No Matches
avnd_tools::PatternSweeper Struct Reference
Inheritance diagram for avnd_tools::PatternSweeper:

Public Types

enum  { up , down }
using tick = halp::tick_musical

Public Member Functions

 halp_meta (name, "Sweeper") halp_meta(author
ossia team halp_meta (category, "Control/Data processing") halp_meta(description
ossia team Sweep a message to all nodes matching a pattern halp_meta (c_name, "avnd_pattern_sweep") halp_meta(uuid
ossia team Sweep a message to all nodes matching a pattern f71b ac32 halp_meta (manual_url, "https://ossia.io/score-docs/processes/sweeper.html") struct
void prepare ()
void next ()
void operator() (const halp::tick_musical &tk)

Public Attributes

struct { 
std::size_t current_parameter = 0
double last_message_sent_pos = std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest()
enum avnd_tools::PatternSweeper:: { ... }  up
rnd::pcg pcg_state
- Public Attributes inherited from avnd_tools::PatternObject
ossia::exec_state_facade ossia_state
std::optional< ossia::traversal::path > m_path
std::vector< ossia::net::node_base * > roots

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: