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vst3::Model Class Referencefinal
Inheritance diagram for vst3::Model:
Process::ProcessModel score::Entity< ProcessModel > score::SerializableInterface< ProcessModel > IdentifiedObject< model > IdentifiedObjectAbstract

Public Member Functions

 Model (TimeVal t, const QString &name, const Id< Process::ProcessModel > &, QObject *parent)
template<typename Impl >
 Model (Impl &vis, QObject *parent)
ControlInletgetControl (const Id< Process::Port > &p) const
QString effect () const noexcept override
QString prettyName () const noexcept override
bool hasExternalUI () const noexcept
void removeControl (const Id< Process::Port > &)
void removeControl (Steinberg::Vst::ParamID fxnum)
void addControlFromEditor (Steinberg::Vst::ParamID id)
void on_addControl (const Steinberg::Vst::ParameterInfo &v)
void on_addControl_impl (ControlInlet *inl, const Steinberg::Vst::ParameterInfo *)
void initControl (ControlInlet *inl, const Steinberg::Vst::ParameterInfo *)
void reloadControls ()
Steinberg::tresult restartComponent (int32_t flags)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Process::ProcessModel
 ProcessModel (TimeVal duration, const Id< ProcessModel > &id, const QString &name, QObject *parent)
 ProcessModel (DataStream::Deserializer &vis, QObject *parent)
 ProcessModel (JSONObject::Deserializer &vis, QObject *parent)
virtual QString prettyShortName () const noexcept=0
virtual QString category () const noexcept=0
virtual QStringList tags () const noexcept=0
virtual ProcessFlags flags () const noexcept=0
void setParentDuration (ExpandMode mode, const TimeVal &t) noexcept
virtual TimeVal contentDuration () const noexcept
void setDuration (const TimeVal &other) noexcept
const TimeValduration () const noexcept
QPointF position () const noexcept
 Nodal things.
QSizeF size () const noexcept
void setPosition (const QPointF &v)
void setSize (const QSizeF &v)
void positionChanged (QPointF p)
void sizeChanged (QSizeF p)
virtual ProcessStateDataInterfacestartStateData () const noexcept
 States. The process has ownership.
virtual ProcessStateDataInterfaceendStateData () const noexcept
virtual Selection selectableChildren () const noexcept
virtual Selection selectedChildren () const noexcept
virtual void setSelection (const Selection &s) const noexcept
double getSlotHeight () const noexcept
void setSlotHeight (double) noexcept
const Process::Inletsinlets () const noexcept
const Process::Outletsoutlets () const noexcept
Process::Inletinlet (const Id< Process::Port > &) const noexcept
Process::Outletoutlet (const Id< Process::Port > &) const noexcept
virtual void ancestorStartDateChanged ()
virtual void ancestorTempoChanged ()
virtual void forEachControl (smallfun::function< void(Process::ControlInlet &, const ossia::value &)>) const
virtual std::optional< Process::MagneticInfomagneticPosition (const QObject *o, const TimeVal t) const noexcept
bool loops () const noexcept
void setLoops (bool b)
void loopsChanged (bool b)
TimeVal startOffset () const noexcept
void setStartOffset (TimeVal b)
void startOffsetChanged (TimeVal b)
TimeVal loopDuration () const noexcept
void setLoopDuration (TimeVal b)
void loopDurationChanged (TimeVal b)
virtual void setCreatingControls (bool ok)
bool creatingControls () const noexcept
void creatingControlsChanged (bool b)
void startExecution ()
void stopExecution ()
void resetExecution ()
void durationChanged (const TimeVal &arg_1)
void useParentDurationChanged (bool arg_1)
void slotHeightChanged (double arg_1)
void prettyNameChanged ()
void inletsChanged ()
void outletsChanged ()
void controlAdded (const Id< Process::Port > &arg_1)
void controlRemoved (const Process::Port &arg_1)
void controlOutletAdded (const Id< Process::Port > &arg_1)
void controlOutletRemoved (const Process::Port &arg_1)
void benchmark (double arg_1)
void externalUIVisible (bool v) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from score::Entity< ProcessModel >
 Entity (Id< ProcessModel > id, const QString &name, QObject *parent) noexcept
 Entity (Visitor &&vis, QObject *parent) noexcept
const score::Componentscomponents () const noexcept
score::Componentscomponents () noexcept
const score::ModelMetadatametadata () const noexcept
score::ModelMetadatametadata () noexcept
- Public Member Functions inherited from IdentifiedObject< model >
 IdentifiedObject (id_type id, const QString &name, QObject *parent) noexcept
template<typename Visitor >
 IdentifiedObject (Visitor &&v, QObject *parent) noexcept
const id_typeid () const noexcept
int32_t id_val () const noexcept final override
void setId (const id_type &id) noexcept
void setId (id_type &&id) noexcept
void resetCache () const noexcept override
- Public Member Functions inherited from IdentifiedObjectAbstract
void identified_object_destroying (IdentifiedObjectAbstract *o)
 To be called by subclasses.
void identified_object_destroyed (IdentifiedObjectAbstract *o)
 Will be called in the IdentifiedObjectAbstract destructor.
- Public Member Functions inherited from score::SerializableInterface< ProcessModel >
virtual UuidKey< ProcessModel > concreteKey () const noexcept=0
virtual void serialize_impl (const VisitorVariant &vis) const

Public Attributes

Plugin fx {}
ossia::hash_map< Steinberg::Vst::ParamID, ControlInlet * > controls
- Public Attributes inherited from Process::ProcessModel
Selectable selection {this}
QWidget * externalUI {}
- Public Attributes inherited from IdentifiedObject< model >
Path< model > m_path_cache


class vst3::CreateVSTControl
struct PortCreationVisitor

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from score::Entity< ProcessModel >
using entity_type = Entity< ProcessModel >
- Public Types inherited from IdentifiedObject< model >
using model_type = model
using id_type = Id< model >
using object_type = IdentifiedObject< model >
- Public Types inherited from score::SerializableInterface< ProcessModel >
using key_type = UuidKey< ProcessModel >
using is_abstract_base_tag = std::integral_constant< bool, true >
- Static Public Attributes inherited from score::Entity< ProcessModel >
static const constexpr bool entity_tag
- Static Public Attributes inherited from IdentifiedObject< model >
static const constexpr bool identified_object_tag = true
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Process::ProcessModel
virtual void setDurationAndScale (const TimeVal &newDuration) noexcept
virtual void setDurationAndGrow (const TimeVal &newDuration) noexcept
virtual void setDurationAndShrink (const TimeVal &newDuration) noexcept
- Protected Member Functions inherited from IdentifiedObjectAbstract
 IdentifiedObjectAbstract (const QString &name, QObject *parent) noexcept
- Protected Attributes inherited from Process::ProcessModel
Process::Inlets m_inlets
Process::Outlets m_outlets

Member Function Documentation

◆ effect()

QString Model::effect ( ) const

Reimplemented from Process::ProcessModel.

◆ prettyName()

QString Model::prettyName ( ) const

Reimplemented from Process::ProcessModel.

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