No Matches
Useful score interfaces
This page lists useful score interfaces to use when building a custom plug-in.
Basic interfaces :
- score::InterfaceBase : custom polymorphic interfaces, the base class of all interfaces mentioned here.
- score::GUIApplicationPlugin : used to store app-level objects and data.
- Notable example: Curve::ApplicationPlugin handles curve edition global keyboard shortcuts.
- Notable example: Audio::ApplicationPlugin creates and manages the audio engine.
- score::DocumentPlugin : used to store document-level objects and data. For global per-document data that needs to be saved, for instance.
- Notable example: RemoteControl::DocumentPlugin : exposes a document over WebSockets.
- score::PanelDelegate : used to add custom panels to the software.
- Notable example: JS::PanelDelegate : adds a JavaScript scripting console.
- score::Command : custom undo-redo commands.
- Simple example: Process::ChangePortAddress.
- Average example: Midi::ChangeNotesVelocity.
- Advanced example: Scenario::Command::RemoveProcessFromInterval.
- See also score::PropertyCommand and the PROPERTY_COMMAND_T macro which makes that automatic for simple properties.
Interfaces used to implement processes (like automations, etc.) :
- Process::ProcessModel : data model for processes.
- Simple example: Media::Step::Model
- Average example: Midi::ProcessModel
- Advanced example: JS::ProcessModel ; if you want to embed a new programming language in score, this is the one to check.
- See also Process::ProcessModelFactory
- Process::LayerPresenter and Process::LayerView : custom user interface for processes.
- Simple example: Media::Step::Presenter / Media::Step::View
- Average example: Midi::Presenter / Midi::View
- Advanced example: Scenario::ScenarioPresenter / Scenario::ScenarioView
- See also Process::LayerFactory
- Execution::ProcessComponent : going from the score data model to the libossia execution engine.
- Example: Execution::StepComponent
- LocalTree::ProcessComponent : exposing processes properties as OSC keys that can be remote-controlled.
- Example: LocalTree::AutomationComponent
- RemoteControl::ProcessComponent : exposing processes properties as a custom WebSocket API.
- Example: ControlSurface::Remote
Note that if you want to make a simple process with only fixed controls, inputs and outputs, a much simpler API exists, in score-plugin-fx.
- Check out Nodes::Gain::Node for a simple gain processor.
- Check out Nodes::LFO::Node for a more advanced example with a custom UI.
Interfaces used to implement video processors (like shader filter, video, image) :
- score::gfx::Node : data model for graphics renderers
- Example: TexgenNode
- score::gfx::NodeRenderer : actual renderer
- Example: TexgenNode::Rendered
Interfaces used to implement protocols and devices (like OSC, Art-Net...) :
- Device::DeviceInterface : the actual device implementation.
- Example: Protocols::ArtnetDevice / Protocols::ArtnetProtocolFactory
- See also Device::ProtocolFactory : the factory, which will also create widgets, etc.
Interfaces relative to media processing:
- Video::VideoInterface : generic interface for decoding video frame by frame.
- Example: Video::CameraInput ; Video::VideoDecoder
- GPUVideoDecoder : code specific for decoding a kind of video frame on the GPU, e.g. YUV420, HAP...
- Example: RGB0Decoder
Other useful interfaces:
- Library::LibraryInterface : used to add handling of a custom data type to the user library. For instance for making a custom file type visible in the user library, adding a new format of audio plug-in...
- Example: Faust::LibraryHandler
- Example: Media::Sound::LibraryHandler
- Process::ProcessDropHandler : used to handle custom data types when a drag'n'drop occurs. For instance for adding support to dropping a custom file type in a score.
- Example: Faust::DropHandler
- Example: Midi::DropHandler
- Inspector::InspectorWidgetBase : creating custom inspectors.