1 #pragma once
2 #include <Fx/Types.hpp>
4 #include <ossia/dataflow/value_port.hpp>
5 #include <ossia/detail/logger.hpp>
6 #include <ossia/network/value/format_value.hpp>
8 #include <halp/callback.hpp>
9 #include <halp/controls.hpp>
10 #include <halp/layout.hpp>
11 #include <halp/meta.hpp>
12 #include <halp/midi.hpp>
14 namespace Nodes::RateLimiter
15 {
16 struct Node
17 {
18  halp_meta(name, "Rate Limiter")
19  halp_meta(c_name, "RateLimiter")
20  halp_meta(category, "Control/Mappings")
21  halp_meta(
22  manual_url, "https://ossia.io/score-docs/processes/rate-limiter.html#rate-limiter")
23  halp_meta(author, "ossia score")
24  halp_meta(description, "Limit and quantize the rate of a value stream")
25  halp_meta(uuid, "76cfd504-7c10-4bdb-a1b4-fbe449cc06f0")
27  struct ins
28  {
29  // FIXME all incorrect when token_request smaller than tick
30  ossia_port<"in", ossia::value_port> port{};
31  quant_selector<"Quantization"> quantification; // FIXME use proper time widget
32  halp::hslider_i32<"ms.", halp::irange{0, 1000, 10}> ms;
33  } inputs;
34  struct
35  {
36  halp::timed_callback<"out", ossia::value> out;
37  } outputs;
39  using tick = halp::tick_flicks;
40  bool should_output(float quantif, int64_t ms, tick t)
41  {
42  if(quantif != 0.)
43  return true;
44  else if(t.end_in_flicks >= (last_time + ms * flicks_per_ms))
45  {
46  last_time = t.end_in_flicks;
47  return true;
48  }
49  return false;
50  }
52  static const constexpr int64_t flicks_per_ms = 705'600;
53  int64_t last_time{};
55  void operator()(const tick& t)
56  {
57  auto& in = *inputs.port.value;
58  auto quantif = inputs.quantification.value;
59  auto ms = inputs.ms.value;
60  for(const ossia::timed_value& v : in.get_data())
61  {
62  if(quantif <= 0.)
63  {
64  if(should_output(quantif, ms, t))
65  outputs.out(v.timestamp, v.value); // FIXME fix accuracy of timestamp
66  }
67  else
68  {
69  for(auto [t, q] : t.get_quantification_date(1. / quantif))
70  {
71  outputs.out(t, v.value);
72  break;
73  }
74  }
75  }
76  }
78  struct ui
79  {
80  halp_meta(layout, halp::layouts::hbox)
81  halp_meta(background, halp::colors::mid)
82  halp::control<&ins::quantification> q;
83  halp::control<&ins::ms> t;
84  };
85 };
86 }
Definition: RateLimiter.hpp:28
Definition: RateLimiter.hpp:79
Definition: RateLimiter.hpp:17
Definition: Types.hpp:48
Definition: Types.hpp:39