No Matches
Scenario::IntervalModel Class Referencefinal
Inheritance diagram for Scenario::IntervalModel:
score::Entity< IntervalModel > IdentifiedObject< model > IdentifiedObjectAbstract

Public Types

enum  ViewMode : bool { Temporal = 0 , Nodal = 1 }
- Public Types inherited from score::Entity< IntervalModel >
using entity_type = Entity< IntervalModel >
- Public Types inherited from IdentifiedObject< model >
using model_type = model
using id_type = Id< model >
using object_type = IdentifiedObject< model >

Public Member Functions

 IntervalModel (const Id< IntervalModel > &, double yPos, const score::DocumentContext &ctx, QObject *parent)
 IntervalModel (DataStream::Deserializer &vis, const score::DocumentContext &ctx, QObject *parent)
 IntervalModel (JSONObject::Deserializer &vis, const score::DocumentContext &ctx, QObject *parent)
 IntervalModel (DataStream::Deserializer &&vis, const score::DocumentContext &ctx, QObject *parent)
 IntervalModel (JSONObject::Deserializer &&vis, const score::DocumentContext &ctx, QObject *parent)
const score::DocumentContextcontext () const noexcept
const Id< StateModel > & startState () const noexcept
void setStartState (const Id< StateModel > &eventId)
const Id< StateModel > & endState () const noexcept
void setEndState (const Id< StateModel > &endState)
const TimeValdate () const noexcept
void setStartDate (const TimeVal &start)
void translate (const TimeVal &deltaTime)
double heightPercentage () const noexcept
void startExecution ()
void stopExecution ()
void reset ()
void setHeightPercentage (double arg)
void setExecutionState (IntervalExecutionState)
IntervalExecutionState executionState () const
ViewMode viewMode () const noexcept
void setViewMode (ViewMode v)
void viewModeChanged (ViewMode v)
QPointF nodalOffset () const noexcept
void setNodalOffset (QPointF offs)
double nodalScale () const noexcept
void setNodalScale (double z)
ZoomRatio zoom () const noexcept
void setZoom (const ::ZoomRatio &zoom)
TimeVal midTime () const noexcept
void setMidTime (const TimeVal &value)
void setSmallViewVisible (bool)
bool smallViewVisible () const noexcept
const Rack & smallView () const noexcept
const FullRack & fullView () const noexcept
void clearSmallView ()
void clearFullView ()
void replaceSmallView (const Rack &other)
void replaceFullView (const FullRack &other)
void addSlot (Slot s)
void addSlot (Slot s, int pos)
void removeSlot (int pos)
void addLayer (int slot, Id< Process::ProcessModel >)
void removeLayer (int slot, Id< Process::ProcessModel >)
void putLayerToFront (int slot, Id< Process::ProcessModel >)
void putLayerToFront (int slot, std::nullopt_t)
void swapSlots (int pos1, int pos2, Slot::RackView fullview)
double getSlotHeight (const SlotId &slot) const
void setSlotHeight (const SlotId &slot, double height)
double getHeight () const noexcept
double getSlotHeightForProcess (const Id< Process::ProcessModel > &p) const
 Must be called with a process which is a child of this interval.
const SlotfindSmallViewSlot (int slot) const
const SlotgetSmallViewSlot (int slot) const
SlotgetSmallViewSlot (int slot)
const FullSlotfindFullViewSlot (int slot) const
const FullSlotgetFullViewSlot (int slot) const
FullSlotgetFullViewSlot (int slot)
bool muted () const noexcept
void setMuted (bool m)
bool graphal () const noexcept
void setGraphal (bool m)
bool executing () const noexcept
void setExecuting (bool m)
bool hasTimeSignature () const noexcept
void setHasTimeSignature (bool b)
TimeVal contentDuration () const noexcept
TempoProcess * tempoCurve () const noexcept
void ancestorStartDateChanged ()
void ancestorTempoChanged ()
void addSignature (TimeVal t, ossia::time_signature sig)
void removeSignature (TimeVal t)
void setTimeSignatureMap (const TimeSignatureMap &map)
const TimeSignatureMaptimeSignatureMap () const noexcept
ossia::musical_sync quantizationRate () const noexcept
void setQuantizationRate (ossia::musical_sync b)
void setStartMarker (TimeVal t)
TimeVal startMarker () const noexcept
void hasTimeSignatureChanged (bool arg_1)
void timeSignaturesChanged (const TimeSignatureMap &arg_1)
void quantizationRateChanged (ossia::musical_sync arg)
void requestHeightChange (double y)
void heightPercentageChanged (double arg_1)
void dateChanged (const TimeVal &arg_1)
void startMarkerChanged (const TimeVal &arg_1)
void focusChanged (bool arg_1)
void executionStateChanged (Scenario::IntervalExecutionState arg_1)
void executionEvent (Scenario::IntervalExecutionEvent ev)
void smallViewVisibleChanged (bool fv)
void rackChanged (Scenario::Slot::RackView fv)
void slotAdded (Scenario::SlotId arg_1)
void slotRemoved (Scenario::SlotId arg_1)
void slotResized (Scenario::SlotId arg_1)
void slotsSwapped (int slot1, int slot2, Slot::RackView fv)
void heightFinishedChanging ()
void layerAdded (Scenario::SlotId arg_1, Id< Process::ProcessModel > arg_2)
void layerRemoved (Scenario::SlotId arg_1, Id< Process::ProcessModel > arg_2)
void frontLayerChanged (int arg_1, OptionalId< Process::ProcessModel > arg_2)
void mutedChanged (bool arg_1)
void executingChanged (bool arg_1)
void busChanged (bool arg_1)
void graphalChanged (bool arg_1)
void nodalOffsetChanged (QPointF arg_1)
void nodalScaleChanged (double arg_1)
- Public Member Functions inherited from score::Entity< IntervalModel >
 Entity (Id< IntervalModel > id, const QString &name, QObject *parent) noexcept
 Entity (Visitor &&vis, QObject *parent) noexcept
const score::Componentscomponents () const noexcept
score::Componentscomponents () noexcept
const score::ModelMetadatametadata () const noexcept
score::ModelMetadatametadata () noexcept
- Public Member Functions inherited from IdentifiedObject< model >
 IdentifiedObject (id_type id, const QString &name, QObject *parent) noexcept
template<typename Visitor >
 IdentifiedObject (Visitor &&v, QObject *parent) noexcept
const id_typeid () const noexcept
int32_t id_val () const noexcept final override
void setId (const id_type &id) noexcept
void setId (id_type &&id) noexcept
void resetCache () const noexcept override
- Public Member Functions inherited from IdentifiedObjectAbstract
void identified_object_destroying (IdentifiedObjectAbstract *o)
 To be called by subclasses.
void identified_object_destroyed (IdentifiedObjectAbstract *o)
 Will be called in the IdentifiedObjectAbstract destructor.

Public Attributes

std::unique_ptr< Process::AudioInletinlet
std::unique_ptr< Process::AudioOutletoutlet
score::EntityMap< Process::ProcessModel, true > processes
Selectable selection {this}
ModelConsistency consistency {nullptr}
IntervalDurations duration {*this}
- Public Attributes inherited from IdentifiedObject< model >
Path< model > m_path_cache


struct IntervalSaveData
struct SlotPath

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from score::Entity< IntervalModel >
static const constexpr bool entity_tag
- Static Public Attributes inherited from IdentifiedObject< model >
static const constexpr bool identified_object_tag = true
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IdentifiedObjectAbstract
 IdentifiedObjectAbstract (const QString &name, QObject *parent) noexcept

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ IntervalModel()

Scenario::IntervalModel::IntervalModel ( const Id< IntervalModel > &  id,
double  yPos,
const score::DocumentContext ctx,
QObject *  parent 

The class

Member Data Documentation

◆ processes

score::EntityMap<Process::ProcessModel, true> Scenario::IntervalModel::processes

Properties of the class

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: