No Matches
Inheritance diagram for score::QGraphicsKnob:
oscr::CustomTextGraphicsKnob< Field >

Public Member Functions

 QGraphicsKnob (QGraphicsItem *parent)
double unmap (double v) const noexcept
double map (double v) const noexcept
void setRect (const QRectF &r)
void setRange (double min, double max, double init)
void setValue (double v)
double value () const
void setExecutionValue (double v)
void resetExecution ()
QRectF boundingRect () const override
void sliderMoved ()
void sliderReleased ()

Public Attributes

double min {}
double max {}
double init {}
bool moving = false

Protected Attributes

double m_value {}
double m_execValue {}
QRectF m_rect {defaultKnobSize}


struct DefaultControlImpl
struct DefaultGraphicsKnobImpl

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