No Matches
Inheritance diagram for score::gfx::TexgenNode:
score::gfx::NodeModel score::gfx::ProcessNode score::gfx::Node


struct  Rendered
struct  ubo

Public Types

using func_t = void(*)(unsigned char *rgb, int width, int height, int t)

Public Member Functions

score::gfx::NodeRenderercreateRenderer (RenderList &r) const noexcept override
 Create a renderer in a given context for this node.
- Public Member Functions inherited from score::gfx::ProcessNode
void process (Message &&msg) override
 Process a message from the execution engine.
void process (Timings tk)
void process (int32_t port, const ossia::value &v)
void process (int32_t port, const ossia::audio_vector &v)
void process (int32_t port, const ossia::geometry_spec &v)
void process (int32_t port, const ossia::render_target_spec &v)
void process (int32_t port, const ossia::transform3d &v)
void process (int32_t port, ossia::monostate) const noexcept
void process (int32_t port, const FunctionMessage &)
QSize resolveRenderTargetSize (int32_t port, RenderList &renderer) const noexcept
RenderTargetSpecs resolveRenderTargetSpecs (int32_t port, RenderList &renderer) const noexcept
 Node ()
 Node (const Node &)=delete
 Node (Node &&)=delete
- Public Member Functions inherited from score::gfx::Node
 Node (const Node &)=delete
 Node (Node &&)=delete
Nodeoperator= (const Node &)=delete
Nodeoperator= (Node &&)=delete
virtual void renderedNodesChanged ()
 Whenever render nodes are added / removed.
virtual void update ()
void materialChange () noexcept
 Used to notify a material change from the model to the renderers.
bool hasMaterialChanged (int64_t &renderer) const noexcept
void geometryChange () noexcept
 Used to notify a geometry change from the model to the renderers.
bool hasGeometryChanged (int64_t &renderer) const noexcept
void renderTargetChange () noexcept
 Used to notify a render target (texture inlet) change from the model to the renderers.
bool hasRenderTargetChanged (int64_t &renderer) const noexcept

Public Attributes

struct score::gfx::TexgenNode::ubo ubo
QImage image
std::atomic< func_t > function {}
- Public Attributes inherited from score::gfx::ProcessNode
ProcessUBO standardUBO {}
 Every node matching with a score process will have such an UBO.
ossia::geometry_spec geometry
 The geometry to use.
ossia::flat_map< int32_t, ossia::render_target_spec > renderTargetSpecs
 Render target info.
- Public Attributes inherited from score::gfx::Node
std::vector< Port * > input
 Input ports of that node.
ossia::small_pod_vector< Port *, 1 > output
 Output ports of that node.
ossia::flat_map< RenderList *, score::gfx::NodeRenderer * > renderedNodes
 Map associating each RenderList to a Renderer for this model.
std::atomic_int64_t materialChanged {0}
std::atomic_int64_t geometryChanged {-1}
std::atomic_int64_t renderTargetSpecChanged {-1}
int32_t id = -1
bool addedToGraph {}

Static Public Attributes

static const constexpr auto vertex
static const constexpr auto filter

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from score::gfx::NodeModel
std::unique_ptr< char[]> m_materialData

Member Function Documentation

◆ createRenderer()

score::gfx::NodeRenderer * score::gfx::TexgenNode::createRenderer ( RenderList r) const

Create a renderer in a given context for this node.

Reimplemented from score::gfx::NodeModel.

Member Data Documentation

◆ filter

const constexpr auto score::gfx::TexgenNode::filter
Initial value:
= R"_(#version 450
layout(location = 0) in vec2 v_texcoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 fragColor;
layout(std140, binding = 0) uniform renderer_t {
mat4 clipSpaceCorrMatrix;
vec2 renderSize;
} renderer;
layout(binding=3) uniform sampler2D y_tex;
void main ()
fragColor = texture(y_tex, v_texcoord);

◆ vertex

const constexpr auto score::gfx::TexgenNode::vertex
Initial value:
= R"_(#version 450
layout(location = 0) in vec2 position;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 texcoord;
layout(binding = 3) uniform sampler2D y_tex;
layout(location = 0) out vec2 v_texcoord;
layout(std140, binding = 0) uniform renderer_t {
mat4 clipSpaceCorrMatrix;
vec2 renderSize;
} renderer;
out gl_PerVertex { vec4 gl_Position; };
void main()
v_texcoord = texcoord;
gl_Position = renderer.clipSpaceCorrMatrix * vec4(position.xy, 0.0, 1.);

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