No Matches
Graphics plug-ins

This section covers creating custom visual effect processes and nodes.

See score::gfx and Gfx namespace documentation beforehand.

Creating a custom node

To create a custom node, one must inherit from score::gfx::Node and score::gfx::NodeRenderer. A good example is score::gfx::TexgenNode which generates a texture on the CPU from a C++ function.

The process is as follows :

  • Define the material of the node in a struct:
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct MyShaderParameters {
int foo;
float bar[2];
} my_params;
#pragma pack(pop)
Definition Benchmarker.cpp:23

The struct must respect GLSL std140 rules; sometimes additional explicit padding is needed even with pragma pack.

  • Add matching ports in the constructor:
input.push_back(new Port{this, &my_params.foo, Types::Int, {}});
input.push_back(new Port{this, my_params.bar, Types::Vec2, {}});
input.push_back(new Port{this, {}, Types::Image, {}});
output.push_back(new Port{this, {}, Types::Image, {}});
  • Write the shaders for your node (see ShaderConventions).

For instance, for the above definition, the material_t UBO would look like this:

layout(std140, binding = 2) uniform material_t {
int foo;
vec2 bar;

A sampler would also be created:

layout(binding = 3) uniform sampler2D my_input_texture;

See score::gfx::ImagesNode and score::gfx::TexgenNode for simple examples using the "pre-made" classes, and score::gfx::ISFNode or score::gfx::VideoNode for more complex example which do implement everything.

Once that is done, the only remaining thing is to create a score process which will allow the node to be used in the score.

Shader conventions

If one inherits from the base classes score::gfx::Node and score::gfx::NodeRenderer, there is no restriction: shaders can have whatever UBOs, samplers, attributes, ... that the node author wishes. Of course the mesh used must be compatible with the shader attributes.

On the other hand, one may opt-in to the conventions of score, which allows to use the simplified score::gfx::buildPipeline and score::gfx::DefaultShaderMaterial utilities.

In that case, vertex shaders shall follow this template:

#version 450
// Mesh input. Most common case is a full-screen quad / triangle which is
// reflected by the 2d positions used.
// See PhongNode for a real 3D example.
layout(location = 0) in vec2 position;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 texcoord;
layout(location = 0) out vec2 v_texcoord;
// Always present.
// Corresponds to the renderer global settings:
// - the final output size
// - adjustment factors which depend on the graphics API used.
layout(std140, binding = 0) uniform renderer_t {
mat4 clipSpaceCorrMatrix;
vec2 renderSize;
} renderer;
// Always present.
// Corresponds to the score process execution information.
// Mostly taken from the ISF and ShaderToy specs.
layout(std140, binding = 1) uniform process_t {
float time;
float timeDelta;
float progress;
int passIndex;
int frameIndex;
vec4 date;
vec4 mouse;
vec4 channelTime;
float sampleRate;
} process;
// This UBO is generated from the input ports of the score::gfx::Node
// when using a DefaultShaderMaterial.
layout(std140, binding = 2) uniform material_t {
} material;
// Samplers corresponding to input image ports
// are automatically added if using a DefaultShaderMaterial, starting from binding = 3
layout(binding = 3) uniform sampler2D first_sampler;
layout(binding = 4) uniform sampler2D second_sampler;
out gl_PerVertex { vec4 gl_Position; };
void main()
v_texcoord = texcoord;
gl_Position = renderer.clipSpaceCorrMatrix * vec4(position.xy, 0.0, 1.);

Fragment shaders shall follow this template:

#version 450
layout(location = 0) in vec2 v_texcoord;
// <!> insert here all the UBOs used in the vertex shader <!>
// NOTE : some APIs require the *exact* same variable names & definitions to be used in
// all the pipeline stages so be careful with it.
// NOTE : it is NECESSARY to give a name to the UBO variables and access them through it.
// Otherwise, spirv-cross may generate different names between vertex & fragment, which crashes
// on Apple's Metal API.
layout(location = 0) out vec4 fragColor;
void main ()
fragColor = ...;

Video decoders

If one wants to add support for GPU decoding of some video frame data, the it is sufficient to inherit from score::gfx::GPUVideoDecoder.

The available decoders are then listed in VideoNodeRenderer::createGpuDecoder() ; the AVFormat / fourcc is used to create the correct decoder for the input format.

See for instance score::gfx::YUV420Decoder for an example of GPU decoding of tri-planar YUV420 video.