Open Scenario System for Interactive Application
No Matches
ossia-c.h File Reference

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typedef struct ossia_protocol * ossia_protocol_t
typedef struct ossia_device * ossia_device_t
typedef struct ossia_domain * ossia_domain_t
typedef struct ossia_value * ossia_value_t
typedef struct ossia_logger * ossia_logger_t
typedef void * ossia_node_t
typedef void * ossia_parameter_t
typedef void(* ossia_node_callback_t) (void *ctx, ossia_node_t)
typedef struct ossia_node_callback_index * ossia_node_callback_idx_t
typedef void(* ossia_parameter_callback_t) (void *ctx, ossia_parameter_t)
typedef struct ossia_parameter_callback_index * ossia_parameter_callback_idx_t
typedef void(* ossia_value_callback_t) (void *ctx, ossia_value_t)
typedef struct ossia_value_callback_index * ossia_value_callback_idx_t
typedef void * ossia_mq_t
typedef void * ossia_network_context_t


enum  ossia_type {
enum  ossia_access_mode { BI , GET , SET }
enum  ossia_bounding_mode {
enum  log_level {
  trace , debug , info , warn ,
  error , critical , off


OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_protocol_t ossia_protocol_multiplex_create ()
 Instantiate a multiplexer protocol.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_protocol_multiplex_expose_to (ossia_protocol_t local, ossia_protocol_t other)
 Adds a protocol to the set of protocols managed by the multiplexer.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_protocol_t ossia_protocol_osc_create (const char *ip, int remote_port, int local_port)
 Instantiate a raw OSC protocol.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_protocol_t ossia_protocol_minuit_create (const char *local_name, const char *ip, int remote_port, int local_port)
 Instantiate a Minuit protocol.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_protocol_t ossia_protocol_oscquery_server_create (int osc_port, int ws_port)
 Instantiate an OSCQuery server.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_protocol_t ossia_protocol_oscquery_mirror_create (const char *host)
 Instantiate an OSCQuery client.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_protocol_free (ossia_protocol_t)
 Free the memory associated to a protocol.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_device_t ossia_device_create (ossia_protocol_t protocol, const char *name)
 Create a device.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_device_free (ossia_device_t device)
 Free a device instance.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_device_reset_static ()
 Free the global device table.
OSSIA_EXPORT int ossia_device_update_namespace (ossia_device_t device)
 Request the nodes of a server if the protocol handles it.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_node_t ossia_device_get_root_node (ossia_device_t device)
 Get the root node of a device.
OSSIA_EXPORT const char * ossia_device_get_name (ossia_device_t device)
 Get the name of a device.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_node_callback_idx_t ossia_device_add_node_created_callback (ossia_device_t device, ossia_node_callback_t callback, void *ctx)
 Add a callback called when a node is created in a device.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_device_remove_node_created_callback (ossia_device_t device, ossia_node_callback_idx_t index)
 Remove a callback added with ossia_device_add_node_created_callback.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_node_callback_idx_t ossia_device_add_node_removing_callback (ossia_device_t device, ossia_node_callback_t callback, void *ctx)
 Add a callback called when a node is removed in a device.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_device_remove_node_removing_callback (ossia_device_t device, ossia_node_callback_idx_t index)
 Remove a callback added with ossia_device_add_node_removing_callback.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_parameter_callback_idx_t ossia_device_add_parameter_deleting_callback (ossia_device_t device, ossia_parameter_callback_t callback, void *ctx)
 Add a callback called when a parameter is removed in a device.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_device_remove_parameter_deleting_callback (ossia_device_t device, ossia_parameter_callback_idx_t index)
 Remove a callback added with ossia_device_add_parameter_deleting_callback.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_node_t ossia_parameter_get_node (ossia_parameter_t param)
 Return the node a parameter is part of.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_set_access_mode (ossia_parameter_t param, ossia_access_mode am)
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_access_mode ossia_parameter_get_access_mode (ossia_parameter_t param)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_set_bounding_mode (ossia_parameter_t param, ossia_bounding_mode bm)
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_bounding_mode ossia_parameter_get_bounding_mode (ossia_parameter_t param)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_set_domain (ossia_parameter_t param, ossia_domain_t domain)
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_domain_t ossia_parameter_get_domain (ossia_parameter_t param)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_set_unit (ossia_parameter_t param, const char *unit)
OSSIA_EXPORT const char * ossia_parameter_get_unit (ossia_parameter_t param)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_set_muted (ossia_parameter_t param, int muted)
OSSIA_EXPORT int ossia_parameter_get_muted (ossia_parameter_t param)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_set_disabled (ossia_parameter_t param, int disabled)
OSSIA_EXPORT int ossia_parameter_get_disabled (ossia_parameter_t param)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_set_critical (ossia_parameter_t param, int critical)
OSSIA_EXPORT int ossia_parameter_get_critical (ossia_parameter_t param)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_set_repetition_filter (ossia_parameter_t param, int repetition_filter)
OSSIA_EXPORT int ossia_parameter_get_repetition_filter (ossia_parameter_t param)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_set_value (ossia_parameter_t param, ossia_value_t value)
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_value_t ossia_parameter_get_value (ossia_parameter_t param)
OSSIA_EXPORT int ossia_parameter_to_int (ossia_parameter_t val)
 Get the value if it is an int.
OSSIA_EXPORT float ossia_parameter_to_float (ossia_parameter_t val)
 Get the value if it is an float.
OSSIA_EXPORT struct ossia_vec2f ossia_parameter_to_2f (ossia_parameter_t val)
 Get the value if it is a vec2f.
OSSIA_EXPORT struct ossia_vec3f ossia_parameter_to_3f (ossia_parameter_t val)
 Get the value if it is a vec3f.
OSSIA_EXPORT struct ossia_vec4f ossia_parameter_to_4f (ossia_parameter_t val)
 Get the value if it is a vec4f.
OSSIA_EXPORT int ossia_parameter_to_bool (ossia_parameter_t val)
 Get the value if it is a bool.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_to_byte_array (ossia_parameter_t val, char **str, size_t *sz)
 Get the value if it is a byte array.
OSSIA_EXPORT const char * ossia_parameter_to_string (ossia_parameter_t val)
 Get the value if it is a null-terminated string.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_to_list (ossia_parameter_t val_in, ossia_value_t **out, size_t *size)
 Get the value if it is a list.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_to_fn (ossia_parameter_t val_in, float **out, size_t *size)
 Get the value if it is a list of floats.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_to_in (ossia_parameter_t val_in, int **out, size_t *size)
 Get the value if it is a list of ints.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_push_value (ossia_parameter_t param, ossia_value_t value)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_push_impulse (ossia_parameter_t param)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_push_i (ossia_parameter_t param, int value)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_push_b (ossia_parameter_t param, int b)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_push_f (ossia_parameter_t param, float value)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_push_2f (ossia_parameter_t param, float v1, float v2)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_push_3f (ossia_parameter_t param, float v1, float v2, float v3)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_push_4f (ossia_parameter_t param, float v1, float v2, float v3, float v4)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_push_c (ossia_parameter_t param, char value)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_push_s (ossia_parameter_t param, const char *value)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_push_in (ossia_parameter_t param, const int *value, size_t sz)
 Push an array of integers.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_push_fn (ossia_parameter_t param, const float *value, size_t sz)
 Push an array of floats.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_push_cn (ossia_parameter_t param, const char *value, size_t sz)
 Push a string with known length.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_push_list (ossia_parameter_t param, const ossia_value_t *value, size_t sz)
 Push an array of values.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_value_t ossia_parameter_fetch_value (ossia_parameter_t param)
 Fetch the value of a parameter.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_set_listening (ossia_parameter_t param, int listening)
 Enable or disable remote updates for a given address.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_value_callback_idx_t ossia_parameter_add_callback (ossia_parameter_t param, ossia_value_callback_t callback, void *ctx)
 Add a callback called when the value of a parameter changes.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_push_callback (ossia_parameter_t param, ossia_value_callback_t callback, void *ctx)
 Add a callback called when the value of a parameter changes.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_remove_callback (ossia_parameter_t param, ossia_value_callback_idx_t index)
 Remove a callback added with ossia_parameter_add_callback.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_parameter_free_callback_idx (ossia_value_callback_idx_t)
 Free a callback index.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_node_t ossia_node_find (ossia_node_t root, const char *path)
 Find a child node.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_node_find_pattern (ossia_node_t root, const char *pattern, ossia_node_t **data, size_t *size)
 Find nodes matching a wildcard pattern.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_node_t ossia_node_create (ossia_node_t root, const char *path)
 Create a child node.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_node_create_pattern (ossia_node_t root, const char *pattern, ossia_node_t **data, size_t *size)
 Create nodes matching a brace expansion pattern.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_node_array_free (ossia_node_t *)
 Free an array of nodes allocated with ossia_node_find_pattern or ossia_node_create_pattern.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_node_t ossia_node_add_child (ossia_node_t node, const char *name)
 Create a direct child node.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_node_remove_child (ossia_node_t node, ossia_node_t name)
 Removes a direct child node.
OSSIA_EXPORT const char * ossia_node_get_name (ossia_node_t node)
 Get the name of a node.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_device_t ossia_node_get_device (ossia_node_t node)
 Get the root device of a node.
OSSIA_EXPORT int ossia_node_child_size (ossia_node_t node)
 Get the number of children of a node.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_node_t ossia_node_get_child (ossia_node_t node, int child_n)
 Get a specific direct child of a node.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_node_t ossia_node_find_child (ossia_node_t node, const char *name)
 Find a direct child of a node by name.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_parameter_t ossia_node_create_parameter (ossia_node_t node, ossia_type type)
 Create a parameter in a node.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_parameter_t ossia_create_parameter (ossia_node_t node, const char *name, const char *type)
 Create a child parameter.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_parameter_t ossia_node_get_parameter (ossia_node_t node)
 Get the address contained in a node if any.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_node_remove_parameter (ossia_node_t node)
 Remove the address contained in a node if any.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_node_callback_idx_t ossia_node_add_deleting_callback (ossia_node_t node, ossia_node_callback_t callback, void *ctx)
 Add a callback called when a node is about to be removed.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_node_remove_deleting_callback (ossia_node_t node, ossia_node_callback_idx_t index)
 Remove a callback added with ossia_node_add_deleting_callback.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_node_set_description (ossia_node_t node, const char *description)
OSSIA_EXPORT const char * ossia_node_get_description (ossia_node_t node)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_node_set_extended_type (ossia_node_t node, const char *extended_type)
OSSIA_EXPORT const char * ossia_node_get_extended_type (ossia_node_t node)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_node_set_tags (ossia_node_t node, const char **tags, size_t sz)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_node_get_tags (ossia_node_t node, char ***tags, size_t *sz)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_tags_free (char **tags, size_t sz)
 Free tags allocated with ossia_node_get_tags.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_node_set_hidden (ossia_node_t node, int hidden)
OSSIA_EXPORT int ossia_node_get_hidden (ossia_node_t node)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_node_set_refresh_rate (ossia_node_t node, int refresh_rate)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_node_unset_refresh_rate (ossia_node_t node)
OSSIA_EXPORT int ossia_node_get_refresh_rate (ossia_node_t node, int *ok)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_node_set_priority (ossia_node_t node, float priority)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_node_unset_priority (ossia_node_t node)
OSSIA_EXPORT float ossia_node_get_priority (ossia_node_t node, int *ok)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_node_set_value_step_size (ossia_node_t node, double value_step_size)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_node_unset_value_step_size (ossia_node_t node)
OSSIA_EXPORT double ossia_node_get_value_step_size (ossia_node_t node, int *ok)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_node_set_instance_bounds (ossia_node_t node, int min, int max)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_node_unset_instance_bounds (ossia_node_t node)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_node_get_instance_bounds (ossia_node_t node, int *min, int *max, int *ok)
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_node_set_default_value (ossia_node_t node, ossia_value_t default_value)
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_value_t ossia_node_get_default_value (ossia_node_t node)
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_domain_t ossia_domain_create (void)
 ossia_domain_create Create a domain
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_domain_t ossia_domain_make_min_max (ossia_value_t min, ossia_value_t max)
 Create a domain from two values.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_value_t ossia_domain_get_min (ossia_domain_t domain)
 Get the min of a domain.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_domain_set_min (ossia_domain_t domain, ossia_value_t value)
 Set the min of a domain.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_value_t ossia_domain_get_max (ossia_domain_t domain)
 Get the max of a domain.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_domain_set_max (ossia_domain_t domain, ossia_value_t value)
 Set the max of a domain.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_domain_t ossia_domain_make_string_set (const char **strings, size_t n)
 Create a domain from a set of strings.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_domain_t ossia_domain_make_int_set (const int *values, size_t n)
 Create a domain from a set of ints.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_domain_t ossia_domain_make_float_set (const float *values, size_t n)
 Create a domain from a set of floats.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_domain_t ossia_domain_make_value_set (const ossia_value_t *values, size_t n)
 Create a domain from a set of values.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_domain_get_values (ossia_domain_t domain, ossia_value_t **values, size_t *n)
 Get the values of a domain.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_domain_set_values (ossia_domain_t domain, const ossia_value_t *values, size_t n)
 Set the values of a domain.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_domain_free (ossia_domain_t domain)
 Free a domain.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_value_t ossia_value_create_impulse ()
 Create a value of type Impulse.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_value_t ossia_value_create_int (int value)
 Create a value of type int.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_value_t ossia_value_create_float (float value)
 Create a value of type float.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_value_t ossia_value_create_2f (float v1, float v2)
 Create a value of type vec2f.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_value_t ossia_value_create_3f (float v1, float v2, float v3)
 Create a value of type vec3f.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_value_t ossia_value_create_4f (float v1, float v2, float v3, float v4)
 Create a value of type vec4f.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_value_t ossia_value_create_bool (int value)
 Create a value of type bool.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_value_t ossia_value_create_char (char value)
 Create a value of type char.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_value_t ossia_value_create_string (const char *value)
 Create a value of type string.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_value_t ossia_value_create_byte_array (const char *value, size_t size)
 Create a value of type string.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_value_t ossia_value_create_list (const ossia_value_t *values, size_t size)
 Create a value of type list.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_value_t ossia_value_create_in (const int *values, size_t size)
 Create a value of type list with only ints.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_value_t ossia_value_create_fn (const float *values, size_t size)
 Create a value of type list with only floats.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_value_free (ossia_value_t value)
 Free the value.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_type ossia_value_get_type (ossia_value_t type)
 Get the type of a value.
OSSIA_EXPORT int ossia_value_to_int (ossia_value_t val)
 Get the value if it is an int.
OSSIA_EXPORT float ossia_value_to_float (ossia_value_t val)
 Get the value if it is an float.
OSSIA_EXPORT struct ossia_vec2f ossia_value_to_2f (ossia_value_t val)
 Get the value if it is a vec2f.
OSSIA_EXPORT struct ossia_vec3f ossia_value_to_3f (ossia_value_t val)
 Get the value if it is a vec3f.
OSSIA_EXPORT struct ossia_vec4f ossia_value_to_4f (ossia_value_t val)
 Get the value if it is a vec4f.
OSSIA_EXPORT int ossia_value_to_bool (ossia_value_t val)
 Get the value if it is an bool.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_value_to_byte_array (ossia_value_t val, char **str, size_t *sz)
 Get the value if it is a byte array.
OSSIA_EXPORT const char * ossia_value_to_string (ossia_value_t val)
 Get the value if it is a null-terminated string.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_value_to_list (ossia_value_t val_in, ossia_value_t **out, size_t *size)
 Get the value if it is a list.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_value_free_list (ossia_value_t *out)
 Free an array of values.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_value_to_fn (ossia_value_t val_in, float **out, size_t *size)
 Get the value if it is a list of floats.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_value_free_fn (float *out)
 Free an array of float.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_value_to_in (ossia_value_t val_in, int **out, size_t *size)
 Get the value if it is a list of ints.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_value_free_in (int *out)
 Free an array of int.
OSSIA_EXPORT int ossia_value_convert_int (ossia_value_t val)
 Get the value as an int.
OSSIA_EXPORT float ossia_value_convert_float (ossia_value_t val)
 Get the value as a float.
OSSIA_EXPORT int ossia_value_convert_bool (ossia_value_t val)
 Get the value as a bool.
OSSIA_EXPORT char ossia_value_convert_char (ossia_value_t val)
 Get the value as a char.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_value_convert_byte_array (ossia_value_t val, char **str, size_t *sz)
 Get the value as a byte array.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_value_convert_list (ossia_value_t val_in, ossia_value_t **out, size_t *size)
 Get the value as a list.
OSSIA_EXPORT struct ossia_vec2f ossia_value_convert_2f (ossia_value_t val)
 Get the value as a vec2f.
OSSIA_EXPORT struct ossia_vec3f ossia_value_convert_3f (ossia_value_t val)
 Get the value as a vec3f.
OSSIA_EXPORT struct ossia_vec4f ossia_value_convert_4f (ossia_value_t val)
 Get the value as a vec4f.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_string_free (char *)
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_logger_t ossia_logger_create (const char *host, const char *app)
 Create a logger instance.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_logger_init_heartbeat (ossia_logger_t log, int pid, const char *cmdline)
 Start sending logger heartbeats.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_logger_set_level (ossia_logger_t log, enum log_level lvl)
 Change the current log level.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_log (ossia_logger_t log, enum log_level lvl, const char *message)
 Log a message.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_logger_free (ossia_logger_t log)
 Free a logger instance.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_mq_t ossia_mq_create (ossia_device_t)
 Create a message queue for a given device.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_mq_register (ossia_mq_t, ossia_parameter_t)
 Register a parameter into a message queue.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_mq_unregister (ossia_mq_t, ossia_parameter_t)
 Unregister a parameter from a message queue.
OSSIA_EXPORT int ossia_mq_pop (ossia_mq_t mq, ossia_parameter_t *param, ossia_value_t *val)
 Get the head of the message queue if any.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_mq_free (ossia_mq_t)
 Remove a message queue.
OSSIA_EXPORT ossia_network_context_t ossia_network_context_create ()
 Create a new network context.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_network_context_free (ossia_network_context_t)
 Free a network context.
OSSIA_EXPORT void ossia_network_context_poll (ossia_network_context_t)
 Process the network events currently pending.