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Gfx Namespace Reference

Binds the rendering pipeline to ossia processes. More...

Detailed Description

Binds the rendering pipeline to ossia processes.

This namespace contains the machinery that ties the rendering features provided by score::gfx to the ossia execution engine and data model.

It works as follows:

  • Every time processes execute, visual processes will mark themselves as executed, by notifying Gfx::GfxExecutionAction.

    This is necessary because the visual graph is dynamic: processes can come on and off at any point during execution.

  • After all the ossia execution graph nodes have executed, the new edges between nodes are sent to the graphics processing thread, to Gfx::GfxContext.
  • This thread regularly updates the graph with the incoming information, either before VSync if VSync is enabled or with a timer otherwise:
    • Edges are updated with the currently running nodes in the score
    • Parameters, audio data... sent to the ossia processes in the execution graph are converted into uniforms corresponding to the shaders used, and uploaded to the GPU.


struct  ACodecInfo
class  ApplicationPlugin
struct  AudioFrameEncoder
class  CameraDevice
struct  CameraDeviceEnumerator
class  CameraEnumerator
class  CameraProtocolFactory
struct  CameraSettings
class  CameraSettingsWidget
struct  clear_msg_visitor
struct  con_unvalidated
class  CustomCameraEnumerator
struct  DblIAudioFrameEncoder
struct  DemuxerInfo
class  DocumentPlugin
struct  exec_control
struct  FltIAudioFrameEncoder
struct  FltPAudioFrameEncoder
class  GeometryInlet
struct  GeometryInletFactory
class  GeometryOutlet
struct  GeometryOutletFactory
class  gfx_exec_node
class  gfx_node_base
class  gfx_parameter_base
class  gfx_protocol_base
class  GfxContext
class  GfxExecutionAction
class  GfxInputDevice
class  GfxOutputDevice
class  GraphPreviewWidget
struct  ImageCache
class  InvertYRenderer
class  libav_output_device
class  libav_output_protocol
struct  LibavEncoder
struct  LibavEncoderNode
struct  LibavIntrospection
class  LibavOutputDevice
class  LibavOutputProtocolFactory
struct  LibavOutputSettings
class  LibavOutputSettingsWidget
struct  MuxerInfo
struct  OutputStream
struct  ProcessedProgram
struct  ProgramCache
class  record_audio_parameter
struct  S16IAudioFrameEncoder
struct  S24IAudioFrameEncoder
struct  S32IAudioFrameEncoder
class  sh4lt_output_device
class  Sh4ltOutputDevice
struct  Sh4ltOutputNode
class  Sh4ltOutputProtocolFactory
class  Sh4ltOutputSettingsWidget
class  ShaderPreviewWidget
struct  ShaderSource
class  SharedInputProtocolFactory
struct  SharedInputSettings
class  SharedInputSettingsWidget
class  SharedOutputProtocolFactory
struct  SharedOutputSettings
class  SharedOutputSettingsWidget
class  shmdata_output_device
class  ShmdataOutputDevice
struct  ShmdataOutputNode
class  ShmdataOutputProtocolFactory
class  ShmdataOutputSettingsWidget
class  simple_texture_input_device
class  simple_texture_input_node
class  simple_texture_input_parameter
class  simple_texture_input_protocol
class  SpoutDevice
struct  SpoutNode
class  SpoutProtocolFactory
class  SpoutSettingsWidget
struct  StreamOptions
class  SyphonDevice
class  SyphonProtocolFactory
class  SyphonSettingsWidget
struct  TextureSizeWidget
struct  V4L2CameraDeviceEnumerator
struct  V4L2CameraEnumerator
struct  VCodecInfo
class  video_texture_input_device
class  video_texture_input_node
class  video_texture_input_parameter
class  video_texture_input_protocol
class  window_device
class  WindowDevice
struct  WindowOutputSettings
class  WindowProtocolFactory
class  WindowSettingsWidget


using av_input_video_type = decltype(av_input_video_device_next(nullptr))
using port_index = ossia::gfx::port_index
using EdgeSpec = std::pair< port_index, port_index >
using exec_controls = std::vector< std::shared_ptr< exec_control > >


void enumerateCameraDevices (std::function< void(CameraSettings, QString)> func)
std::shared_ptr< CameraDeviceEnumeratormake_camera_enumerator ()
const CommandGroupKeyCommandFactoryName ()
template<typename Vector >
int64_t index_of (Vector &&v, const typename std::remove_reference_t< Vector >::value_type &t)
ossia::value fromImageSet (const tcb::span< score::gfx::Image > &images)
void releaseImages (std::vector< score::gfx::Image > &imgs)
std::vector< score::gfx::ImagegetImages (const ossia::value &val)
ShaderSource programFromFragmentShaderPath (const QString &fsFilename, QByteArray fsData)
CGLContextObj nativeContext (QRhi &rhi)