No Matches
Process Namespace Reference

Base classes and tools to implement processes and layers. More...

Detailed Description

Base classes and tools to implement processes and layers.

MOVEME process.

This library provides the base building blocks for the processes in score. Examples of processes are Automation::ProcessModel, Scenario::ProcessModel, Mapping::ProcessModel, etc.

The corresponding class in the OSSIA API is ossia::time_process. It is only used for execution.

The main class is Process::ProcessModel : it contains all the data necessary to create, save, reload a process, as well as signals and slots to notify of changes.

All processes in score are contained in a Scenario::IntervalModel.

When modifying a process (or any other model class) from the UI, it is MANDATORY to use a Command for elements that are part of the data model, except for very specific cases : for instance, the execution percentage, since it is not part of the save.

See for instance the addon tutorial (https://github.com/ossia/score-addon-tutorial).

The UI works as follows :

Two different implementations of layers are provided :

  • One that only displays the name of the process, useful when starting an implementation.
  • One that uses a QWidget for showing information (Process::WidgetLayer).

This plug-in also contains :

  • Styling information for the central view of score, with the Process::ScenarioStyle class.
  • Utility classes to display a process in the process panel (provided with Scenario::PanelDelegate).
  • The implementation of a tree of messages, with Process::MessageNode, to be used in Scenario::StateModel.

score provides extensions for processes through score::Components. Available extensions are :


class  AddressAccessorEditWidget
class  AddressAccessorLineEdit
class  AddressLineEdit
class  AddressLineEditBase
 The AddressLineEdit class. More...
class  ApplicationPlugin
class  AudioInlet
class  AudioOutlet
class  AudioPortComboBox
class  AutomatableFactory
 Factory for processes that work like automations. More...
struct  AutomatableFactoryList
class  Cable
struct  CableData
class  ChangePortSettings
struct  Context
class  ControlInlet
struct  ControlLayout
struct  ControlMessage
class  ControlOutlet
struct  ControlSetup
class  DataflowManager
struct  default_t
struct  DefaultControlLayouts
class  DefaultEffectItem
class  DefaultFooterDelegate
class  DefaultHeaderDelegate
class  DefaultLayerPresenter
class  DefaultLayerView
struct  Descriptor
class  EffectLayerFactory_T
class  EffectLayerPresenter
class  EffectLayerView
class  EffectProcessFactory_T
struct  EnableWhenFocusedProcessIs
class  FooterDelegate
class  GenericProcessComponent_T
class  GraphicsShapeItem
class  HeaderDelegate
class  Inlet
struct  Inlets
class  InspectorWidgetDelegate_T
class  InspectorWidgetDelegateFactory
class  InspectorWidgetDelegateFactory_T
struct  LayerContext
class  LayerContextMenu
class  LayerContextMenuManager
class  LayerFactory
class  LayerFactory_T
class  LayerFactory_T< Model_T, default_t, default_t, default_t >
class  LayerFactoryList
class  LayerPresenter
class  LayerView
struct  LayoutBuilderBase
class  LoadPreset
struct  MagneticInfo
class  MagnetismAdjuster
class  MetaContextMenu
class  MidiInlet
class  MidiOutlet
class  MiniLayer
class  MoveNodes
class  MultiScriptDialog
class  NodeItem
class  OfflineAction
 Interface for applying an offline editing action to a process. More...
class  OfflineActionList
class  Outlet
struct  Outlets
struct  pan_weight
struct  Pixmaps
class  Port
class  PortFactory
class  PortFactory_T
class  PortFactoryList
struct  PortItemLayout
class  PortListWidget
 Show the list of ports / addresses. More...
class  PortWidgetSetup
struct  Preset
class  ProcessComponentBase
struct  ProcessData
class  ProcessDropHandler
class  ProcessDropHandlerList
class  ProcessFactory_T
class  ProcessFactoryList
class  ProcessFocusManager
struct  ProcessIdentifier
class  ProcessModel
 The Process class. More...
class  ProcessModelFactory
 The ProcessFactory class. More...
class  ProcessMultiScriptEditDialog
class  ProcessScriptEditDialog
struct  ProcessStateData
class  RemoteControlInterface
class  RemoteControlProvider
class  RemoteControlProviderList
struct  ScriptChangeResult
class  ScriptDialog
class  SetControlOutletValue
class  SetControlValue
struct  StateNodeData
struct  StateNodeValues
struct  Style
class  ValueInlet
class  ValueOutlet


using MagnetismHandler = std::function< MagneticInfo(const QObject *, TimeVal)>
template<typename Model_T >
using GenericDefaultLayerFactory = LayerFactory_T< Model_T, default_t, default_t, default_t >
using ContextMenuFun = std::function< void(QMenu &, QPoint, QPointF, const Process::LayerContext &)>
template<typename Component_T >
using ProcessComponent = ProcessComponentBase< Process::ProcessModel, Component_T >
template<typename System_T >
using GenericProcessComponent = Process::ProcessComponent< score::GenericComponent< System_T > >
using MessageNode = TreeNode< StateNodeData >


enum class  CableType { ImmediateGlutton , ImmediateStrict , DelayedGlutton , DelayedStrict }
enum class  PortType {
  Message , Audio , Midi , Texture ,
enum  ProcessFlags : int64_t {
  SupportsTemporal = (1 << 0 ) , TimeIndependent = (1 << 1 ) , SupportsState = (1 << 2 ) , RequiresCustomData = (1 << 3 ) ,
  PutInNewSlot = (1 << 4 ) , HandlesLooping = (1 << 5 ) , ControlSurface = (1 << 6 ) , FullyCustomItem = (1 << 7 ) ,
  CanCreateControls = (1 << 8 ) , CreateControls = (1 << 9 ) , Snapshottable = (1 << 10 ) , Recordable = (1 << 11 ) ,
  SupportsLasting = SupportsTemporal | TimeIndependent , ExternalEffect = SupportsTemporal | TimeIndependent | RequiresCustomData | ControlSurface , SupportsAll = SupportsTemporal | TimeIndependent | SupportsState
 Various settings for processes. More...
enum  ProcessCategory : uint64_t {
  Other , Automation , Generator , MediaSource ,
  Analyzer , AudioEffect , MidiEffect , Synth ,
  Mapping , Script , Structure , Visual ,
  Deprecated = (1ULL << 63)
enum class  PriorityPolicy { User , Previous , Following }


void setupExternalUI (const Process::ProcessModel &proc, const Process::LayerFactory &fact, const score::DocumentContext &ctx, bool show)
void setupExternalUI (const Process::ProcessModel &proc, const score::DocumentContext &ctx, bool show)
QGraphicsItem * makeExternalUIButton (const ProcessModel &effect, const score::DocumentContext &context, QObject *self, QGraphicsItem *root)
score::QGraphicsDraggablePixmapmakePresetButton (const ProcessModel &proc, const score::DocumentContext &context, QObject *self, QGraphicsItem *root)
void copyProcess (JSONReader &r, const Process::ProcessModel &proc)
template<typename F >
QPointF currentWidgetPos (int controlIndex, F getControlSize) noexcept(noexcept(getControlSize(0)))
template<typename... Args>
auto controlSetup (Args &&... args)
template<typename T >
auto createControl (int i, const auto &setup, T &port, const Process::PortFactoryList &portFactory, const Process::Context &doc, QGraphicsItem *parentItem, QObject *parent)
const CommandGroupKeyCommandFactoryName ()
QWidget * makeAddressCombo (State::Address root, const Device::Node &out_node, const Process::Port &port, const score::DocumentContext &ctx, QWidget *parent)
QWidget * makeDeviceCombo (QStringList devices, const Process::Port &port, const score::DocumentContext &ctx, QWidget *parent)
bool verifyAndUpdateIfChildOf (ObjectPath &path, const ObjectPath &parent)
template<typename T >
bool verifyAndUpdateIfChildOf (Process::CableData &path, const std::vector< Path< T > > &vec)
template<typename T >
Dataflow::SerializedCables cablesToCopy (const std::vector< T * > &array, const std::vector< Path< std::remove_const_t< T > > > &siblings, const score::DocumentContext &ctx)
template<typename T >
Dataflow::SerializedCables cablesToCopy (const std::vector< T * > &array, const score::DocumentContext &ctx)
std::unique_ptr< Inletmake_value_inlet (const Id< Process::Port > &c, QObject *parent)
std::unique_ptr< Outletmake_value_outlet (const Id< Process::Port > &c, QObject *parent)
std::unique_ptr< MidiInletmake_midi_inlet (const Id< Process::Port > &c, QObject *parent)
std::unique_ptr< MidiOutletmake_midi_outlet (const Id< Process::Port > &c, QObject *parent)
std::unique_ptr< AudioInletmake_audio_inlet (const Id< Process::Port > &c, QObject *parent)
std::unique_ptr< AudioOutletmake_audio_outlet (const Id< Process::Port > &c, QObject *parent)
std::unique_ptr< Inletload_inlet (DataStreamWriter &wr, QObject *parent)
std::unique_ptr< Inletload_inlet (JSONWriter &wr, QObject *parent)
std::unique_ptr< Outletload_outlet (DataStreamWriter &wr, QObject *parent)
std::unique_ptr< Outletload_outlet (JSONWriter &wr, QObject *parent)
template<typename T , typename W >
auto load_port_t (W &wr, QObject *parent)
std::unique_ptr< ValueInletload_value_inlet (DataStreamWriter &wr, QObject *parent)
std::unique_ptr< ValueInletload_value_inlet (JSONWriter &wr, QObject *parent)
std::unique_ptr< ValueOutletload_value_outlet (DataStreamWriter &wr, QObject *parent)
std::unique_ptr< ValueOutletload_value_outlet (JSONWriter &wr, QObject *parent)
std::unique_ptr< ControlInletload_control_inlet (DataStreamWriter &wr, QObject *parent)
std::unique_ptr< ControlInletload_control_inlet (JSONWriter &wr, QObject *parent)
std::unique_ptr< ControlOutletload_control_outlet (DataStreamWriter &wr, QObject *parent)
std::unique_ptr< ControlOutletload_control_outlet (JSONWriter &wr, QObject *parent)
std::unique_ptr< AudioInletload_audio_inlet (DataStreamWriter &wr, QObject *parent)
std::unique_ptr< AudioInletload_audio_inlet (JSONWriter &wr, QObject *parent)
std::unique_ptr< AudioOutletload_audio_outlet (DataStreamWriter &wr, QObject *parent)
std::unique_ptr< AudioOutletload_audio_outlet (JSONWriter &wr, QObject *parent)
std::unique_ptr< MidiInletload_midi_inlet (DataStreamWriter &wr, QObject *parent)
std::unique_ptr< MidiInletload_midi_inlet (JSONWriter &wr, QObject *parent)
std::unique_ptr< MidiOutletload_midi_outlet (DataStreamWriter &wr, QObject *parent)
std::unique_ptr< MidiOutletload_midi_outlet (JSONWriter &wr, QObject *parent)
QString displayNameForPort (const Process::Port &outlet, const score::DocumentContext &doc)
 From a port, gives a name suitable for displaying in a process header.
void readPorts (DataStreamReader &wr, const Process::Inlets &ins, const Process::Outlets &outs)
void writePorts (DataStreamWriter &wr, const Process::PortFactoryList &pl, Process::Inlets &ins, Process::Outlets &outs, QObject *parent)
void readPorts (JSONReader &obj, const Process::Inlets &ins, const Process::Outlets &outs)
void writePorts (const JSONWriter &obj, const Process::PortFactoryList &pl, Process::Inlets &ins, Process::Outlets &outs, QObject *parent)
const score::BrushportBrush (Process::PortType type)
const score::BrushlabelBrush ()
const score::BrushSetlabelBrush (const Process::Port &p)
QPixmap makeGlyphs (const QString &glyph, const QPen &pen)
template<typename T = Process::ControlInlet>
void saveFixedControls (JSONReader &r, const Process::ProcessModel &proc)
template<typename T = Process::ControlInlet>
void loadFixedControls (const rapidjson::Document::ConstArray &ctrls, Process::ProcessModel &proc)
template<typename T >
Process::Preset saveScriptProcessPreset (const T &process, const QString &data)
template<typename ScriptProperty , typename T >
void loadScriptProcessPreset (T &process, const Process::Preset &preset)
const QIcon & getCategoryIcon (const QString &category) noexcept
ProcessModelparentProcess (QObject *obj) noexcept
const ProcessModelparentProcess (const QObject *obj) noexcept
QString processLocalTreeAddress (const ProcessModel &proc)
constexpr ProcessFlags operator| (ProcessFlags a, ProcessFlags b) noexcept
constexpr ProcessFlags operator|= (ProcessFlags &a, ProcessFlags b) noexcept
QTextEdit * createScriptWidget (const std::string_view language)
bool operator== (const Process::ProcessStateData &lhs, const Process::ProcessStateData &rhs)
bool operator== (const Process::StateNodeData &lhs, const Process::StateNodeData &rhs)
bool hasMatchingAddress (const MessageNode &root, const std::vector< State::AddressAccessor > &addresses, State::MessageList &msglist, std::vector< QString > &converted_addresses)
bool hasMatchingText (const MessageNode &root, const QString &txt, State::MessageList &msglist, std::vector< QString > &converted_addresses)
State::AddressAccessor address (const Process::MessageNode &treeNode)
State::Message userMessage (const Process::MessageNode &node)
State::Message message (const Process::MessageNode &node)
State::MessageList flatten (const Process::MessageNode &n)
State::MessageList getUserMessages (const MessageNode &n)
std::vector< Process::MessageNode * > try_getNodesFromAddress (Process::MessageNode &root, const State::AddressAccessor &addr)
Process::MessageNodetry_getNodeFromAddress (Process::MessageNode &root, const State::AddressAccessor &addr)
QDebug operator<< (QDebug d, const ProcessStateData &mess)
QDebug operator<< (QDebug d, const StateNodeData &mess)

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ProcessFlags

enum Process::ProcessFlags : int64_t

Various settings for processes.


Can be loaded as a process of an interval.


The process won't change if the parent duration changes (eg it's a filter)


Can be loaded in a state.


Action from the user required upon creation.


When created in an interval, go on the top slot or in a new slot.


The presenter / view already handles rendering when the model loops.


The process supports being exposed to the ControlSurface.


The process's item handles all the decoration (won't be title, etc)


The process supports adding new controls (for audio plug-ins, LV2 etc): this will show the UI in the inspector


The process is currently creating new controls (the runtime state changed by the user)


The process is snapshottable.


The process is recordable.

Function Documentation

◆ displayNameForPort()

SCORE_LIB_PROCESS_EXPORT QString Process::displayNameForPort ( const Process::Port outlet,
const score::DocumentContext doc 

From a port, gives a name suitable for displaying in a process header.

This is useful mainly for processes which are defined by their output, e.g. the automations.