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score::gfx Namespace Reference

Graphics rendering pipeline for ossia score. More...

Detailed Description

Graphics rendering pipeline for ossia score.

This namespace provides a rendering pipeline for GPU visuals, by the way of a rendering graph. The implementation uses the Qt RHI:


It is mainly designed for rendering a succession of visual effects, not rendering arbitrary 3D. Shaders are written in the usual glslang -> spirv-cross fashion, with GLSL #version 450. They are then translated automatically to SPIRV, Metal, GLSL or D3D11 shaders.

The overall design is as follows :

  • Elements to render are represented as nodes to a graph: score::gfx::Node
  • Input ports are the uniforms and input textures & audio data.
  • Output ports generally are just the texture we are rendering to.
  • score::gfx::Graph contains all the nodes, and relationships between these nodes.
  • For each output sink (a window surface, an NDI or Spout output...), a score::gfx::RenderList is created. It contains all the nodes to render for a given output.
  • For each score::gfx::Node, the score::gfx::RenderList creates a score::gfx::NodeRenderer which contains the actual GPU resource handles for the sink.

Given the following graph :

[ video ] -> [ shader 1 ] -> [ screen 1 ]
-> [ shader 2] -> [ Spout output ]

Two render lists are created, the first being

[ video ] -> [ shader 1 ] -> [ screen 1 ]

and the second being

[ video ] -> [ shader 1 ] -> [ shader 2] -> [ Spout output ]

Rendering for these two RenderList is entirely independent - they can render at different sizes and potentially use different graphic APIs, e.g. one OpenGL and the other Vulkan. This is also done to enable threaded rendering for each of these.

We provide the most essential nodes for building interesting visual effects:

  • A window output node (score::gfx::ScreenNode).
  • Shader filters using Interactive Shader Format (https://isf.video).
  • Video (score::gfx::VideoNode) and image (score::gfx::ImagesNode) renderers.
  • The video renderer tries to do as much of the decoding as possible on the GPU: for instance YUV420, HAP, ... are decoded on the GPU. Otherwises it falls back on libavcodec to guarantee compatibility with a wide range of video formats.

Other plug-ins may provide other useful things, such as NDI I/O or particle effects.

See GfxPlugins for information on how to create your custom nodes, visual effects and video decoders.


struct  AudioTexture
 Data model for audio data being sent to the GPU. More...
struct  AudioTextureUpload
struct  BasicMesh
class  CustomMesh
struct  DefaultShaderMaterial
 Utility to represent a shader material following score conventions. More...
struct  DepthNode
struct  Edge
 Connection between two score::gfx::Port. More...
struct  EmptyDecoder
 Default decoder when we do not know what to render. More...
struct  FullScreenImageNode
class  GenericNodeRenderer
 Generic renderer. More...
struct  geometry
struct  geometry_input_port_vis
class  GeometryFilterNode
 Data model for geometry filters. More...
struct  GeometryFilterNodeRenderer
class  GPUVideoDecoder
 Processes and renders a video frame on the GPU. More...
struct  Graph
 Represents a graph of renderers. More...
struct  HAPDecoder
 Base class for HAP ((c) Vidvox) decoding. More...
struct  HAPDefaultDecoder
 Decodes HAP basic format. More...
struct  HAPMDecoder
 Decodes HAP-M (HAP + alpha channel) More...
struct  image
struct  Image
 Image data and metadata. More...
struct  ImagesNode
 A node that renders an image to screen. More...
struct  isf_input_port_vis
struct  isf_input_size_vis
class  ISFNode
 Data model for Interactive Shader Format filters. More...
struct  Mesh
 Data model for meshes. More...
struct  MeshBuffers
struct  Message
struct  ModelCameraUBO
 UBO shared across all entities shown with the same camera. More...
struct  ModelDisplayNode
 A node that renders a model to screen. More...
class  Node
 Root data model for visual nodes. More...
class  NodeModel
 Common base class for most single-pass, simple nodes. More...
class  NodeRenderer
 Renderer for a given node. More...
struct  NV12Decoder
 Decodes NV12 videos. More...
class  OutputNode
 Base class for sink nodes (QWindow, spout, syphon, NDI output, ...) More...
class  OutputNodeRenderer
struct  OutputUBO
 UBO shared across all entities shown on the same output. More...
struct  PackedDecoder
struct  PackedRectDecoder
struct  Pass
struct  PersistSampler
struct  PhongNode
struct  Pipeline
 Useful abstraction for storing a graphics pipeline and associated resource bindings. More...
struct  PlainMesh
 A mesh with only position attributes. More...
struct  PlainTriangle
 A triangle mesh with only positions. More...
struct  PlanarDecoder
struct  Port
 Port of a score::gfx::Node. More...
class  ProcessNode
 Common base class for nodes that map to score processes. More...
struct  ProcessUBO
 UBO specific to individual processes / nodes. More...
struct  RefcountedFrame
struct  RenderedISFNode
struct  RenderedPhongNode
class  RenderList
 List of nodes to be rendered to an output. More...
struct  RenderState
 Global state associated to a rendering context. More...
struct  RenderTargetSpecs
struct  RGB24Decoder
struct  Sampler
 Stores a sampler and the texture currently associated with it. More...
struct  ScreenNode
 This node is used for rendering to a score::gfx::Window. More...
struct  ShaderCache
 Cache of baked QShader instances. More...
struct  SimpleRenderedISFNode
struct  TexgenNode
struct  TextNode
 A node that renders text to screen. More...
struct  TexturedMesh
 A mesh with positions and texture coordinates. More...
struct  TexturedQuad
 A quad mesh with positions and texture coordinates. More...
struct  TexturedTriangle
 A triangle mesh with positions and texture coordinates. More...
struct  TextureRenderTarget
 Useful abstraction for storing all the data related to a render target. More...
struct  Timings
 Messages sent from the execution thread to the rendering thread. More...
struct  UYVY422Decoder
 Decodes UYVY422 video, mostly used for NDI. More...
struct  VideoFrameReader
struct  VideoFrameShare
struct  VideoMaterialUBO
 UBO shared across all video objects. More...
class  VideoNode
 Model for rendering a video. More...
class  VideoNodeBase
class  VideoNodeRenderer
class  Window
 A platform window in which the content is going to be rendered. More...
struct  YUV420Decoder
 Decodes YUV420 videos. More...
struct  YUV420P10Decoder
 Decodes YUV420 videos. More...
struct  YUV420P12Decoder
 Decodes YUV420 videos. More...
struct  YUV422Decoder
 Decodes YUV422 videos. More...
struct  YUV422P10Decoder
 Decodes YUV422 videos. More...
struct  YUV422P12Decoder
 Decodes YUV422 videos. More...
struct  YUYV422Decoder
 Decodes YUYV422 video. More...


using Vertex = score::gfx::Node *
using GraphImpl = boost::adjacency_list< boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::directedS, Vertex >
using VertexMap = ossia::hash_map< score::gfx::Node *, GraphImpl::vertex_descriptor >
using FunctionMessage = std::function< void(score::gfx::Node &)>
using gfx_input = ossia::slow_variant< ossia::monostate, ossia::value, ossia::audio_vector, ossia::render_target_spec, ossia::geometry_spec, ossia::transform3d, FunctionMessage >
using PassMap = ossia::small_vector< std::pair< Edge *, Pipeline >, 2 >
using PassOutput = ossia::variant< PersistSampler, TextureRenderTarget >


enum  ImageMode { Single , Clamped , Tiled , Mirrored }
enum  GraphicsApi {
  Null , OpenGL , Vulkan , D3D11 ,
 Available graphics APIs to use.
enum  ScaleMode { Original , BlackBars , Fill , Stretch }
 How to resize a texture to adapt it to a viewport.
enum class  Types {
  Empty , Int , Float , Vec2 ,
  Vec3 , Vec4 , Image , Audio ,
  Camera , Geometry , Buffer


template<typename Graph_T , typename IO >
void print_graph (Graph_T &g, IO &stream)
void defaultPassesInit (PassMap &passes, const std::vector< Edge * > &edges, RenderList &renderer, const Mesh &mesh, const QShader &v, const QShader &f, QRhiBuffer *processUBO, QRhiBuffer *matUBO, const std::vector< Sampler > &samplers, std::span< QRhiShaderResourceBinding > additionalBindings)
void defaultRenderPass (RenderList &renderer, const Mesh &mesh, const MeshBuffers &bufs, QRhiCommandBuffer &cb, Edge &edge, PassMap &passes)
void quadRenderPass (RenderList &renderer, const MeshBuffers &bufs, QRhiCommandBuffer &cb, Edge &edge, PassMap &passes)
TextureRenderTarget createRenderTarget (const RenderState &state, QRhiTexture *tex, int samples)
 Create a render target from a texture.
TextureRenderTarget createRenderTarget (const RenderState &state, QRhiTexture::Format fmt, QSize sz, int samples, QRhiTexture::Flags={})
 Create a render target from a texture format and size.
void replaceBuffer (std::vector< QRhiShaderResourceBinding > &tmp, int binding, QRhiBuffer *newBuffer)
void replaceSampler (std::vector< QRhiShaderResourceBinding > &tmp, int binding, QRhiSampler *newSampler)
void replaceTexture (std::vector< QRhiShaderResourceBinding > &tmp, int binding, QRhiTexture *newTexture)
void replaceBuffer (QRhiShaderResourceBindings &srb, int binding, QRhiBuffer *newBuffer)
void replaceSampler (QRhiShaderResourceBindings &srb, int binding, QRhiSampler *newSampler)
void replaceTexture (QRhiShaderResourceBindings &srb, int binding, QRhiTexture *newTexture)
void replaceSampler (QRhiShaderResourceBindings &, QRhiSampler *oldSampler, QRhiSampler *newSampler)
 Replace a sampler.
void replaceSamplerAndTexture (QRhiShaderResourceBindings &, QRhiSampler *oldSampler, QRhiSampler *newSampler, QRhiTexture *newTexture)
 Replace both sampler and texture in a SRC.
void replaceTexture (QRhiShaderResourceBindings &, QRhiSampler *sampler, QRhiTexture *newTexture)
 Replace the texture currently bound to a sampler.
void replaceTexture (QRhiShaderResourceBindings &srb, QRhiTexture *old_tex, QRhiTexture *new_tex)
 Replace a texture by another in a set of bindings.
Pipeline buildPipeline (const RenderList &renderer, const Mesh &mesh, const QShader &vertexS, const QShader &fragmentS, const TextureRenderTarget &rt, QRhiShaderResourceBindings *srb)
QRhiShaderResourceBindings * createDefaultBindings (const RenderList &renderer, const TextureRenderTarget &rt, QRhiBuffer *processUBO, QRhiBuffer *materialUBO, const std::vector< Sampler > &samplers, std::span< QRhiShaderResourceBinding > additionalBindings={})
 Create bindings following the score conventions for shaders and materials.
Pipeline buildPipeline (const RenderList &renderer, const Mesh &mesh, const QShader &vertexS, const QShader &fragmentS, const TextureRenderTarget &rt, QRhiBuffer *processUBO, QRhiBuffer *materialUBO, const std::vector< Sampler > &samplers, std::span< QRhiShaderResourceBinding > additionalBindings={})
 Create a render pipeline following the score conventions for shaders and materials.
std::pair< QShader, QShader > makeShaders (const RenderState &v, QString vert, QString frag)
 Get a pair of compiled vertex / fragment shaders from GLSL 4.5 sources.
QShader makeCompute (const RenderState &v, QString compt)
 Compile a compute shader.
QSize resizeTextureSize (QSize img, int min, int max) noexcept
 Resize the size of a texture to fit within GPU limits.
QImage resizeTexture (const QImage &img, int min, int max) noexcept
 Resize a texture to fit within GPU limits.
QSizeF computeScale (score::gfx::ScaleMode mode, QSizeF viewport, QSizeF texture)
 Comput the scale to apply to a texture so that it fits in a GL viewport.
void copyMatrix (const QMatrix4x4 &mat, float *ptr) noexcept
void copyMatrix (const QMatrix3x3 &mat, float *ptr) noexcept


const char * frag

Function Documentation

◆ createRenderTarget()

TextureRenderTarget score::gfx::createRenderTarget ( const RenderState state,
QRhiTexture::Format  fmt,
QSize  sz,
int  samples,
QRhiTexture::Flags  = {} 

Create a render target from a texture format and size.

This function will also create a texture.

◆ makeCompute()

QShader score::gfx::makeCompute ( const RenderState v,
QString  compt 

Compile a compute shader.

Note: this function will throw if the shader is invalid.

◆ makeShaders()

std::pair< QShader, QShader > score::gfx::makeShaders ( const RenderState v,
QString  vert,
QString  frag 

Get a pair of compiled vertex / fragment shaders from GLSL 4.5 sources.

Note: this function will throw if a shader is invalid.