No Matches

Public Types

using ChannelMap = ossia::hash_map< QString, Artnet::Channel >

Public Member Functions

void loadMatrix (const rapidjson::Value &mat)
QString getWheelName (QString channelName, int wheelSlot) const noexcept
ChannelMap loadChannels (const rapidjson::Value &val)
void addTemplateToMode (FixtureMode &m, const rapidjson::Value &repeatFor, std::string_view channelOrder, const std::vector< QString > &templateChannels, const ChannelMap &templates)
void loadModes (const rapidjson::Document &doc)

Static Public Member Functions

static std::vector< WheelloadWheels (const rapidjson::Value &value) noexcept
static std::function< bool(int)> constraint_pos (std::string_view cst) noexcept
static std::function< bool(const QString &)> constraint_name (std::string_view cst) noexcept
static std::vector< int > filter_constraints (const std::vector< Pixel > &pixels, const std::vector< std::string_view > &x_cst, const std::vector< std::string_view > &y_cst, const std::vector< std::string_view > &z_cst, const std::vector< std::string_view > &name_cst) noexcept

Public Attributes

QString name {}
QStringList tags {}
QIcon icon {}
PixelMatrix matrix {}
std::vector< Wheelwheels {}
std::vector< FixtureModemodes {}

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • ArtnetProtocolSettingsWidget.cpp