No Matches
Factory for processes that work like automations.
Definition AutomatableFactory.hpp:33
virtual int count(const State::AddressAccessor &address, const ossia::value &start, const ossia::value &end) const noexcept=0
Number of processes that should be created.
virtual Process::ProcessModelFactory * get(const score::ApplicationContext &ctx) const noexcept=0
Get the factory used.
virtual std::vector< Process::ProcessModel * > make(const Process::ProcessModelFactory &factory, const score::DocumentContext &ctx, const State::AddressAccessor &address, const ossia::value &start, const ossia::value &end, const TimeVal &duration, const std::vector< Id< ProcessModel > > &id, QObject *parent) const noexcept=0
Instantiate the actual processes.
virtual bool matches(const ossia::complex_type &t) const noexcept=0
Is this type able to provide a curve type for the following ossia type.
The ProcessFactory class.
Definition score-lib-process/Process/ProcessFactory.hpp:35
InterfaceList Default implementation of InterfaceListBase.
Definition InterfaceList.hpp:80
Definition AutomatableFactory.hpp:63
Definition Address.hpp:108
Definition TimeValue.hpp:21
Used to access all the application-wide state and structures.
Definition ApplicationContext.hpp:24
Definition DocumentContext.hpp:18