No Matches
Todo List
File AnySerialization.hpp
See the one used in boost.spirit which is said to be much faster.
Namespace Curve
Put the easing segments defined in the engine library in this library.
Member ObjectPath::find (const score::DocumentContext &ctx) const

(maybe) a way to specify custom ways of finding an object (for instance if obj->blurb() == Ding::someDing)

search starting from another object, for more performance.

Class score::Component
Document more.
Class score::ComponentHierarchyManager< ParentComponent_T, ChildModel_T, ChildComponent_T >
If the number of such hierarchies grows, it may be interesting instead to store them in a single hierarchy manager part of the original element.
Struct score::DocumentBackups
implement periodic saves in an on-disk folder for this case.
Struct score::PluginLoader::PluginDependencyGraph
generalize this to make it usable for all kind of plug-ins, and if possible DocumentPlugin.
Class score::ValidityChecker
Do these checks when loading something.