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LocalTree Namespace Reference

Local tree provides a way to extend the tree given through the Engine::Network::LocalDevice. More...

Detailed Description

Local tree provides a way to extend the tree given through the Engine::Network::LocalDevice.

It is a device tree used to access to score's internal data structures from the outside, or use it in automations, etc.

For instance, it allows to do conditions based on the advancement of each Scenario::IntervalModel.

It is possible to extend the tree for Process::ProcessModels, or other polymorphic types.


class  AutomationComponent
class  BaseCallbackWrapper
struct  BaseProperty
class  Component
class  DefaultProcessComponent
class  DocumentPlugin
class  Event
struct  GetPropertyWrapper
class  Interval
class  IntervalBase
class  MappingComponent
class  MetadataNamePropertyWrapper
class  ProcessComponent
class  ProcessComponentFactory
class  ProcessComponentFactory_T
class  ProcessComponentFactoryList
struct  PropertyWrapper
class  ScenarioComponentBase
struct  SetPropertyWrapper
class  State
class  TimeSync


using CommonComponent = Component< score::GenericComponent< const score::DocumentContext > >
template<typename T >
using qt_property_converter_T = ossia::qt_property_converter< std::remove_const_t< std::remove_reference_t< T > > >
template<typename Process_T >
using ProcessComponent_T = Process::GenericProcessComponent_T< ProcessComponent, Process_T >
using AutomationComponentFactory = ProcessComponentFactory_T< AutomationComponent >
using MappingComponentFactory = ProcessComponentFactory_T< MappingComponent >
using ScenarioComponent = HierarchicalScenarioComponent< ScenarioComponentBase, Scenario::ProcessModel, Interval, Event, TimeSync, State >
using ScenarioComponentFactory = LocalTree::ProcessComponentFactory_T< ScenarioComponent >


template<typename Property , typename Object >
auto add_getProperty (ossia::net::node_base &n, Object &obj, QObject *context)
template<typename Property , typename Object >
auto add_property (ossia::net::node_base &n, Object &obj, QObject *context)
template<typename Property , typename Object >
auto add_property (ossia::net::node_base &n, Object &obj, const std::string &name, QObject *context)
template<typename T , typename Callback >
auto make_setProperty (ossia::net::parameter_base &addr, Callback prop)
template<typename T , typename Callback >
auto add_setProperty (ossia::net::node_base &n, const std::string &name, Callback cb)
Device::DeviceSettings defaultSettings (const score::DocumentContext &ctx)
template<typename Property , typename Object >
auto add_value_property (ossia::net::node_base &n, Object &obj, const std::string &name, QObject *context)
IntervalScenarioComponentBase::make< Interval, Scenario::IntervalModel > (Scenario::IntervalModel &elt)
EventScenarioComponentBase::make< Event, Scenario::EventModel > (Scenario::EventModel &elt)
TimeSyncScenarioComponentBase::make< TimeSync, Scenario::TimeSyncModel > (Scenario::TimeSyncModel &elt)
StateScenarioComponentBase::make< State, Scenario::StateModel > (Scenario::StateModel &elt)