hpp | |
QImagePool.hpp | |
SoundComponent.hpp | |
SoundFactory.hpp | |
SoundLibraryHandler.hpp | |
SoundMetadata.hpp | |
SoundModel.hpp | |
SoundPresenter.hpp | |
SoundView.hpp | |
WaveformComputer.hpp | |
► Step | |
Commands.hpp | |
Executor.hpp | |
Factory.hpp | |
Inspector.hpp | |
Metadata.hpp | |
Model.hpp | |
Presenter.hpp | |
View.hpp | |
AudioArray.hpp | |
AudioDecoder.hpp | |
AudioFileChooserWidget.hpp | |
Libav.hpp | |
LibavIntrospection.hpp | |
MediaFileHandle.hpp | |
RMSData.hpp | |
SndfileDecoder.hpp | |
Tempo.hpp | |
► Mixer | |
MixerPanel.hpp | |
► Video | |
CameraInput.hpp | |
FrameQueue.hpp | |
GpuFormats.hpp | |
GStreamerCompatibility.hpp | |
Rescale.hpp | |
Thumbnailer.hpp | |
VideoDecoder.hpp | |
VideoInterface.hpp | |
score_plugin_media.hpp | |
► score-plugin-midi | |
► Midi | |
► Commands | |
AddNote.hpp | |
CommandFactory.hpp | |
MoveNotes.hpp | |
RemoveNotes.hpp | |
ScaleNotes.hpp | |
SetOutput.hpp | |
► Inspector | |
MidiProcessInspector.hpp | |
MidiDrop.hpp | |
MidiExecutor.hpp | |
MidiFactory.hpp | |
MidiNote.hpp | |
MidiNoteEditor.hpp | |
MidiNoteView.hpp | |
MidiPresenter.hpp | |
MidiProcess.hpp | |
MidiProcessMetadata.hpp | |
MidiStyle.hpp | |
MidiView.hpp | |
► Patternist | |
► Commands | |
PatternProperties.hpp | |
PatternCommandFactory.hpp | |
PatternExecutor.hpp | |
PatternFactory.hpp | |
PatternInspector.hpp | |
PatternLibrary.hpp | |
PatternMetadata.hpp | |
PatternModel.hpp | |
PatternParsing.hpp | |
PatternPresenter.hpp | |
PatternView.hpp | |
score_plugin_midi.hpp | |
► score-plugin-nodal | |
► Nodal | |
CommandFactory.hpp | |
Commands.hpp | |
Executor.hpp | |
Layer.hpp | |
Metadata.hpp | |
Presenter.hpp | |
Process.hpp | |
View.hpp | |
score_plugin_nodal.hpp | |
► score-plugin-packagemanager | |
► PackageManager | |
Factory.hpp | |
FileDownloader.hpp | |
Model.hpp | |
PluginItemModel.hpp | |
Presenter.hpp | |
View.hpp | |
score_plugin_packagemanager.hpp | |
► score-plugin-pd | |
► Pd | |
► Commands | |
EditPd.hpp | |
PdCommandFactory.hpp | |
► Executor | |
PdExecutor.hpp | |
► Inspector | |
PdInspectorWidget.hpp | |
IncludeLibpd.hpp | |
PdFactory.hpp | |
PdInstance.hpp | |
PdLayer.hpp | |
PdLibrary.hpp | |
PdMetadata.hpp | |
PdProcess.hpp | |
score_plugin_pd.hpp | |
► score-plugin-protocols | |
► Protocols | |
► Artnet | |
ArtnetDevice.hpp | |
ArtnetProtocolFactory.hpp | |
ArtnetProtocolSettingsWidget.hpp | |
ArtnetSpecificSettings.hpp | |
DMXFixtureInstantiation.hpp | |
DMXProtocolCreation.hpp | |
FixtureDatabase.hpp | |
FixtureDialog.hpp | |
LEDDialog.hpp | |
► Bitfocus | |
BitfocusContext.hpp | |
BitfocusDevice.hpp | |
BitfocusEnumerator.hpp | |
BitfocusProtocolFactory.hpp | |
BitfocusProtocolSettingsWidget.hpp | |
BitfocusSpecificSettings.hpp | |
► CoAP | |
CoAPDevice.hpp | |
CoAPProtocolFactory.hpp | |
CoAPProtocolSettingsWidget.hpp | |
CoAPSpecificSettings.hpp | |
► Evdev | |
EvdevDevice.hpp | |
EvdevProtocolFactory.hpp | |
EvdevProtocolSettingsWidget.hpp | |
EvdevSpecificSettings.hpp | |
► GPS | |
GPSDevice.hpp | |
GPSProtocolFactory.hpp | |
GPSProtocolSettingsWidget.hpp | |
GPSSpecificSettings.hpp | |
► HTTP | |
HTTPDevice.hpp | |
HTTPProtocolFactory.hpp | |
HTTPProtocolSettingsWidget.hpp | |
HTTPSpecificSettings.hpp | |
► Joystick | |
JoystickDevice.hpp | |
JoystickProtocolFactory.hpp | |
JoystickProtocolSettingsWidget.hpp | |
JoystickSpecificSettings.hpp | |
► Libmapper | |
LibmapperClientDevice.hpp | |
► Mapper | |
MapperDevice.hpp | |
► MCU | |
MCUDevice.hpp | |
MCUProtocolFactory.hpp | |
MCUProtocolSettingsWidget.hpp | |
MCUSpecificSettings.hpp | |
► MIDI | |
MIDIDevice.hpp | |
MIDIKeyboardEventFilter.linux.hpp | |
MIDIKeyboardEventFilter.macos.hpp | |
MIDIProtocolFactory.hpp | |
MIDIProtocolSettingsWidget.hpp | |
MIDISpecificSettings.hpp | |
► Minuit | |
MinuitDevice.hpp | |
MinuitProtocolFactory.hpp | |
MinuitProtocolSettingsWidget.hpp | |
MinuitSpecificSettings.hpp | |
► MQTT | |
MQTTDevice.hpp | |
MQTTProtocolFactory.hpp | |
MQTTProtocolSettingsWidget.hpp | |
MQTTSpecificSettings.hpp | |
► NetworkWidgets | |
Serialization.hpp | |
SerialWidget.hpp | |
TCPServerWidget.hpp | |
TCPWidget.hpp | |
UDPWidget.hpp | |
UnixDatagramWidget.hpp | |
UnixStreamWidget.hpp | |
WebsocketClientWidget.hpp | |
WebsocketServerWidget.hpp | |
► OSC | |
OSCDevice.hpp | |
OSCProtocolFactory.hpp | |
OSCProtocolSettingsWidget.hpp | |
OSCSpecificSettings.hpp | |
► OSCQuery | |
OSCQueryDevice.hpp | |
OSCQueryProtocolFactory.hpp | |
OSCQueryProtocolSettingsWidget.hpp | |
OSCQuerySpecificSettings.hpp | |
► Phidgets | |
PhidgetsDevice.hpp | |
PhidgetsProtocolFactory.hpp | |
PhidgetsProtocolSettingsWidget.hpp | |
PhidgetsSpecificSettings.hpp | |
► Serial | |
SerialDevice.hpp | |
SerialProtocolFactory.hpp | |
SerialProtocolSettingsWidget.hpp | |
SerialSpecificSettings.hpp | |
► Settings | |
Factory.hpp | |
Model.hpp | |
Presenter.hpp | |
View.hpp | |
► SimpleIO | |
SimpleIODevice.hpp | |
SimpleIOProtocolFactory.hpp | |
SimpleIOProtocolSettingsWidget.hpp | |
SimpleIOSpecificSettings.hpp | |
► Wiimote | |
WiimoteDevice.hpp | |
WiimoteProtocolFactory.hpp | |
WiimoteProtocolSettingsWidget.hpp | |
WiimoteSpecificSettings.hpp | |
► WS | |
WSDevice.hpp | |
WSProtocolFactory.hpp | |
WSProtocolSettingsWidget.hpp | |
WSSpecificSettings.hpp | |
DNSSDDeviceEnumerator.hpp | |
LibraryDeviceEnumerator.hpp | |
MIDIUtils.hpp | |
OSSIADevice.hpp | |
ProtocolLibrary.hpp | |
RateWidget.hpp | |
score_plugin_protocols.hpp | |
► score-plugin-recording | |
► Recording | |
► Commands | |
Record.hpp | |
RecordingCommandFactory.hpp | |
► Record | |
► RecordAutomations | |
RecordAutomationCreationVisitor.hpp | |
RecordAutomationFirstParameterCallbackVisitor.hpp | |
RecordAutomationParameterCallbackVisitor.hpp | |
RecordData.hpp | |
RecordManager.hpp | |
RecordMessagesManager.hpp | |
RecordProviderFactory.hpp | |
RecordTools.hpp | |
ApplicationPlugin.hpp | |
score_plugin_recording.hpp | |
► score-plugin-remotecontrol | |
► i-score-remote | |
RemoteApplication.hpp | |
► RemoteControl | |
► Controller | |
DocumentPlugin.hpp | |
RemoteControlProvider.hpp | |
► Settings | |
Factory.hpp | |
Model.hpp | |
Presenter.hpp | |
View.hpp | |
► Websockets | |
► Scenario | |
Event.hpp | |
Interval.hpp | |
Process.hpp | |
Scenario.hpp | |
State.hpp | |
Sync.hpp | |
DocumentPlugin.hpp | |
ApplicationPlugin.hpp | |
score_plugin_remotecontrol.hpp | |
► score-plugin-scenario | |
► Dataflow | |
► Commands | |
CableHelpers.hpp | |
CreateModulation.hpp | |
EditConnection.hpp | |
LoadCables.hpp | |
► Interpolation | |
► Commands | |
ChangeAddress.hpp | |
InterpolationColors.hpp | |
InterpolationFactory.hpp | |
InterpolationPresenter.hpp | |
InterpolationProcess.hpp | |
InterpolationView.hpp | |
► InterpState | |
InterpStateColors.hpp | |
InterpStateFactory.hpp | |
InterpStatePresenter.hpp | |
InterpStateProcess.hpp | |
InterpStateView.hpp | |
► LocalTree | |
EventComponent.hpp | |
IntervalComponent.hpp | |
ScenarioComponent.hpp | |
StateComponent.hpp | |
TimeSyncComponent.hpp | |
► Scenario | |
► Application | |
► Drops | |
AutomationDropHandler.cpp | |
AutomationDropHandler.hpp | |
DropLayerInInterval.hpp | |
DropLayerInScenario.hpp | |
DropPresetInInterval.hpp | |
DropPresetInScenario.hpp | |
DropProcessInInterval.hpp | |
DropProcessInScenario.hpp | |
DropProcessOnState.hpp | |
MessageDropHandler.hpp | |
ScenarioDropHandler.hpp | |
► Menus | |
► ObjectsActions | |
EventActions.hpp | |
IntervalActions.hpp | |
ObjectMenuActions.hpp | |
ScenarioContextMenuManager.hpp | |
ScenarioCopy.hpp | |
TextDialog.hpp | |
ToolMenuActions.hpp | |
TransportActions.hpp | |
ScenarioActions.hpp | |
ScenarioApplicationPlugin.hpp | |
ScenarioEditionSettings.hpp | |
ScenarioRecordInitData.hpp | |
ScenarioValidity.hpp | |
► Commands | |
► Cohesion | |
CreateCurveFromStates.hpp | |
CreateCurves.cpp | |
CreateCurves.hpp | |
DoForSelectedIntervals.hpp | |
InterpolateMacro.hpp | |
InterpolateStates.hpp | |
RefreshStates.hpp | |
RefreshStatesMacro.hpp | |
SnapshotParameters.hpp | |
► Comment | |
SetCommentText.hpp | |
► Event | |
► State | |
AddStateWithData.hpp | |
SetCondition.hpp | |
SplitEvent.hpp | |
► Interval | |
► Rack | |
► Slot | |
AddLayerModelToSlot.hpp | |
ResizeSlotVertically.hpp | |
AddSlotToRack.hpp | |
RemoveSlotFromRack.hpp | |
SwapSlots.hpp | |
AddLayerInNewSlot.hpp | |
AddOnlyProcessToInterval.hpp | |
AddProcessToInterval.hpp | |
CreateProcessInExistingSlot.hpp | |
CreateProcessInNewSlot.hpp | |
InsertContentInInterval.hpp | |
MakeBus.hpp | |
MoveProcess.hpp | |
RemoveProcessFromInterval.hpp | |
ResizeInterval.hpp | |
SetMaxDuration.hpp | |
SetMinDuration.hpp | |
SetProcessPosition.hpp | |
SetRigidity.hpp | |
► Metadata | |
ChangeElementColor.hpp | |
ChangeElementComments.hpp | |
ChangeElementLabel.hpp | |
ChangeElementName.hpp | |
► Scenario | |
► Creations | |
CreateCommentBlock.hpp | |
CreateEvent_State.hpp | |
CreateInterval.hpp | |
CreateInterval_State.hpp | |
CreateInterval_State_Event.hpp | |
CreateInterval_State_Event_TimeSync.hpp | |
CreateSequence.hpp | |
CreateState.hpp | |
CreateStateMacro.hpp | |
CreateTimeSync_Event_State.hpp | |
CreationMetaCommand.hpp | |
► Deletions | |
ClearInterval.hpp | |
ClearState.hpp | |
RemoveMacro.hpp | |
RemoveSelection.hpp | |
► Displacement | |
MoveCommentBlock.hpp | |
MoveEvent.hpp | |
MoveEventClassicFactory.hpp | |
MoveEventFactoryInterface.hpp | |
MoveEventList.hpp | |
MoveEventMeta.hpp | |
MoveEventOnCreationMeta.hpp | |
MoveInterval.hpp | |
MoveNewEvent.hpp | |
MoveNewState.hpp | |
SerializableMoveEvent.hpp | |
► Merge | |
MergeEvents.hpp | |
MergeTimeSyncs.hpp | |
DuplicateInterval.hpp | |
Encapsulate.hpp | |
HideRackInViewModel.hpp | |
Properties.hpp | |
ScenarioPaste.hpp | |
ScenarioPasteContent.hpp | |
ScenarioPasteElements.hpp | |
ScenarioPasteElementsAfter.hpp | |
ShowRackInViewModel.hpp | |
► Signature | |
SignatureCommands.hpp | |
► State | |
AddMessagesToState.hpp | |
AddStateProcess.hpp | |
InsertContentInState.hpp | |
RemoveMessageNodes.hpp | |
RemoveStateProcess.hpp | |
SnapshotStatesMacro.hpp | |
► TimeSync | |
► TriggerCommandFactory | |
BaseScenarioTriggerCommandFactory.hpp | |
ScenarioTriggerCommandFactory.hpp | |
TriggerCommandFactory.hpp | |
TriggerCommandFactoryList.hpp | |
AddTrigger.hpp | |
RemoveTrigger.hpp | |
SetAutoTrigger.hpp | |
SetTrigger.hpp | |
SplitTimeSync.hpp | |
ClearSelection.hpp | |
CommandAPI.hpp | |
MoveBaseEvent.hpp | |
ReplaceAddresses.hpp | |
ScenarioCommandFactory.hpp | |
ScriptEditCommand.hpp | |
► DialogWidget | |
AddProcessDialog.hpp | |
MessageTreeView.hpp | |
► Document | |
► BaseScenario | |
BaseElementContext.hpp | |
BaseScenario.hpp | |
BaseScenarioContainer.hpp | |
BaseScenarioPresenter.hpp | |
► CommentBlock | |
CommentBlockModel.hpp | |
CommentBlockPresenter.hpp | |
CommentBlockView.hpp | |
► Components | |
IntervalComponent.hpp | |
ScenarioComponent.hpp | |
► DisplayedElements | |
► DisplayedElementsToolPalette | |
BaseScenarioDisplayedElements_StateWrappers.hpp | |
BaseScenarioDisplayedElementsToolPalette.hpp | |
BaseScenarioDisplayedElementsToolPaletteFactory.hpp | |
DisplayedElementsToolPaletteFactory.hpp | |
DisplayedElementsToolPaletteFactoryList.hpp | |
ScenarioDisplayedElementsToolPalette.hpp | |
ScenarioDisplayedElementsToolPaletteFactory.hpp | |
BaseScenarioDisplayedElementsProvider.hpp | |
DisplayedElementsContainer.hpp | |
DisplayedElementsModel.hpp | |
DisplayedElementsPresenter.hpp | |
DisplayedElementsProvider.hpp | |
DisplayedElementsProviderList.hpp | |
ScenarioDisplayedElementsProvider.hpp | |
► Event | |
ConditionView.hpp | |
EventExecution.hpp | |
EventModel.hpp | |
EventPresenter.hpp | |
EventView.hpp | |
ExecutionStatus.hpp | |
► Interval | |
► FullView | |
AddressBarItem.hpp | |
ClickableLabelItem.hpp | |
FullViewIntervalHeader.hpp | |
FullViewIntervalPresenter.hpp | |
FullViewIntervalView.hpp | |
NodalIntervalView.hpp | |
Timebar.hpp | |
TimeSignatureItem.hpp | |
► Graph | |
GraphIntervalPresenter.hpp | |
► Temporal | |
► Braces | |
IntervalBrace.hpp | |
LeftBrace.hpp | |
TemporalIntervalHeader.hpp | |
TemporalIntervalPresenter.hpp | |
TemporalIntervalView.hpp | |
DefaultHeaderDelegate.hpp | |
ExecutionState.hpp | |
IntervalDurations.hpp | |
IntervalExecution.hpp | |
IntervalExecutionHelpers.hpp | |
IntervalHeader.hpp | |
IntervalModel.hpp | |
IntervalPixmaps.hpp | |
IntervalPresenter.hpp | |
IntervalView.hpp | |
LayerData.hpp | |
Slot.hpp | |
SlotHeader.hpp | |
SlotPresenter.hpp | |
TimeSignatureMap.hpp | |
► Minimap | |
Minimap.hpp | |
► ScenarioDocument | |
► Widgets | |
ProgressBar.hpp | |
CentralIntervalDisplay.hpp | |
CentralNodalDisplay.hpp | |
MusicalGrid.hpp | |
ProcessCreation.hpp | |
ProcessFocusManager.hpp | |
ScenarioDocumentFactory.hpp | |
ScenarioDocumentModel.hpp | |
ScenarioDocumentPresenter.hpp | |
ScenarioDocumentView.hpp | |
ScenarioDocumentViewConstants.hpp | |
ScenarioScene.hpp | |
SnapshotAction.hpp | |
WebSocketView.hpp | |
ZoomPolicy.hpp | |
► State | |
► ItemModel | |
ControlItemModel.hpp | |
MessageItemModel.hpp | |
MessageItemModelAlgorithms.hpp | |
StateExecution.hpp | |
StateMenuOverlay.hpp | |
StateModel.hpp | |
StatePresenter.hpp | |
StateView.hpp | |
► Tempo | |
TempoFactory.hpp | |
TempoInspector.hpp | |
TempoProcess.hpp | |
TempoView.hpp | |
► TimeRuler | |
TimeRuler.hpp | |
TimeRulerGraphicsView.hpp | |
► TimeSync | |
TimeSyncExecution.hpp | |
TimeSyncModel.hpp | |
TimeSyncPresenter.hpp | |
TimeSyncView.hpp | |
TriggerView.hpp | |
Graph.hpp | |
Metatypes.hpp | |
ModelConsistency.hpp | |
ScenarioEditor.hpp | |
VerticalExtent.hpp | |
► Execution | |
ScenarioExecution.hpp | |
score2OSSIA.hpp | |
► ExecutionChecker | |
CoherencyCheckerFactoryInterface.hpp | |
CSPCoherencyCheckerInterface.hpp | |
CSPCoherencyCheckerList.hpp | |
► Inspector | |
► Event | |
► EventWidgets | |
EventShortcut.hpp | |
EventInspectorWidget.hpp | |
EventSummaryWidget.hpp | |
► Expression | |
ExpressionEditorWidget.hpp | |
ExpressionMenu.hpp | |
SimpleExpressionEditorWidget.hpp | |
► Interpolation | |
InterpolationInspectorWidget.hpp | |
► Interval | |
► Widgets | |
DurationSectionWidget.hpp | |
IntervalInspectorFactory.hpp | |
IntervalInspectorWidget.hpp | |
IntervalSummaryWidget.hpp | |
SpeedSlider.hpp | |
► ObjectTree | |
ObjectItemModel.hpp | |
SearchReplaceWidget.hpp | |
SearchWidget.hpp | |
► State | |
StateInspectorWidget.hpp | |
► Summary | |
SummaryInspectorWidget.hpp | |
► TimeSync | |
TimeSyncInspectorWidget.hpp | |
TimeSyncSummaryWidget.hpp | |
TriggerInspectorWidget.hpp | |
CommentEdit.hpp | |
ExpressionValidator.hpp | |
MetadataWidget.hpp | |
ScenarioInspectorFactory.hpp | |
ScenarioInspectorWidgetFactoryWrapper.hpp | |
► Library | |
SlotLibraryHandler.hpp | |
► Palette | |
► Tools | |
► States | |
MoveAndMergeState.hpp | |
MoveIntervalState.hpp | |
MoveStates.hpp | |
ResizeSlotState.hpp | |
ScenarioCreation_FromEvent.hpp | |
ScenarioCreation_FromNothing.hpp | |
ScenarioCreation_FromState.hpp | |
ScenarioCreation_FromTimeSync.hpp | |
ScenarioCreationState.hpp | |
ScenarioMoveStatesWrapper.hpp | |
ScenarioSelectionState.hpp | |
CreationToolState.hpp | |
ObjectMapper.hpp | |
PlayToolState.hpp | |
ScenarioRollbackStrategy.hpp | |
ScenarioToolState.hpp | |
SmartTool.hpp | |
StateSelection.hpp | |
► Transitions | |
AnythingTransitions.hpp | |
EventTransitions.hpp | |
IntervalTransitions.hpp | |
NothingTransitions.hpp | |
SlotTransitions.hpp | |
StateTransitions.hpp | |
TimeSyncTransitions.hpp | |
ScenarioPalette.hpp | |
ScenarioPaletteBaseEvents.hpp | |
ScenarioPaletteBaseStates.hpp | |
ScenarioPaletteBaseTransitions.hpp | |
ScenarioPoint.hpp | |
Tool.hpp | |
► Process | |
► Algorithms | |
Accessors.hpp | |
ConstrainedDisplacementPolicy.hpp | |
ContainersAccessors.hpp | |
GoodOldDisplacementPolicy.hpp | |
ProcessPolicy.hpp | |
StandardCreationPolicy.hpp | |
StandardDisplacementPolicy.hpp | |
StandardRemovalPolicy.hpp | |
MiniScenarioView.hpp | |
ScenarioExecution.hpp | |
ScenarioFactory.hpp | |
ScenarioGlobalCommandManager.hpp | |
ScenarioInterface.hpp | |
ScenarioModel.hpp | |
ScenarioPresenter.hpp | |
ScenarioProcessMetadata.hpp | |
ScenarioSelection.hpp | |
ScenarioView.hpp | |
ScenarioViewInterface.hpp | |
► Settings | |
ScenarioSettingsFactory.hpp | |
ScenarioSettingsModel.hpp | |
ScenarioSettingsPresenter.hpp | |
ScenarioSettingsView.hpp | |
► Tools | |
dataStructures.hpp | |
elementFindingHelper.hpp | |
► ViewCommands | |
PutLayerModelToFront.hpp | |
Instantiations.hpp | |
PresenterInstantiations.hpp | |
► tests | |
► helpers | |
ForwardDeclaration.hpp | |
score_plugin_scenario.hpp | |
► score-plugin-spline | |
► Spline | |
Commands.hpp | |
Execution.hpp | |
GeneratorDialog.hpp | |
Metadata.hpp | |
Model.hpp | |
Presenter.hpp | |
View.hpp | |
score_plugin_spline.hpp | |
► score-plugin-spline3d | |
► Spline3D | |
Commands.hpp | |
Execution.hpp | |
GeneratorDialog.hpp | |
Metadata.hpp | |
Model.hpp | |
Widget.hpp | |
score_plugin_spline3d.hpp | |
► score-plugin-threedim | |
► Threedim | |
► ModelDisplay | |
Executor.hpp | |
Layer.hpp | |
Metadata.hpp | |
ModelDisplayNode.hpp | |
Process.hpp | |
ArrayToGeometry.hpp | |
MeshHelpers.hpp | |
Noise.hpp | |
ObjLoader.hpp | |
PCLToGeometry.hpp | |
Ply.hpp | |
Primitive.hpp | |
StructureSynth.hpp | |
TinyObj.hpp | |
score_plugin_threedim.hpp | |
► score-plugin-transport | |
► Transport | |
ApplicationPlugin.hpp | |
DocumentPlugin.hpp | |
TransportInterface.hpp | |
score_plugin_transport.hpp | |
► score-plugin-ui | |
► Ui | |
SignalDisplay.hpp | |
ValueDisplay.hpp | |
score_plugin_ui.hpp | |
► score-plugin-vst | |
► Vst | |
ApplicationPlugin.hpp | |
Commands.hpp | |
Control.hpp | |
EffectModel.hpp | |
Executor.hpp | |
Library.hpp | |
Loader.hpp | |
Node.hpp | |
Settings.hpp | |
Widgets.hpp | |
Window.hpp | |
score_plugin_vst.hpp | |
► score-plugin-vst3 | |
► Vst3 | |
► UI | |
► Linux | |
PlugFrame.hpp | |
PlugFrame.hpp | |
Window.hpp | |
WindowContainer.hpp | |
ApplicationPlugin.hpp | |
Commands.hpp | |
Control.hpp | |
DataStream.hpp | |
EditHandler.hpp | |
EffectModel.hpp | |
Executor.hpp | |
Library.hpp | |
Node.hpp | |
Plugin.hpp | |
Widgets.hpp | |
score_plugin_vst3.hpp | |
► score-plugin-ysfx | |
► YSFX | |
► Commands | |
CommandFactory.hpp | |
EditScript.hpp | |
ScriptMacro.hpp | |
► Executor | |
Component.hpp | |
ApplicationPlugin.hpp | |
ProcessFactory.hpp | |
ProcessMetadata.hpp | |
ProcessModel.hpp | |
score_plugin_ysfx.hpp |