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Midi::ChangeNotesVelocity Member List
This is the complete list of members for Midi::ChangeNotesVelocity, including all inherited members.
ChangeNotesVelocity(const ProcessModel &model, const std::vector< Id< Note > > &to_update, double vel_delta) (defined in Midi::ChangeNotesVelocity) | Midi::ChangeNotesVelocity | |
Command() (defined in score::Command) | score::Command | |
description() const =0 (defined in score::Command) | score::Command | pure virtual |
deserialize(const QByteArray &) (defined in score::Command) | score::Command | |
deserializeImpl(DataStreamOutput &s) override (defined in Midi::ChangeNotesVelocity) | Midi::ChangeNotesVelocity | protectedvirtual |
key() const noexcept=0 (defined in score::Command) | score::Command | pure virtual |
parentKey() const noexcept=0 (defined in score::Command) | score::Command | pure virtual |
redo(const score::DocumentContext &ctx) const override (defined in Midi::ChangeNotesVelocity) | Midi::ChangeNotesVelocity | virtual |
serialize() const (defined in score::Command) | score::Command | |
serializeImpl(DataStreamInput &s) const override (defined in Midi::ChangeNotesVelocity) | Midi::ChangeNotesVelocity | protectedvirtual |
undo(const score::DocumentContext &ctx) const override (defined in Midi::ChangeNotesVelocity) | Midi::ChangeNotesVelocity | virtual |
update(unused_t, unused_t, double vel_delta) (defined in Midi::ChangeNotesVelocity) | Midi::ChangeNotesVelocity | |
~Command() (defined in score::Command) | score::Command | virtual |