No Matches
Todo List
- File AnySerialization.hpp
- See the one used in boost.spirit which is said to be much faster.
- Namespace Curve
- Put the easing segments defined in the engine library in this library.
- Member ObjectPath::find (const score::DocumentContext &ctx) const
(maybe) a way to specify custom ways of finding an object (for instance if obj->blurb() == Ding::someDing)
search starting from another object, for more performance.
- Class score::Component
- Document more.
- Class score::ComponentHierarchyManager< ParentComponent_T, ChildModel_T, ChildComponent_T >
- If the number of such hierarchies grows, it may be interesting instead to store them in a single hierarchy manager part of the original element.
- Struct score::DocumentBackups
- implement periodic saves in an on-disk folder for this case.
- Struct score::PluginLoader::PluginDependencyGraph
- generalize this to make it usable for all kind of plug-ins, and if possible DocumentPlugin.
- Class score::ValidityChecker
- Do these checks when loading something.