No Matches
avnd_tools::DeviceRecorder Struct Reference
Inheritance diagram for avnd_tools::DeviceRecorder:

Detailed Description

Records the input into a CSV. To record an entire device: can be a pattern expression such as foo://

Writing to the disk is done in a worker thread as is tradition.


struct  activate_message
struct  inputs_t
struct  playback_message
struct  player_thread
struct  process_message
struct  reset_message
struct  reset_path_message

Public Types

using worker_message = ossia::variant< std::unique_ptr< reset_message >, reset_path_message, process_message, playback_message, activate_message >
using tick = halp::tick_musical

Public Member Functions

 halp_meta (name, "CSV recorder") halp_meta(author
ossia team halp_meta (category, "Control/Recording") halp_meta(description
ossia team Record the messages of a device at regular interval halp_meta (c_name, "avnd_device_recorder") halp_meta(uuid
ossia team Record the messages of a device at regular interval bde7 halp_meta (manual_url, "https://ossia.io/score-docs/processes/csv-recorder.html#csv-recorder") struct recorder_thread
void setMode ()
void update ()
void operator() (const halp::tick_musical &tk)

Public Attributes

std::shared_ptr< recorder_thread > record_impl = std::make_shared<recorder_thread>()
std::shared_ptr< player_threadplay_impl = std::make_shared<player_thread>()
struct avnd_tools::DeviceRecorder::inputs_t inputs
struct { 
struct { 
   std::function< void(worker_message)>   request 
bool started {}
std::optional< int64_t > first_message_sent_pos
std::optional< int64_t > last_message_sent_pos
- Public Attributes inherited from avnd_tools::PatternObject
ossia::exec_state_facade ossia_state
std::optional< ossia::traversal::path > m_path
std::vector< ossia::net::node_base * > roots

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